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Absorption Shield [Life]

Nov 12, 2009
A battle I was in had two life school wizards in the group. We both must have had the same idea, for in one round we both cast on our "power wizard" the Absorption Shield. They both went down in a couple of rounds. My question is this:
Do multiple occurrences of Absorption NOT stack? Are the two (or however many shields may be placed at once) treated as if only shield was present?

I am not mad or cranky, I would just like to know for future reference :D

Dakota Drake [Life School / Death School]

May 22, 2009
From my observations, when there are multiple absorbs, the attacks only go against one at a time. For example: If you have 2 absorbs on that have 300 protection each, and get hit for 400 damage, you will lose one absorb and take 100 damage. The next attack against you will go against the other absorb. Since the attacks hit the last absorb on, it is possible one absorb had taken some hits before another was added. If so it is possible to have one big hit to take new absorb away and a weaker one to remove the one that had already taken some damage.

I do hope this made sense. To me, it is one of those things that is really hard to explain.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 50 Life

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
AlBQuirky wrote:
A battle I was in had two life school wizards in the group. We both must have had the same idea, for in one round we both cast on our "power wizard" the Absorption Shield. They both went down in a couple of rounds. My question is this:
Do multiple occurrences of Absorption NOT stack? Are the two (or however many shields may be placed at once) treated as if only shield was present?

I am not mad or cranky, I would just like to know for future reference :D

Dakota Drake [Life School / Death School]

The second placed on your 'power wizard' should have been used up first, then the primary one, as defenses use the last on is used first. When facing heavy hitters, for example a 3+pip storm spell, the absorption goes down fast.

Note, the Absorption shield does not defend against a ghoul/vampire/wraith/scarecrow's drain attack.

Jul 04, 2009
From what I have witnessed in PvE, only one Spirit Shield will actually work.

May 29, 2009
You are right: the Spirit Armor (absorb shields) do not stack. If you put two of them on and they each offer 400 damage protection. One attack->one shield at a time. So if a storm mob or player uses Triton (without buffs), the absorb would break after the initial 400 damage. The second absorb would hang there until the next attack.

Alura Hexcaster Grandmaster Sorceress

Jan 06, 2009
Hi. Tried this myself recently, just out of curiosity and found that they don't stack. Won't be doing that again in a hurry. Unless someone out there knows differently

May 31, 2009
No aborb shields do not "stack", one get used up in an attack with the excess damage being applied to the player and the next attack going against the next absorb shield.

You will find that lifers in PvP fights, in addtion to shielding themselves like crazy, will lay multipule aborbs down to protect themselves and their teammates using rebirth even if no one needs healing. The main task of a lifer in PvP is to stay alive, then keep their teammates at full health, and "if" the first two are taken care of then they can attack. Nothing worse than a lifer who thinks he is a storm player.

Don`t get me wrong life can fight just fine, but in a team situation they need to do their main job. If it 1v1 PvP the rules are the same and there few people who want to fight lifers, with the right shields and absorbs most players either run out of cards or out of patience having done enough damage to kill the lifer 4x over and he is still alive

Nov 12, 2009
Mar 28, 2009
AlBQuirky wrote:
A battle I was in had two life school wizards in the group. We both must have had the same idea, for in one round we both cast on our "power wizard" the Absorption Shield. They both went down in a couple of rounds. My question is this:
Do multiple occurrences of Absorption NOT stack? Are the two (or however many shields may be placed at once) treated as if only shield was present?

I am not mad or cranky, I would just like to know for future reference :D

Dakota Drake [Life School / Death School]

no they dont