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Any tips for a beginner myth student?

Oct 12, 2014

So this is my first time playing Wizard101(I know alot about this game,like the astral spells and secondary schools and sheilds and traps and alot of that stuff)
So i got a membership and made it to level 10,got a few spells,a few wards and stuff.So i wanted tips and advice for myth.Like what secondary school i should invest in,or should i hand pick my spells?I did the math and i need 4 points for gargantuan so don't worry about that.So these are my questions i need answers for:

-What secondary school(s) should i invest in?
-Any strategies?
-What's the coolest looking myth pet? (Thinking about Orthrus,looks pretty cool)
-Where should i get my gear from,and what gear should i get?

Aaron whisper, wizard. Believe it!

Sep 29, 2013
jamilawada140, since it is your weakness, i am pretty sure the best secondary school for you would be storm.
Not sure if this is true, just wht i think is probabbly the best choice.

Hope this helps,


Aug 20, 2011
So much of your answers depends on how you want to play the game. Do you want to PvP mainly, or garden, or go on quests, or a little of all of it?

If I were in your position, here's what I'd do.
  • The game is about the story, so spend your first character being the Hero of the game. Worry about specializing later.
  • I wouldn't let people take me to high level dungeons and spoil the story for me. That's such a buzzkill.
  • I wouldn't train a secondary school for attacks, I'd just get the dual shields I need and stock up on treasure cards from the Bazaar for anything I can't train.
  • I'd find a questing party. It gets lonely out there leveling up, better to find a partner or two.
  • I'd buy a Heartsteel athame. It costs under 300 crowns, so anyone can just watch ads and do trivia to earn crowns and have enough in a couple of days.
  • I'd start gardening Prickly Cactus Bears and Bread Fruit Bushes, to start saving Mega Snacks. It only costs gold and energy, and it'll really make training pets much faster.
  • Best myth pet? Medusa pet is really good for a low-level. Myth Banshee is nice because of the stun.
  • If I had crowns, I'd save and spend them on the Yuletide packs in December. They're a bit cheaper than most card packs, and you get some really good stats from the Winter Palace set. It also gives you mounts, pets, and other cool stuff. Hands down, it's the best card pack for anyone under Level 50.
  • At Level 50, I'd stop relying on crowns gear and start getting pieces from Celestia and Wintertusk.
  • At Level 60, I'd get Waterworks gear and get the athame and ring from Tower of the Helephant.

Oct 24, 2010
KingOfWindWakers on Oct 31, 2014 wrote:

So this is my first time playing Wizard101(I know alot about this game,like the astral spells and secondary schools and sheilds and traps and alot of that stuff)
So i got a membership and made it to level 10,got a few spells,a few wards and stuff.So i wanted tips and advice for myth.Like what secondary school i should invest in,or should i hand pick my spells?I did the math and i need 4 points for gargantuan so don't worry about that.So these are my questions i need answers for:

-What secondary school(s) should i invest in?
-Any strategies?
-What's the coolest looking myth pet? (Thinking about Orthrus,looks pretty cool)
-Where should i get my gear from,and what gear should i get?

Aaron whisper, wizard. Believe it!
(My very first wizard was Myth... and I have two working on leveling up now.)

Well first, none of the Astral school spells are trainable until level 50+ and spells cannot be 'hand picked.' They must be trained in order. You can't train Vampire without training the sprite, ghoul and banshee first.

Second, don't worry about the coolest looking pet, worry about the one with the best stats. Yes Orthrus is awesome; and will not be available to you until level 48 in your school quest.

Myth gear, like all other gear, is in the Bazaar. Get the best gear for your level you can find... and keep upgrading for each 5th level when new gear is usually available.

At lower levels, use the minions wisely. I always have one in my deck even if I don't use it - you just never know when one will save you!

As for training points, I do the standard Ice to Tower. That's pretty much it, with the exceptions of the Spirit blades in Krok and Reshuffle in Colossus... until level 50. I've found that you really don't need a secondary.

Feb 03, 2010

I have very sufficient advice for a beginner.
#1 Only add people that are in your world, never go anywhere until you are finished with the world you are working on.
#2 DO NOT PvP until level 50 or higher. It will be waste of time.
#3 Play alot, if you aren't active it will take longer to level up.
#4 Bring friends if you can, things are much easier.
#5 Don't stress out about anything, it will make you do worse.

I hope this helped, and as a myth student myself, well I'm . I suggest you suspect bad things about Drake. Don't think he's wonderful, but no spoilers.

Enjoy the game!

Best of regards,

Feb 03, 2010
-What secondary school(s) should i invest in? If you are Myth, I suggest either Ice or Life.
-Any strategies? Use treasure cards if you can, selling them is not a good idea until level 48.
-What's the coolest looking myth pet? (Thinking about Orthrus,looks pretty cool) The level 48 quest pet.
-Where should i get my gear from,and what gear should i get? Get your gear from either the crown shop, or get them from the store in Olde Town. It's called the BIZZAR or something like that.

That's all, hopefully this helps :)

Jun 02, 2013
Welcome Jamil,

As I'm sure you have read, the most popular Schools for secondary spells seem to be Life, Death, and Ice for the spells of Satyr, Feint, and Tower Shield. In addition, the Balance school offers you Spirit Blade, and Trap in Krokotopia. You may also consider learning Reshuffle, and Stun Block. You already stated you are well aware of the Astral school spells.

While All of these spells will require you to use your TPs, they are accessed at different levels, and some require you learning prerequisite spells. A Mastery Amulet in the Crown Shop will be beneficial to you if you decide to regularly rely on secondary school spells.

If you choose to do the side quests in every zone's base camp offered from "Zeke" you will accumulate additional TPs as well as earn one every 5 levels after level 20; every 4 levels prior. There are some crafting quests that offer a Training Point as part of the completion reward as well. If you spend your TPs wisely, you will have more than enough when the need arises to use one or more.

You may purchase gear from the Bazaar in WC, or craft gear pieces yourself offered to you at certain levels, or use real money to purchase Crowns and buy Card Packs, or clothing bundles.

From level 5-58+ you should be able to find adequate gear in the Bazaar; every 5 levels at level 5-50, and every 2 levels from then on. After that you will have a much better idea of how your school operates and this may alter how you gear your wizard. Note: some vendors throughout The Spiral offer good gear, and require some quest progression prior to accessing their wares, or recipes.

Pets are an entirely different subject (HUGE) and there are MANY factors in determining which one(s) fit your play style. I will leave this subject to an experienced Myth school player.

Best of luck to you in The Spiral,


Oct 12, 2014
Wow,this is extremely overwhelming.At first it was zero replies,but now it's like a bajillion!
Thank you all for the answers! I took alot of tips from you guys and now i think this will help me alot on my quest! I decided to dive deeper into pets and research a bit more. But with the gear and everything else, the information was perfect. Thank you all so much!

~Aaron Whisper, wizard,believe it!

Sep 29, 2013
KingOfWindWakers on Oct 31, 2014 wrote:
Wow,this is extremely overwhelming.At first it was zero replies,but now it's like a bajillion!
Thank you all for the answers! I took alot of tips from you guys and now i think this will help me alot on my quest! I decided to dive deeper into pets and research a bit more. But with the gear and everything else, the information was perfect. Thank you all so much!

~Aaron Whisper, wizard,believe it!
Happy to help anytime. I will watch your post, and try to help with anything else that i can. I said storm for your secondary, but just a warning, storm fizzles alot. If you are willing to deal with that its fine though. I personally find the fizzling very irritating, as well as many other people i have come across.


Jun 09, 2014
Ahh, Young Student, at level 10 you get Cyclops. Be sure to train Cyclops from Cyrus Drake, and always carry 2-3 minions in your deck. You never know when you might need them.

Sep 19, 2013
jadesonga on Oct 31, 2014 wrote:
Happy to help anytime. I will watch your post, and try to help with anything else that i can. I said storm for your secondary, but just a warning, storm fizzles alot. If you are willing to deal with that its fine though. I personally find the fizzling very irritating, as well as many other people i have come across.

Storm is a terrible secondary. It doesn't give any utility or healing spells, which is the only reason you should train other schools. Go with Death to feint and Life to Satyr.

Full disclosure: Myth is not considered to be one of the best schools, due to its low utility in endgame dungeons. I would recommend Death.

Sep 09, 2011
Hi Aaron

-What secondary school(s) should i invest in?
-Any strategies?
-What's the coolest looking myth pet? (Thinking about Orthrus,looks pretty cool)
-Where should i get my gear from,and what gear should i get?

Answers are:

Secondary school? To survive you need life spells trained from Imp to Satyr try also for ice spells to Tower shield and btw i got trained sun school all of it so yea its not hand picked as you thought.

Strategy? Well you could buy Talos minion for 5 pips he is destroyer at questing unless you get Frog spell which will allow you to cast powerful spell at 4 pips cost with extra Monstrous sun school spell or blade..It's all in treasure cards which will allow you to gain advance spells beyond your level make sure you got plenty of gold coins.

Coolest pet? Listen to Ravenlady that is what we all do at start lol. Mine pet is Aqua dragon cause its blue lol but it has great stats. Pets are more your type of choice in stats is resist, damage or may cast talent or mix of all that stats, you will need to shape your own pet xD.

Gear? Well my way was if I get drop from boss or I see something better in shop i will buy it the way you know is to compare other piece with one you already have any slight improvement on stats is welcome.
But be careful sometimes you will get gear which is not your level and you will have to store it for later. Normally we all go to famous Bazaar store in Olde town (pass trough Shopping District) at lower level gold is issue so make sure you got enough mood to "farm" (doing battle over and over for selling drops).

Michael BlueBright, Exalted Myth, Technomancer
Enjoy the spiral we might cross paths inside game

May 02, 2009
Overlord Dustin on Oct 31, 2014 wrote:

I have very sufficient advice for a beginner.
#1 Only add people that are in your world, never go anywhere until you are finished with the world you are working on.
#2 DO NOT PvP until level 50 or higher. It will be waste of time.
#3 Play alot, if you aren't active it will take longer to level up.
#4 Bring friends if you can, things are much easier.
#5 Don't stress out about anything, it will make you do worse.

I hope this helped, and as a myth student myself, well I'm . I suggest you suspect bad things about Drake. Don't think he's wonderful, but no spoilers.

Enjoy the game!

Best of regards,
Your number 2 advice is just a matter of opinion though and not a fact. There are actually some people out there who actually enjoy doing pvp below level 50 believe it or not there, so there's that at least.

Anyways, for the OP, since Myth has the most minion-oriented spells, if you're one who likes to play with minions allot, then make sure to use them wisely (this applies to any and all spells in the game though so keep that in mind as well please)-try to summon them when the enemies have low pips. This way, there's less of a chance that your minions will fall early in battle and increases the chances of them dealing some pretty decent damage to your opponents as well there too there also, so there's that at least.

I wish you luck in all of your future endeavors.

Sep 07, 2011
General advice for all players:

Make friends. The game is easier and more fun with company.

Check the bazaar for better gear every 5 to 10 levels. Look for damage and accuracy boosts for your school, then general resist and pips.

Use guides on fan sites, and the Wiki for information.

Become familiar with your all your spells.

Try gardening, crafting, and pets. All those activities enhance the game. You may find some things you like more than others, but all are worth trying. Take it slowly with pets. A good pet is worth having but a long process to get.

Relax, be polite to others, and have fun.

Train all the Sun spells that boost damage (starting at level 50).

DON'T train off-school spells for damage. You won't be able to use them effectively at higher levels

DO train Ice to Tower, and Balance spells Weakness and Reshuffle if you are going to PvP. They are very helpful in the arena.

DON'T train Ice to Tower, or Balance spells Weakness and Reshuffle if you are NOT going to PvP. They are not usually needed for questing, and easy to get as treasure cards.

Farm Waterworks for gear when you get to level 60. It is the best hat, robe, and boots for higher levels.

For Myth specifically:

Train Life at least to Sprite. Myth has no native healing. A Life Mastery amulet is a good investment, and makes Life to Satyr work well

Train Spiritblade from Niles in KT as soon as you can.

Train Death to Feint, and damage aura at higher levels. You'll want all the damage you can get.

Get to know your Minions very well. Different ones are better for different things. Often you are better not using them at all, but sometimes the right one is a help.

Sep 29, 2013
Robobot1747 on Nov 1, 2014 wrote:
Storm is a terrible secondary. It doesn't give any utility or healing spells, which is the only reason you should train other schools. Go with Death to feint and Life to Satyr.

Full disclosure: Myth is not considered to be one of the best schools, due to its low utility in endgame dungeons. I would recommend Death.
Robobot1747, i did point out that storm as secondary has its pros and cons, and this is just my opinion, i never said it was a fact. No need to be rude.Storm is my secondary, and works very well for me.It may not work for you, but again, just MY opinion.


Oct 12, 2014
So i got 4 training points,3 i spent on life so i can eventually get satyr,and 1 on ice so i can eventually get tower shield.Concerning gear,i decided to hold it off a bit just so i can defeat malistaire,as it's not as important.After malistaire,gear is my number 1 concern.Regarding pets,i made a topic on my account asking help for one,if you are good with pets,please check it.

~Aaron whisper, wizard.Believe it!

Oct 24, 2010
KingOfWindWakers on Nov 2, 2014 wrote:
So i got 4 training points,3 i spent on life so i can eventually get satyr,and 1 on ice so i can eventually get tower shield.Concerning gear,i decided to hold it off a bit just so i can defeat malistaire,as it's not as important.After malistaire,gear is my number 1 concern.Regarding pets,i made a topic on my account asking help for one,if you are good with pets,please check it.

~Aaron whisper, wizard.Believe it!
You will never even get to Malestaire without the proper gear. Make that your number one concern now and throughout the game.

You will most likely not use Satyr unless you have a Life amulet. You just cannot wait for 4 pips to heal. I train Life to Sprite only and use them regularly. One pip vs four is a pretty big difference. Tower is much more helpful, in my opinion.

Be sure to do all the Zeke quests to get more training points too.

Oct 12, 2014
Hmm,so since i'm not gonna pvp much,should i train till sprite or satyr?I really like Tower Shield so i'm getting that either way.Went to the bazaar with money i got from sidequests,and i got some good gear enhancing health,mana and accuracy.Still don't know about pets,so i could use some help on that.

Aaron Whisper, wizard.Believe it!

Jul 16, 2012
KingOfWindWakers on Nov 3, 2014 wrote:
Hmm,so since i'm not gonna pvp much,should i train till sprite or satyr?I really like Tower Shield so i'm getting that either way.Went to the bazaar with money i got from sidequests,and i got some good gear enhancing health,mana and accuracy.Still don't know about pets,so i could use some help on that.

Aaron Whisper, wizard.Believe it!
Definitely NOT storm.
Train Balance ONLY for Spirit blades. You can train spirit traps if you want.

The best secondary school is life,death,astral and shadow.
Train life until satyr, even you do not have a life mastery amulet, its useful.
Train death till feint, its only one pip so you won't need a death mastery amulet.
Training astral till colossal, infallible and your own school bubble is important, so train those.
For shadow school, I recommend shadow shrike.