I'm in Celestia and i'm having trouble getting past the creatures. My strategy that i'm using is not helping and it takes me two to three tries to defeat someone, or i beat with almost no health left. I need help setting up a deck for farming and attacking in the game. I do not pvp, I just need it for the questing and farming. I have never really farmed before so I'm new at this. I'm level 59 and I'm a Balance wizard. Also tips on gear would be great.
Re: Balance Deck setup for pve and bosses! Need Help!
When I ran Celestia with my Balance wiz I had a bit of an advantage because I'd managed to get the Loremaster spell from the Loremaster in DS. It's really handy. Celestia is where I really started using two decks. One with Spectral Blast and Hydra specifically for use against Balance enemies. The other with all Balance spells for non-Balance enemies. Also, critical boost is pretty effective there because the non-boss enemies seldom get a critical block. Using these tactics I was able to solo most of Celestia with a few exceptions. Also, when you're going up against Storm definitely load some Storm Shields because they'll hit you with Wild Bolt, a lot, and they get the maximum damage more often than it seems like they should.
Re: Balance Deck setup for pve and bosses! Need Help!
Things will go faster with a small deck. Blade, Blade, Gargantuan Ra. Done. There are some fights where you need to adjust that, but most mobs will go down that way. Add infallible for balance mobs, Hydra for Balance bosses. For big bosses add hex and feint, and maybe a Judge for backup. You can use Hands to keep your health up in a long fight.