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Best and Worst Pet Trait Combinations

Jun 14, 2010
Of the thousands upon thousands of pet traits I'm curious to know, what would you guys say are some of the best trait combinations for pvp, questing, and racing. Likewise I would also like to hear some of the worst too, if only for humorous effect.

Jun 14, 2016
Best is usually 3 or 4 damage talents and 1 or 2 (universal) resist talents.
Maycast heals are also useful if you're not life.
There are other maycast talents (especially Enfeeble), but I'm not seeing many people go for that at max level, especially because blades aren't used much.
If you're a support type, a pet with talents that give buff cards is indispensable.

For fun, the worst combo is selfish, selfish, selfish, selfish, and selfish. Maybe add silly things such as health and mana talents if you just want the almost worst combo.