Ok, I made this mainly to see if any1 hates dungeons as much as I do. If you have something to say, say you hate them, the reason, perhaps a story, and if you want to start a petition. Ok, I hate dungeons because if you leave at the last second of a boss battle bc of reasons in real life, you have to start over. Also, bc if you have to replay it, it doesnt save where you were and you must start over. Don't post to say this petition won't work, ik it probably won't, but we have to Keep the Faith.
My name is Jimmy, and I'm petitioning for dungeons to go away. xD
Ok, I made this mainly to see if any1 hates dungeons as much as I do. If you have something to say, say you hate them, the reason, perhaps a story, and if you want to start a petition. Ok, I hate dungeons because if you leave at the last second of a boss battle bc of reasons in real life, you have to start over. Also, bc if you have to replay it, it doesnt save where you were and you must start over. Don't post to say this petition won't work, ik it probably won't, but we have to Keep the Faith.
My name is Jimmy, and I'm petitioning for dungeons to go away. xD
I don't want dungeons to go away, but I know what you mean. I was doing the Great Spyre today, you know, just to farm with friends, and right in the middle I had to leave to go play paintball with my dad... Well I didn't really HAVE to, I wanted to. I mean, I'd take paintball over Wiz101 any day! (No offense KI)
most dugeons are ezy :D but they take up time and to much time :-( and the first dugeon sunkon city (sorry about spelling) is HARD and when i say HARD i mean HARD :( it is the FIRST dugeon why from KevinOwlhorn lv29
I love dungeons, and i spend a lot of time in the dungeons like the labyrinth and any of the oni. I dont care much for towers though cause its just running a straight line and sometimes it feels too closed in.
I hate dungeones why do we need them cant it just be a tower or just a roming boss and dungeones have like a rank 4 5 or 7 boss and they have like 1,000 helth cant thay make no more dungenes
Dungeons should definitely stay, they are a great way to get gear and level up. So far as Jimmy's complaint of having to leave due to "real life reasons" you get a warning when you enter telling you about how much time to reserve and consequences of leaving. If you can't abide by that then don't go in, life (real and digital) is all about choices, if you have to leave then you start over, get over it move on.
Dungeons should definitely stay, they are a great way to get gear and level up. So far as Jimmy's complaint of having to leave due to "real life reasons" you get a warning when you enter telling you about how much time to reserve and consequences of leaving. If you can't abide by that then don't go in, life (real and digital) is all about choices, if you have to leave then you start over, get over it move on.
plus dungeons are good way to pass time if you dont wanna wait around in the game :P take a break or when your bored or waiting on some thing dungeons always good to pass time like roud trips :P or cooking or idk time consuming sorry about the spelling
Dungeons should definitely stay, they are a great way to get gear and level up. So far as Jimmy's complaint of having to leave due to "real life reasons" you get a warning when you enter telling you about how much time to reserve and consequences of leaving. If you can't abide by that then don't go in, life (real and digital) is all about choices, if you have to leave then you start over, get over it move on.
Although I am happy about building off my comment, things I'm talking about are unexpected happenings, things such as a parent making u get off for the sake of activity, or an unexpected date/time change to an event u wish to go to. This is not your fault for misunderstanding, I should have made it more clear. :-o
Dungeons are very fun, but you should not be penalized for having to leave for Real-Life reasons.
Also, the expectation that a parent or child can devote 2.5 hours of uninterrupted gameplay to a dungeon is completely unreasonable. Content of this nature should be limited to 1 hour, or just have a checkpoint save system for the longer content.
If I wanted to get stressed every time something came up in real life and I was forced to leave the computer, I would play WoW.