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A Comment on Future Spells

Jun 08, 2009
Hello, fellow Wizards. If you take a look at the Dorms today, the majority of ideas are new spells. While it's always nice to see Wizards thinking up new ideas to give Wizards another great card to use, I don't think KI will be going back to High-Pip Attack Spell Cards in the forseeable future. My reasoning for this prediction will be presented in this post.

With Avalon, Kingsisle granted each school four new spells. They were Utility spells though, not the flashy attacks we have gotten in the past.
Let's glance at Zafaria.

When ZF and our rank 9 spells came out, we got such devastating powers as Rain of Fire, Sirens, Doctor Von's Monster, and Basilisk, among others. But they were Rank 9. If another High Pip card would be released, it would require an incredible 10 Pips. Now for us Wizards, this normally isn't a problem. Just wait for an extra Power pip instead of casting your Rank 8 spell, right? So, yeah, no big deal. But nonetheless, some of us would complain. Some of us might not like that one extra round (two if they don't get a Power Pip when it is needed). This would inevitably force Kingsisle to release Mega Pips, a much discussed concept here in the forums.

The concept of the Mega Pip is relatively simple: As a Power Pip represents two pips, a Mega Pip would represent 3-4 pips. I would assume the chance of acquiring one would be low, but it would be present nonetheless. It would be a good thing for High Pip spells, you might think. But in PvP, things would be different.

In PvP, it is my main Strategy, as well as the tactics of others, to use Enchanted, Low-Pip or Medium pip spells such as Kraken and Triton. Mega Pips would make it easier to cast spells like that. With a series of Mega Pips, I could easily spam Kraken once each round for Seven rounds. Do you think someone without good Storm resist could withstand that easily? Now let's see what happens if an Ice spams their craftable Fomori spell. It's 5 pips. with 7 Mega Pips, they could cast this roughly 5 times in just a few rounds.

So you see the PvP problems this could make. So, here is my theory: Kingsisle has seen this problem since ZF. This means there likely won't be Rank 10 Cards. We will probably get Utility Spells or Low-Pip attacks like Deer Knight and Catalan. I am fine with this. I hope we all are.

Comments, please? Negative and Positive feedback welcome.

Jul 08, 2011
Yeah i would not wanna see the day when mega pips are realeased. It would be way to overpowering imo because depending on how the pips and pip gaines are worked out, you could use a leviathan or medusa or efreet on the very first turn, once again depending on how the pips are worked out, which would be way to spammable and people in PvP would complain and then it would be taken away or they would finally overhaul the PvP system(i dont have a problem with that). Ultimatly i dont think it will be done due to the imbalance of power it will create as far as which school gets the best chance for them goes

Feb 07, 2011
Yes, mega-pips would be overpowered. But what about PvE? As new worlds are added, the enemies are going to get stronger and cheat more... we wizards won't be able to keep up. The casual crowd has already been left in the dust, but no more spells? That would defeat the purpose of leveling up, not to mention totally alienate the PvE players... and we've been neglected enough. PvP may have improved, but at our expense.

PvE is already subservient to PvP. Please correct me, if I've misunderstood you, but are you suggesting that we not be allowed to learn any more spells, just because the PvP crowd /might/ find something to complain about? How is that news?

I agree with you on a lot of things, bionaknight. But, as a PvE player with zero interest in PvP, this is not one of them.

El Veeb

Jul 09, 2009
I agree KI, may rue the day they released mega pips. I'm open to change and I think why not simply make mega pips PvE only? But, I also realized wizards will complain. Wonderful, isn't it? Ki can't release anything without a complaint coming up. Plus Balance you know is going to get nerfed because mana burn. Aswell as heckhound, temp, frozen & ice armor, backdraft, judge, supercharge, and so on.

I say just give us say one more set of utility spells. Two for each school?
Afterwards give us Rank 10 spells. If it doesn't work well, it doesn't come out to live. I wish Wizard101 would go back to its simpler times. Sadly as everything moves forward the more bugs appear. Gotta love the Grandmaster days!

Aaron Drakewalker Archmage Pyromancer

Jan 03, 2011
This a great a assessment and i agree with a lot of the points. In fact, i am one of the people happy that we didn't get new gear and attack spell with avalon lol (though i do think it will be needed next world). Mega pips indeed would be disastrous for pvp. and while i don't pvp, it's nice to have the option there. we also needed a break from high ranked spells. like you stated, the rank 9 one were sufficient enough to last us through a couple more worlds.

However i would agree with vonawsome1 in that pve should not be held back because of the effects mega pips would have on pvp. We really are gonna need something like mega pips for the next world. Avalon made it obvious. those monsters are not jokes anymore.

I always thought it would be simple to just implement mega pips for pve and not for pvp. then again it's just a theory, who knows what complications it might bring for KI's team or the gameplay itself.

Aug 01, 2011
Yeah if there were mega pips oh my goodness look at judgement's power with mega pips that's kind of scary to imagine

Jun 08, 2009
vonawesome1 wrote:
Yes, mega-pips would be overpowered. But what about PvE? As new worlds are added, the enemies are going to get stronger and cheat more... we wizards won't be able to keep up. The casual crowd has already been left in the dust, but no more spells? That would defeat the purpose of leveling up, not to mention totally alienate the PvE players... and we've been neglected enough. PvP may have improved, but at our expense.

PvE is already subservient to PvP. Please correct me, if I've misunderstood you, but are you suggesting that we not be allowed to learn any more spells, just because the PvP crowd /might/ find something to complain about? How is that news?

I agree with you on a lot of things, bionaknight. But, as a PvE player with zero interest in PvP, this is not one of them.

El Veeb
If you reread my post, you will see that I meant no High Pip Spells. We may get new spells, but they may be 6 Pip attacks, or 3 Pip Utility Spells.

Sep 08, 2008
Thing is ... getting future spells needing more and more pips will simply make us wizards wait for those pips. Starting at only 4 pips (2 power pips, lets assume, we all get high chance of power pips) we already wait a pretty lengthy time for our rank 9 spells. Which most likely will be 5 power pips. And on that note, rank 10 spells would not really alter our situation any more than our current rank 9 spells.

So, are we really going to sit and wait for 3+ rounds doing nothing but getting pummeled by mobs that start with an automatic 10+ pips? Yea, we can cast shields, but ... we wait and wait and wait. IF higher rank spells are made, we just wait longer. Meanwhile, the mobs get to cast at turn one, thanks to the enormous amounts of pips they get.

I think, what would justify higher rank spells, is a wand, or some item, that gives us +1 extra power pip, meaning we would start off with a potential 3 power pips, or 6 pips. Especially considering how nightmarish mob encounters and boss fights have become.