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Babbage Bassett

Aug 07, 2012
I took one of my wizards to Babbage Bassett in Digmore Station, Marleybone to get the new castle magic spell. When I took a second wizard in the same account, Babbage Bassett wasn't there. No where in the announcement did it say one per account. I thought it would be each wizard-one house. Each wizard has to do the same quests so why can't each have a castle magic spell. Disappointed.

Aug 07, 2012
Ooops sorry KI, in regards to my post an hour or so ago, I found Mr. Bassett somewhere else in Marleybone. I guess he was taking a stroll. I did get the magic castle spell for my other wizards. Thank you.

Nov 24, 2014
I have no idea why this is happening . I havent tried getting castle magic on my other dudes. Although I have tried castle magic and its the most op thing ever . I love making mounts and pets huge like my forest lord and my polar bear cub and my lion mount. I am gonna try getting it on my other account if i get answers i will respawn back again.

Seth StormTamer, lvl 119 ( almost 120) storm, Alex MistHead lvl 102 myth plus other chars all lvl like 50 and below

Nov 24, 2014