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Backpack shrunk???

Aug 20, 2010
Just wondering why or how my backpack went from being able to hold 120 things down to 80. Anyone have any ideas??? Or was it an update i missed??

That's correct. Your Membership has expired. Current Members have a backpack size of 120 as part of their Membership benefit. Crowns players and Free to Play players have a backpack size of 80.

Aug 08, 2012
Mar 17, 2012
Esmee Spiritsong on Aug 7, 2013 wrote:
Just wondering why or how my backpack went from being able to hold 120 things down to 80. Anyone have any ideas??? Or was it an update i missed??
Wait does that mean you could lose some good items?

Aug 08, 2012
James Hawkeyes on Aug 9, 2013 wrote:
Wait does that mean you could lose some good items?
No, you just have to put them in your bank or sell them.

Mar 12, 2013
James Hawkeyes on Aug 9, 2013 wrote:
Wait does that mean you could lose some good items?
Not that I know of. They're still there. But your backpack will be overfull by up to 40 items until you empty it back down to 80 or less. Not fun, if you were thinking of going into Pagoda or if you chronically run around with full bank, full shared bank, and almost-full backpack like some of us.

May 10, 2013
James Hawkeyes on Aug 9, 2013 wrote:
Wait does that mean you could lose some good items?
No, it means you must sell some items to stop the overflow.
Same with your friend list, Your friend list will shrink to 100 people and you must delete friends and stop the overflow with friends. You will not be able to add new friends or get items from duels or quests.
The items from quest will go in your bank which holds 120 items (80 for Free-to-play and crown players) and if that gets full, (i think it should go in shared bank) and your backpack is full, you will not receive items from quests or duels

Dec 03, 2012
What happens with the other items?
They are put into your bank. If you bank is full, you will not be able to obtain any more items.
Why has it shrunk?
Because of you loss of membership, your backpack has shrunk to 80 items.

-Molly Level 72 Balance
-Savannah Swifttail level 13 Death
-Erin Emeraldtail level 7 Fire

See ya around!