For starters: I was taught that if you're going to criticize something, you have to be able to provide a solution or alternative to the thing you are criticizing. And that using blanket criticism (like so many people on the MB do nowadays) is an ineffective way of letting a problem be known. After all, it would be pretty easy for me to say everything in this game is horrible, period. But that's not what I'm gonna do. People claim specific analogical ideas on how this game is becoming A "PVP-Centered Slogfest" and weather or not you agree with is true in certain aspects. I for one am apprehensive on what we the community needs to do to achieve what we want for the better. Everyone has different ideas and thoughts...but the best are often hard to come across.
Now what people here need to understand is that nothing will change if we complain about everything. The developers won't take us seriously if we stomp our foots and scream at everything they pump out to keep this game alive. Now....alive is a key word there. Breathless is what this game would be without its community. A dead game with no innovation or future. I see hints of these things but I do not see them as imminent or permanent even so. But we the community are not abusing our power, but keeping it locked away. Remember what I said about how this game is nothing without its community. We bring the ideas that the developers want or even need to hear. But not enough community members are giving out the ideas to make this game flow....and instead are frothing insults that spawn Negative Change: as in disrupting the natural flow of things. This Negative Change is not good, and is like a Virus seeping through the veins of the message boards. To purge it; more people should offer their ideas, comments, concerns and suggestions to make this game a better place for as many as possible. I detest seeing posts that complain about a problem yet do not offer any substantial form of innovation to remove or fix the situation. And innovation is what this community needs more then ever, Something new that personifies a new beginning, yet keeps its roots right where the heart is. We need Positive Change.
Anyways I hope you have enjoyed what I have to say or offer. This is just a post intended to reach out to as many as possible, and to give them a new leaf to look towards the positive side of things. To amplify peoples' ideas to improve the game....and to ward off those who seek to watch it crumble. To give more hope to the community that is too busy cleaning its nails then to think of solutions. There are solutions to the problems we see as repulsive; We just need to find those who are willing to speak their mind and let their heart speak even louder. Thank you, and have an excellent day.
"So...what do we need to open the lock? Well, the is in your hands. Use it well."
Thumbs up for your message to the community. Many players want to improve a great game without all the naysayers nit-picking their suggestions to death.
I was just thinking "wouldn't it be great if everyone could readily access a list of all the many player suggestions that have helped bring us to today's version of W101 through their many ideas."
And even though, every idea is always practical or possible, isn't it amazing how sometimes hearing or reading "This or that won't work," ultimately motivates and inspires a person to find a better way to turn their thoughts into awesome realities.
While your suggestion won't get everyone to hold hands and sing "Kumbayah," its a great approach for others to give their support, and provide positive feedback on better and best ideas and suggestions.
I'm all for constructive suggestions to improve the game, or bring more fun to the community.
Some people however seem to complain endlessly, yet disregard suggestions that would solve their problems. Some want the game changed to suit their personal style or strategy, at the expense of other players. Everyone has a right to self-expression, but it isn't realistic or fair to think that the game will ever be exactly what you want. KI have to please millions of customers, with a wide range of skills and interests. Most of the time they do a great job. Everything requires compromise, and a game with a balance of easy and hard, high and low, is better than "one size fits all".
Also keep in mind a small number of people complaining a lot is not really "a lot of complaints". For every player yelling "nerf X" or "change Y" there are probably 1,000 who like it just the way it is. It seems that the same few people demand certain things over and over. That shouldn't be given undue weight.
If something is going to make play more enjoyable for everyone, great, do it. (examples: higher gold limit, dungeon recall, teleport taps) But if a change is going to shift balance to favour one group, school, or play style but hinder others, be careful. It may tick off more people than it pleases (examples: pet healing nerf, reshuffle change).
There are always calls to make the whole game much easier or harder. That would be a mistake. Variety is good.
i have said it many times before, and i will say it again: if i did not love the game, the community, in some capacity, i would not still be here.
this discussion has been had many times, ever since the release of azteca. the direction of the game has shifted and, to be quite honest, i don't think you understand the impact that this is having, or the repercussions it will have.
this is no longer a game that i can sit down after work and relax with. at this level, anything i do requires extensive research (time) and 3 other people: resources i do not have readily available, meaning that i cannot move forward until i get these things, which requires more planning and more work. players who can't progress (whether inexperienced, ill-equipped, or both) are frustrated players, and frustrated players leave.
as for farming, adding mastery amulets to waterworks was the first mistake. people then over-farmed for them, and the drop-rates were lowered, which has been the case with every dungeon since.
for starters:
-malistaire finally dropped my balance wizard's level 50 robe at level 76; -storm was level 75 before she got anything from waterworks; -life is level 74 and still doesn't have her waterworks hat; -balance farmed aquila for almost 2 years, only got 1 piece of gear; -castle darkmoor: over 100 runs between 3 wizards, not a single piece of gear.
with waterworks, at least there was a crafted alternative. there is no crafted equivalent to the level 90-100 elite gear, so all those ill-equipped players? yeah, they're as good as gone once the next world is released and their waterworks/crafted sets are not enough.
at this point, ki holds us hostage for drops because they can~ they always have, so why not keep doing it? but if everyone stops farming, more people speak up, or enough of us leave, watch how quickly things will change. because, if they don't, there won't be a game.
i have said it many times before, and i will say it again: if i did not love the game, the community, in some capacity, i would not still be here.
this discussion has been had many times, ever since the release of azteca. the direction of the game has shifted and, to be quite honest, i don't think you understand the impact that this is having, or the repercussions it will have.
this is no longer a game that i can sit down after work and relax with. at this level, anything i do requires extensive research (time) and 3 other people: resources i do not have readily available, meaning that i cannot move forward until i get these things, which requires more planning and more work. players who can't progress (whether inexperienced, ill-equipped, or both) are frustrated players, and frustrated players leave.
as for farming, adding mastery amulets to waterworks was the first mistake. people then over-farmed for them, and the drop-rates were lowered, which has been the case with every dungeon since.
for starters:
-malistaire finally dropped my balance wizard's level 50 robe at level 76; -storm was level 75 before she got anything from waterworks; -life is level 74 and still doesn't have her waterworks hat; -balance farmed aquila for almost 2 years, only got 1 piece of gear; -castle darkmoor: over 100 runs between 3 wizards, not a single piece of gear.
with waterworks, at least there was a crafted alternative. there is no crafted equivalent to the level 90-100 elite gear, so all those ill-equipped players? yeah, they're as good as gone once the next world is released and their waterworks/crafted sets are not enough.
at this point, ki holds us hostage for drops because they can~ they always have, so why not keep doing it? but if everyone stops farming, more people speak up, or enough of us leave, watch how quickly things will change. because, if they don't, there won't be a game.
You can still solo 95% of the game. I finished KR with waterworks gear and only had help for Shadow Palace. I didn't do any research. Someone told me about Whiteflame's cheat and Ghost Dog, that was about it.
It really doesn't make sense to say you "cannot move forward" yet have 100 runs of DM, which usually requires a full team and takes most players over an hour. That's at least150 hours of game time with friends on content that's only been out since November. You could run any world in less time than that.
Top tier Mali drops average about 25-35% per run. The odds to complete 100 runs and not have any gear are about like getting stuck by lightning. I've done 6 or 7 runs and have all but one piece. Sardonyx crafted gear is a decent alternative, and I doubt very much we'll need anything better for a while.
It would be great if KI would add a token system like people have suggested so there would be a backup way to get gear if you have bad luck. Still, it can't be as bad as you say.
Ok I have something to say to to the community, The cold hard truth is that Wizard101 is a competition, it is centered around everyone trying to out-do one another in PvP by getting the Warlord badge or making leaderboards to prove they are the superior wizard to everyone else. Everything we do in the game; getting good gear from tough dungeons, training pets, getting certain spells with points, etc. all has to do with ranking up in the arena nothing more. Sure there are those players who simply farm and get good pets for PvE so it is easier but guess what you dont need super good gear for PvE from darkmoor, or tartarus to finish the game. crafted gear works to no? Oh wait people endlessly farm for the BEST GEAR to show how much better they are than someone else. in truth NO ONE TRULY CARES about PvE. they are just doing it to get max level and get the best gear which again returns to my point of players trying to PROVE they are SUPERIOR to OTHERS! even if they dont realize it! I rest my case.
As for the complaining on the message boards about how everything that frustrates people must be changed; I agree with you, if people actually think of good ways to fix problems maybe KI will listen.
Ok I have something to say to to the community, The cold hard truth is that Wizard101 is a competition, it is centered around everyone trying to out-do one another in PvP by getting the Warlord badge or making leaderboards to prove they are the superior wizard to everyone else. Everything we do in the game; getting good gear from tough dungeons, training pets, getting certain spells with points, etc. all has to do with ranking up in the arena nothing more. Sure there are those players who simply farm and get good pets for PvE so it is easier but guess what you dont need super good gear for PvE from darkmoor, or tartarus to finish the game. crafted gear works to no? Oh wait people endlessly farm for the BEST GEAR to show how much better they are than someone else. in truth NO ONE TRULY CARES about PvE. they are just doing it to get max level and get the best gear which again returns to my point of players trying to PROVE they are SUPERIOR to OTHERS! even if they dont realize it! I rest my case.
As for the complaining on the message boards about how everything that frustrates people must be changed; I agree with you, if people actually think of good ways to fix problems maybe KI will listen.
Just because you would get the "Best Gear" to PROVE YOU"RE BETTER... doesn't mean the rest of us aren't attempting to get the gear to make forward momentum in the game easier. Not everything is about being better than the next guy/girl, sometimes it's simply abou ttrying to be the best you can for yourself...
Ok I have something to say to to the community, The cold hard truth is that Wizard101 is a competition, it is centered around everyone trying to out-do one another in PvP by getting the Warlord badge or making leaderboards to prove they are the superior wizard to everyone else. Everything we do in the game; getting good gear from tough dungeons, training pets, getting certain spells with points, etc. all has to do with ranking up in the arena nothing more. Sure there are those players who simply farm and get good pets for PvE so it is easier but guess what you dont need super good gear for PvE from darkmoor, or tartarus to finish the game. crafted gear works to no? Oh wait people endlessly farm for the BEST GEAR to show how much better they are than someone else. in truth NO ONE TRULY CARES about PvE. they are just doing it to get max level and get the best gear which again returns to my point of players trying to PROVE they are SUPERIOR to OTHERS! even if they dont realize it! I rest my case.
As for the complaining on the message boards about how everything that frustrates people must be changed; I agree with you, if people actually think of good ways to fix problems maybe KI will listen.
Wow. I completely disagree with most of that. What a depressing outlook. I feel the complete opposite. I don't care at all about competition, nor do most of my friends. When I do PvP or derby it's for fun. I don't care at all about rank; mine or yours. I enjoy interesting challenging PvE, decorating houses, and spending time with my friends. I do quests and get gear for my own sense of accomplishment. I collect and improve pets to share them with others. It's a game we play for fun. If you think you are 'proving' something, please reevaluate your priorities. Most of us couldn't care less what you are wearing. Players who are are polite, helpful, and sporting are the best. Having good gear doesn't impress anyone if someone acts like a brat.
The OP made a really good post about being constructive. That's the way to go. Let's work together to make the game and community better.
You can still solo 95% of the game. I finished KR with waterworks gear and only had help for Shadow Palace. I didn't do any research. Someone told me about Whiteflame's cheat and Ghost Dog, that was about it.
It really doesn't make sense to say you "cannot move forward" yet have 100 runs of DM, which usually requires a full team and takes most players over an hour. That's at least150 hours of game time with friends on content that's only been out since November. You could run any world in less time than that.
Top tier Mali drops average about 25-35% per run. The odds to complete 100 runs and not have any gear are about like getting stuck by lightning. I've done 6 or 7 runs and have all but one piece. Sardonyx crafted gear is a decent alternative, and I doubt very much we'll need anything better for a while.
It would be great if KI would add a token system like people have suggested so there would be a backup way to get gear if you have bad luck. Still, it can't be as bad as you say.
It really doesn't make sense to say you "cannot move forward" yet have 100 runs of DM, which usually requires a full team and takes most players over an hour. That's at least150 hours of game time with friends on content that's only been out since November. You could run any world in less time than that.
i just had 3 weeks of medical leave from my job, andall that post-op recovery time allowed me resources that i would not normally have (chunks of free time, the luxury of staying up late enough to benefit from team up).
that said, we are not talking exceptions here: now that i am back at work, i will be lucky to get one run in every two weeks or so.maybe more, on weekends (if i don't flatline first). Top tier Mali drops average about 25-35% per run. The odds to complete 100 runs and not have any gear are about like getting stuck by lightning. I've done 6 or 7 runs and have all but one piece. Sardonyx crafted gear is a decent alternative, and I doubt very much we'll need anything better for a while.
i have started well over 500 runs, only completed a fifth of them, most of which were done with 3 players or less, since the chances of finding a reliable group through team up are, to borrow from you, the same as getting struck by lightning.though i do have pieces of it for my storm and death wizards, sardonyx crafted gear is terrible for balance. as usual, we have to craft 2 different sets, both of which are subpar. with the exception of the level 96 boots, i can get far superior (and less lopsided) stats from my waterworks set (i do have the hades boots- the one piece of level 90/100 elite gear i have ever gotten).
you, and players with the elite gear, may not need an upgrade or a crafted alternative. but the rest of us do. it's been 40 levels already, and i have no doubt that our level 60 sets will be woefully insufficient in the next world.
(i would love a token system, since i have 3 wizards at level 100 and, at this rate, it'll be another 3 years before i see the gear; but, until then, i guess i'll just have to cross my fingers and hope for a viable crafted alternative in the next world.)-von
Von, I've offered before, but will again My questing partner and I would welcome another to run Hades and darkmore. We're on at least 2 nights a week. He's in Nova Scotia, I'm in Ontario, so I'm sure our time frames should sync up relatively easily. I've messaged you on Central as well, just to be sure you get the offer.
@Lettup, innovation has hit hard times on the board, I agree. I think some of it is just a symptom of a larger internet-based problem that you'll see any time that you pull a bunch of anonymous, bored somebodies together. Rudeness comes with that territory.
However, I think that there's a specific culture that is unique to these boards that should be addressed. I think you have noticed it too. People seem to want to be idea police rather than idea farmers, traders, and engineers. In my opinion, we have too many posters on a regular basis who are policing--and they are not employed as board moderators.
I suggested a constructive criticism sticky for the dorms for this reason, because so many people were being rather rude to brand new posters, with >10 total posts. New posters' ideas were being treated like foreign antibodies, infecting agents that have to be exterminated. Those posters will likely never return, and that's our collective loss. It's sad to me, because we could have kept them if we asked them some questions, or helped them build a vision, and they could in turn help us to make a better experience.
Ok I have something to say to to the community, The cold hard truth is that Wizard101 is a competition, it is centered around everyone trying to out-do one another in PvP by getting the Warlord badge or making leaderboards to prove they are the superior wizard to everyone else. Everything we do in the game; getting good gear from tough dungeons, training pets, getting certain spells with points, etc. all has to do with ranking up in the arena nothing more. Sure there are those players who simply farm and get good pets for PvE so it is easier but guess what you dont need super good gear for PvE from darkmoor, or tartarus to finish the game. crafted gear works to no? Oh wait people endlessly farm for the BEST GEAR to show how much better they are than someone else. in truth NO ONE TRULY CARES about PvE. they are just doing it to get max level and get the best gear which again returns to my point of players trying to PROVE they are SUPERIOR to OTHERS! even if they dont realize it! I rest my case.
As for the complaining on the message boards about how everything that frustrates people must be changed; I agree with you, if people actually think of good ways to fix problems maybe KI will listen.
I could not disagree more. Personally, I think PVP is (and should be) nothing more than a side-note to the real point of the game, which is PVE. Though I have played PVP, I have never found it to be even remotely as interesting or fun as the rest of the game is. This attitude of competition is really sad, and if that is the way you play, I feel a bit sorry for you.
For me, questing and enjoying the story of the game is where the good stuff is in this game. Housing and pets come next, and PVP dead last in order of importance.
I personally think the game would be much, much better, if PVP were removed from the game entirely, and given its own venue separate from the rest of W101. Or, barring that, it would also be better if PVP provided no additional perks to the game beyond what is already available in PVE -- no arena tickets, no special pets or mounts, nothing to give people the illusion that they are in any way better than the rest of the players in the game. Unfortunately, though, that is not the case, and so some people try to impose their competitive PVP one-up-man-ship on the rest of the W101 community.
Also, @Dakota Death, thank you for your wonderful reply -- well said!
Ok I have something to say to to the community, The cold hard truth is that Wizard101 is a competition, it is centered around everyone trying to out-do one another in PvP by getting the Warlord badge or making leaderboards to prove they are the superior wizard to everyone else. Everything we do in the game; getting good gear from tough dungeons, training pets, getting certain spells with points, etc. all has to do with ranking up in the arena nothing more. Sure there are those players who simply farm and get good pets for PvE so it is easier but guess what you dont need super good gear for PvE from darkmoor, or tartarus to finish the game. crafted gear works to no? Oh wait people endlessly farm for the BEST GEAR to show how much better they are than someone else. in truth NO ONE TRULY CARES about PvE. they are just doing it to get max level and get the best gear which again returns to my point of players trying to PROVE they are SUPERIOR to OTHERS! even if they dont realize it! I rest my case.
As for the complaining on the message boards about how everything that frustrates people must be changed; I agree with you, if people actually think of good ways to fix problems maybe KI will listen.
I was set to reply to this, but Sargo42, Dakota Death and FinnagainWindrider have already done so in fine fashion so I'll save myself those keystrokes.
DarkWIZard98x, your opinion and your mindset, motivations and priorities while playing are yours and yours alone. Don't write for me or any other player; you're not qualified to.
Thumbs up for your message to the community. Many players want to improve a great game without all the naysayers nit-picking their suggestions to death.
I was just thinking "wouldn't it be great if everyone could readily access a list of all the many player suggestions that have helped bring us to today's version of W101 through their many ideas."
And even though, every idea is always practical or possible, isn't it amazing how sometimes hearing or reading "This or that won't work," ultimately motivates and inspires a person to find a better way to turn their thoughts into awesome realities.
While your suggestion won't get everyone to hold hands and sing "Kumbayah," its a great approach for others to give their support, and provide positive feedback on better and best ideas and suggestions.
Thank you for your post.
No, thank YOU for your feedback. It is much appreciated.
Yeah, I am hoping this reaches many, and inspires more creative thought and intricate ideas here on the MB.
I'm all for constructive suggestions to improve the game, or bring more fun to the community.
Some people however seem to complain endlessly, yet disregard suggestions that would solve their problems. Some want the game changed to suit their personal style or strategy, at the expense of other players. Everyone has a right to self-expression, but it isn't realistic or fair to think that the game will ever be exactly what you want. KI have to please millions of customers, with a wide range of skills and interests. Most of the time they do a great job. Everything requires compromise, and a game with a balance of easy and hard, high and low, is better than "one size fits all".
Also keep in mind a small number of people complaining a lot is not really "a lot of complaints". For every player yelling "nerf X" or "change Y" there are probably 1,000 who like it just the way it is. It seems that the same few people demand certain things over and over. That shouldn't be given undue weight.
If something is going to make play more enjoyable for everyone, great, do it. (examples: higher gold limit, dungeon recall, teleport taps) But if a change is going to shift balance to favour one group, school, or play style but hinder others, be careful. It may tick off more people than it pleases (examples: pet healing nerf, reshuffle change).
There are always calls to make the whole game much easier or harder. That would be a mistake. Variety is good.
Yeah, I understand what you're getting at...and for the most part I agree. Variety certainly is good. Thanks for the response.
i have said it many times before, and i will say it again: if i did not love the game, the community, in some capacity, i would not still be here.
this discussion has been had many times, ever since the release of azteca. the direction of the game has shifted and, to be quite honest, i don't think you understand the impact that this is having, or the repercussions it will have.
this is no longer a game that i can sit down after work and relax with. at this level, anything i do requires extensive research (time) and 3 other people: resources i do not have readily available, meaning that i cannot move forward until i get these things, which requires more planning and more work. players who can't progress (whether inexperienced, ill-equipped, or both) are frustrated players, and frustrated players leave.
as for farming, adding mastery amulets to waterworks was the first mistake. people then over-farmed for them, and the drop-rates were lowered, which has been the case with every dungeon since.
for starters:
-malistaire finally dropped my balance wizard's level 50 robe at level 76; -storm was level 75 before she got anything from waterworks; -life is level 74 and still doesn't have her waterworks hat; -balance farmed aquila for almost 2 years, only got 1 piece of gear; -castle darkmoor: over 100 runs between 3 wizards, not a single piece of gear.
with waterworks, at least there was a crafted alternative. there is no crafted equivalent to the level 90-100 elite gear, so all those ill-equipped players? yeah, they're as good as gone once the next world is released and their waterworks/crafted sets are not enough.
at this point, ki holds us hostage for drops because they can~ they always have, so why not keep doing it? but if everyone stops farming, more people speak up, or enough of us leave, watch how quickly things will change. because, if they don't, there won't be a game.
My good Wizard...I believe I understand EXACTLY the consequences of what may or may not happen. The problem is....I believe many of the shortcomings people complain about are the result of a wound left untreated for far too long. Left to fester in the mud and rain until something grew from it...Negative Change (Someone write a book about this). You accusing me of not knowing what I am talking about....I see it as a nigh-blatant attempt. I assure you...if I didn't know what I was talking about, I wouldn't be writing this. Now continuing....
I know what will happen. It's like wound left untreated. It will grow infected. In this case the wound is the theory that this game has become less casual friendly. And the infection is the result of the seemingly few things KI did to keep this wound clean.
Now...for starters...I understand your frustration with the gear drops and rates and whatnot. It's happened to me plenty of times too. You're not alone my friend. Keep that in mind.
Wait a minute....hold up....Let's look at this statement you said; "Yeah, they're good as gone once the next world is released and their gear sets are not enough." This is exactly what I was talking about: Blanket Criticism. You're assuming by default that whatever the next world will not be suited for the casual player. Now, who's to say it will? This 3rd arc could be a big game changer. We don't know what It will bring, And if KI knows what's right...they will take their "mistakes" from previous expansions and cut them be replaced by solutions. But seriously, who's to say this 3rd arc WON'T be spectacular beyond measure? One way to find out.... But another thing, you said that in a way that makes me think. To seems as if you've lost hope for this game...the way you talk in those last 2 stanzas. Never let the Negative Change creep into your head. Always hope (or expect) for the best and look to the positive side of things; as I also said in my main statement above. You say you stick around because you love this game, as many do, but if we all truly love this game...we need to offer ideas to the developers (weather they listen or not) and to each other that benefit the Wizard101 Experience. It just doesn't seem like that happens too often. You said in your statement above various things and issues you see as irrelevant: mainly grinding. Let's offer some solutions, anything from no more dungeons, to increased drop rates to guaranteed drop rates after a certain amount of runs. The possibilities are astronomical. I offer a challenge....a reply from you to this post, that gives some solutions to the problems you make light of in your analogies. Give us your ideas to help the game. After all, what other choice do we have? We could sit here complaining to the developers...or we could stand up and make a lasting difference for the better. So, you up for the challenge? If so, feel free to give me your suggestions. Thanks for your time.
i have said it many times before, and i will say it again: if i did not love the game, the community, in some capacity, i would not still be here.
this discussion has been had many times, ever since the release of azteca. the direction of the game has shifted and, to be quite honest, i don't think you understand the impact that this is having, or the repercussions it will have.
this is no longer a game that i can sit down after work and relax with. at this level, anything i do requires extensive research (time) and 3 other people: resources i do not have readily available, meaning that i cannot move forward until i get these things, which requires more planning and more work. players who can't progress (whether inexperienced, ill-equipped, or both) are frustrated players, and frustrated players leave.
as for farming, adding mastery amulets to waterworks was the first mistake. people then over-farmed for them, and the drop-rates were lowered, which has been the case with every dungeon since.
for starters:
-malistaire finally dropped my balance wizard's level 50 robe at level 76; -storm was level 75 before she got anything from waterworks; -life is level 74 and still doesn't have her waterworks hat; -balance farmed aquila for almost 2 years, only got 1 piece of gear; -castle darkmoor: over 100 runs between 3 wizards, not a single piece of gear.
with waterworks, at least there was a crafted alternative. there is no crafted equivalent to the level 90-100 elite gear, so all those ill-equipped players? yeah, they're as good as gone once the next world is released and their waterworks/crafted sets are not enough.
at this point, ki holds us hostage for drops because they can~ they always have, so why not keep doing it? but if everyone stops farming, more people speak up, or enough of us leave, watch how quickly things will change. because, if they don't, there won't be a game.
I can certainly relate to your Life Wiz WW predicament Von. Mine is currently in CS but has been running WW and still no robe, some of the problems involve people leaving before finishing the whole dungeon because they have received the piece of gear they want or just bad luck. I would've finished CS months ago but I keep returning to WW for those elusive robes. Similar situation in Darkmoor for my Storm and Balance, main problem being snooty players who walk out if it's not exactly the team they want, as a result I've only been through a couple of times and no gear. I was more fortunate with Aquilla and got all the gear for my Balance and Storm but I said "enough" when my pyromancer came away empty handed. Everyone is asking whether the Darkmoor gear will be essential for the new world, my guess is "yes" KI may make new gear craftable for the new world but what if you don't craft, I only have three crafters and my highest level one is still trying to obtain potent trap to craft the war shield. I still love the game but with no new world and team ups for Darkmoor getting harder I've noticed that my playing time has significantly decreased. I suspect this is happening with other players too. When frustration replaces enjoyment then KI needs to examine what can be changed or enhanced.
@Lettup, innovation has hit hard times on the board, I agree. I think some of it is just a symptom of a larger internet-based problem that you'll see any time that you pull a bunch of anonymous, bored somebodies together. Rudeness comes with that territory.
However, I think that there's a specific culture that is unique to these boards that should be addressed. I think you have noticed it too. People seem to want to be idea police rather than idea farmers, traders, and engineers. In my opinion, we have too many posters on a regular basis who are policing--and they are not employed as board moderators.
I suggested a constructive criticism sticky for the dorms for this reason, because so many people were being rather rude to brand new posters, with >10 total posts. New posters' ideas were being treated like foreign antibodies, infecting agents that have to be exterminated. Those posters will likely never return, and that's our collective loss. It's sad to me, because we could have kept them if we asked them some questions, or helped them build a vision, and they could in turn help us to make a better experience.
I agree for the most part. Sticky feet are keeping us from trudging in the right direction. I have been Crusading Positive Change for a while now, but only now do I feel obligated to actually explain my beliefs on the ideas of Positive Change, and it's vile counterpart: Negative Change.
Positive Change: Is innovation. The complexity of human desire for all that is good and beneficial. When I speak of Positive Change, I usually refer to having people see a positive outlook on things. Instead of complaining, you offer your ideas to fix the problem. Instead of giving up, you strive harder for a more desirable goal. In my opinion, that is Positive Change.
Negative Change: Is the fear within us all. The thing that makes us lose hope and suffer from our mistakes and ideology. When I speak of Negative Change, I usually refer to people's negative outlook on things. Those who fail to give their creativity room to breath. When I see people complaining about something without offering a solution to it, I see Negative Change. I believe too many people are looking on the wrong side of things. MB users who don't cry for something new or innovative, but cry from their own radical defiance and failures. It is biased and unprofessional. When you complain, all you do is spread that ill to others. There are posts using Biased data from THEIR experiences and many who rally under their cries. But in reality, those people don't know what they're talking about. They use their biased ideology to fan the dark flames of Negative Change. If that fire grows too big, it will get out of control. And you know what happens when fire gets out of control. Things get heated, least to say.
Now, you often see me referring to Negative Change as a disease or Fire....I assure you that I compare Negative Change to those things for a reason. Because it's exactly like that. Allow it to go unchecked and grow too big, it will consume what is left.
There is a solution.....Positive Change is what this community needs, some might say now more than ever. All my friends (in game) agree with my philosophy of The Positive and Negative Change, and what we can do to slow or even halt its progress.
This MB post and comments will not stop the Fire, but here, it can be slowed. For when people rally for what they believe in, it can make a lasting difference for the better or worse. We the people of the Wizard101 community must stand strong with out ideas of bold narrative and constructive Criticism. Show those who seek to watch this game crumble the power of Positive Change! It can make people accept that this community needs unity, and what better place to start....then here on the MB?
This is Blaze Signing out once again. Thanks for reading.
"Show your Positive side, and make sure it shines brighter then a Supernova."
You can still solo 95% of the game. I finished KR with waterworks gear and only had help for Shadow Palace. I didn't do any research. Someone told me about Whiteflame's cheat and Ghost Dog, that was about it.
It really doesn't make sense to say you "cannot move forward" yet have 100 runs of DM, which usually requires a full team and takes most players over an hour. That's at least150 hours of game time with friends on content that's only been out since November. You could run any world in less time than that.
Top tier Mali drops average about 25-35% per run. The odds to complete 100 runs and not have any gear are about like getting stuck by lightning. I've done 6 or 7 runs and have all but one piece. Sardonyx crafted gear is a decent alternative, and I doubt very much we'll need anything better for a while.
It would be great if KI would add a token system like people have suggested so there would be a backup way to get gear if you have bad luck. Still, it can't be as bad as you say.
I don't know about the statistics of your facts there...but I appreciate the idea you inserted at the end. Positive Change is represented in this post. You bring fourth a problem, and you offer a solution to it. Well done, my friend!
Ok I have something to say to to the community, The cold hard truth is that Wizard101 is a competition, it is centered around everyone trying to out-do one another in PvP by getting the Warlord badge or making leaderboards to prove they are the superior wizard to everyone else. Everything we do in the game; getting good gear from tough dungeons, training pets, getting certain spells with points, etc. all has to do with ranking up in the arena nothing more. Sure there are those players who simply farm and get good pets for PvE so it is easier but guess what you dont need super good gear for PvE from darkmoor, or tartarus to finish the game. crafted gear works to no? Oh wait people endlessly farm for the BEST GEAR to show how much better they are than someone else. in truth NO ONE TRULY CARES about PvE. they are just doing it to get max level and get the best gear which again returns to my point of players trying to PROVE they are SUPERIOR to OTHERS! even if they dont realize it! I rest my case.
As for the complaining on the message boards about how everything that frustrates people must be changed; I agree with you, if people actually think of good ways to fix problems maybe KI will listen.
For the most part, I agree with what you said. But there are flaws. You are using blanket criticism, exactly the thing I am trying to put a stop to. Where you ask? right here, and I quote; "NO ONE TRULY CARES about pvE."
You are blatantly and in my eyes, nigh-offensively assuming that not a single person in this game cares about the story. That's where you're wrong. The story is completely separate from the dungeons. If they wanted these RNG loot dungeons to be part of the actual story of the game, they would be required to finish to advance in the story. But they aren't. They are almost side quests, optional for the most part, but offering rewards often of high value that play not a single part in establishing a story to the game.
I do agree with what you said about player dominance and competition. This entire game nearly bulges with players who want to be the best. They ignore the dreams of the casual gamer/player and focus on their own desires for fame and a video game. But hey, competition is all to familiar to me. When you're on the cross country team, running the last lap in the race, and some other guy has been on your tail the entire time, trying to pass you up. Do you want him to beat you? No of course not! Personal pride and accomplishments seemingly outweigh players desires to help others in a united fashion. To this ideology, there is little ingenuity to solve. People are people, there's no stopping that. I see your ideas come together to form a pessimistic view of things, but don't let the Negative Change infiltrate your thoughts! Banish it from your mind, and bring the ideas this game deserves to the table of creativity. Slam your fist on the table and say "No more", for in order to spread the message of Positive Change, we the community need to be united in our effort to establish a more beneficial game for as many as possible with the variety that comes to mind. Speaking of mind, keep this in it.
P.S: Let's refrain from all out war on this post, OK? We don't need any more Negative Change. We got enough to spare already. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day.
I could not disagree more. Personally, I think PVP is (and should be) nothing more than a side-note to the real point of the game, which is PVE. Though I have played PVP, I have never found it to be even remotely as interesting or fun as the rest of the game is. This attitude of competition is really sad, and if that is the way you play, I feel a bit sorry for you.
For me, questing and enjoying the story of the game is where the good stuff is in this game. Housing and pets come next, and PVP dead last in order of importance.
I personally think the game would be much, much better, if PVP were removed from the game entirely, and given its own venue separate from the rest of W101. Or, barring that, it would also be better if PVP provided no additional perks to the game beyond what is already available in PVE -- no arena tickets, no special pets or mounts, nothing to give people the illusion that they are in any way better than the rest of the players in the game. Unfortunately, though, that is not the case, and so some people try to impose their competitive PVP one-up-man-ship on the rest of the W101 community.
Also, @Dakota Death, thank you for your wonderful reply -- well said!
This is beautiful! You bring a problem you disagree with to light...and offer a viable solution to said problem! This is what we need. If people are going to complain, they better be prepared to offer their suggestions to fix the thing they are complaining about.
Removing PVP is an interesting suggestion...and honestly caught me off-guard. I agree partially with your ideology that this game needs to tone down on the rewards and incentives of PVP experience, but removing the entire thing won't exactly help. Well, technically it will...but it is not necessary. Buy yeah, making PVP seem less valuable to those who would exploit it seems like an interesting idea, and one I will keep in mind. Maybe I'll make another post dealing with the controversy or theory...whatever it is, on the aspect and flaws of PVP. But that's a story for the future. Keep up spreading that Positive Change!
"PVP ain't the least of it. What do we do? We make it better."
Wow. I completely disagree with most of that. What a depressing outlook. I feel the complete opposite. I don't care at all about competition, nor do most of my friends. When I do PvP or derby it's for fun. I don't care at all about rank; mine or yours. I enjoy interesting challenging PvE, decorating houses, and spending time with my friends. I do quests and get gear for my own sense of accomplishment. I collect and improve pets to share them with others. It's a game we play for fun. If you think you are 'proving' something, please reevaluate your priorities. Most of us couldn't care less what you are wearing. Players who are are polite, helpful, and sporting are the best. Having good gear doesn't impress anyone if someone acts like a brat.
The OP made a really good post about being constructive. That's the way to go. Let's work together to make the game and community better.
I thank you for your acknowledgment in my ideology of Positive Change and constructive suggestions. I agree with your concept of individual prosperity and additional enhancements. I honestly couldn't care less what I look like either. I'm here for the story! I just wish more people were like that. There are enough WoW clones out there....let us keep our beloved Wizard101 from becoming another! Ideas and suggestion to enhance the Wizard101 experience are most appreciated. Thanks for your feedback, and have an excellent day.
Von, I've offered before, but will again My questing partner and I would welcome another to run Hades and darkmore. We're on at least 2 nights a week. He's in Nova Scotia, I'm in Ontario, so I'm sure our time frames should sync up relatively easily. I've messaged you on Central as well, just to be sure you get the offer.
Interesting statement. Never had a promoter or work enhancer in one of MY posts before. I won't say you aren't welcome here.... but do you have an idea on what I said in the Original Post?Be Creative in your response, if any. All additions to my post are welcome ones, but I most prefer those that agree with my ideology, and share a common belief.
Thanks for reading, have a great day.
"Some people are hard to reach....might want to widen your approach."
Just because you would get the "Best Gear" to PROVE YOU"RE BETTER... doesn't mean the rest of us aren't attempting to get the gear to make forward momentum in the game easier. Not everything is about being better than the next guy/girl, sometimes it's simply abou ttrying to be the best you can for yourself...
I find your point of view narrow and offensive.
Very true. I agree 100% with Everything you said in this comment. But please, let's refrain from raining down punishment upon those we disagree with.
It really doesn't make sense to say you "cannot move forward" yet have 100 runs of DM, which usually requires a full team and takes most players over an hour. That's at least150 hours of game time with friends on content that's only been out since November. You could run any world in less time than that.
i just had 3 weeks of medical leave from my job, andall that post-op recovery time allowed me resources that i would not normally have (chunks of free time, the luxury of staying up late enough to benefit from team up).
that said, we are not talking exceptions here: now that i am back at work, i will be lucky to get one run in every two weeks or so.maybe more, on weekends (if i don't flatline first). Top tier Mali drops average about 25-35% per run. The odds to complete 100 runs and not have any gear are about like getting stuck by lightning. I've done 6 or 7 runs and have all but one piece. Sardonyx crafted gear is a decent alternative, and I doubt very much we'll need anything better for a while.
i have started well over 500 runs, only completed a fifth of them, most of which were done with 3 players or less, since the chances of finding a reliable group through team up are, to borrow from you, the same as getting struck by lightning.though i do have pieces of it for my storm and death wizards, sardonyx crafted gear is terrible for balance. as usual, we have to craft 2 different sets, both of which are subpar. with the exception of the level 96 boots, i can get far superior (and less lopsided) stats from my waterworks set (i do have the hades boots- the one piece of level 90/100 elite gear i have ever gotten).
you, and players with the elite gear, may not need an upgrade or a crafted alternative. but the rest of us do. it's been 40 levels already, and i have no doubt that our level 60 sets will be woefully insufficient in the next world.
(i would love a token system, since i have 3 wizards at level 100 and, at this rate, it'll be another 3 years before i see the gear; but, until then, i guess i'll just have to cross my fingers and hope for a viable crafted alternative in the next world.)-von
Yes yes yes! This is nothing I haven't seen before for the most part....but When I peered down at the bottom of your post was something I haven't exactly seen you say before: You offered a solution. Even if it was a refrained and expanded upon comment from another person...acknowledging the idea that there are solutions to the things we detest only strengthens Positive Change here on the MB. I thank you for this.