i'm wondering if anyone would have a suggestion as to the best class to solo the game with. necromancer seems to do well but the bosses are just plain a pain in the rumplestiltskin. any suggestions on a good soloable wizard class would be appreciated
it is impossible to solo the game, once you get to malistair you have to have help because you have to get some crystals or something in a certine time limit and even if you set a marker down and port to them you still cant do it without atleast another person, there are also more places you need help like waterworks and tower of the helephant
Not anymore with the crystals. They changed it, so now that is possible, because now the crystals don't reset.
I am I life wizard and I find it hard to solo anything. I recommend finding a really nice high leveled friend and dragging them along on your quests. Yup, you just have to Boston Rob it. (Sorry, Amazing Race reference.)
I have a Ice wizard lvl 80 I just best Avalon like four days ago I can solo battles but sometimes I need help I think alll school are all good but each one has a different prepest.
I have a character she a ice wizard lvl 80 name Ashley LotusLeaf I just beat avalon I can't do it alone I got to say that was the hardest realm I ever did but it was fun I can do solo battles but not all the time all school have a different perpest like ice we have the most health and strong defense.
If you are going to solo it (which will be very hard!), i would choose to be a conjurer, or a wizard of myth. One of a conjurer's specialities is being able to summon minions of great quantity and quality. That way, even if you're going solo, you can summon a minion to help you out. As a second choice, i would choose the school of balance, and be a sorcerer/sorceress. It is a very powerful school that is often overlooked. -Kestrel Swifttalon, Conjurer
I think Ice is good been ice wizard with lots of health and resist to all damage life tower shield. maybe the damage is not that great but with Avalon you need to survive as long as possible and ice very good at it.
Most of the time when i play, i choose the realms with the least amount of people so my computer goes a little faster, but then there is hardly anyone online. It's a little tricky at the beginning of the game, but when you learn Judgement the game gets a lot easier. 8)
I have done most of the game myself, and the nice thing about Balance wizards is that you can use SpectralBlast or the Hydra (if your level is high enough, and if you are a Balance Wizard or use a lot of treasure cards) on Balance enemies.
I think, with grouping becoming more necessary, there needs to be an easy grouping mechanic. A way to find people easily and perhaps even teleport them to where the group is.
agreed there should be a room where every one has text chat and they go in and talk to ppl until the find someone you can do a quest with
I think you could solo with myth the best. You get lots of strong minions to help you. Also some of the spells attack twice so if i enemy has a sheild it wont really help. Also the attacks are average. I am a myth wizard and i am flying through the whole game!
well don't listen to just what anyone comes up to say, sometimes it is not right. And wizard101 was mad to be played and have fun on, not that some people can rome around on it boasting how good there wizard is. I personly think that it is your choose what you go with.in my oppinion i pick storm or myth, but thats just me :)
well i think the best class to solo the game with is death cause it have good life draning spells and one of them can heal you and not to mention there are shields to power up your attacks so you can restore more health.
I'll agree. Death makes the game freakishly easy with drains, so you never have to heal. Beguile always serves a good laugh, making your enemies kill themselves while you load up for a killer spell. So many death wanabes walk around with the super helpful spell fient. So what if most of the bosses in the spiral are Death? A prism and a trap will solve your problem. So I would definetly say Death is the best class to solo the game with. Some people may disagree, and say storm is the best school. Well I've got information for them: Storm can be easily defeated.. When I play on my storm wizard, he dies every time you ward. After all, they can only take a small amount of damage. So Death is definetly the best.
See you in the spiral! William DeathHead, level 73 necromancer Jason StormCaller, level 43 diviner
Alright there are two schools that come to mind that are good for soloing. Those two schools are ice and death. The reason I say this is after Celestia came out ice got universal resistance so they have become tanks plus with the life mastery ices can heal.
Although I do believe death is the solo school. Right from the beginning it was meet to be a solo school. The drains spells can keep you going if you play your cards right. Also death does have a healing card called sacrifice so they are pretty much set. They have decent health good accuracy and over all they are good wizard to solo the spiral with.
But no one can solo young morganthe that is just crazy lol. All she does is just keep casting that mammoth spell ugh.
It's hard to say which school is best to solo with.
My Balance - Level 80, soloed nearly the entire game. I didn't solo Young Morganthe, Mirror Lake, Tower of the Helephant, Waterworks, nor Trial of Spheres. These are difficult to do with Balance, but the rest of the game I did solo.
My Ice - Level 80, soloed the ENTIRE game, with the only exception being Tower of the Helephant. Tried to, but failed miserably. All other dungeons, including Waterworks, my Ice did solo. With my health currently at 5501 (crafted gear), I never really had to use shields (except with Jabberwock). My Ice is a tank, and with 101% accuracy, she never fizzles. I also tried to keep my damage boost decent at 38%, and when you stick a Colossal with a bit of buffing, the damage is awesome.
My Death - Level 49 (currently in Dragonspyre), has been doing very well solo. So far, I have done all bosses and dungeons by myself. With a some buffing, I can kill bosses with just one hit with Wraith or Scarecrow with a whopping 4000+ damage hit.
The rest of my wizards (Myth, Fire, Storm) are level 20 or below, and even though they've been soloing so far, I couldn't give a good report until they hit higher levels.
Well from what i've seen, i'd say ice. A close friend of mine who i know in real life, well we usually battle in pairings of wizards. We each chose a type then take on wizard101. I was to lazy, and she made herself an Ice wizard and within a month is just about done with mooshu as of today. I could see why, Ice natrually have high health made to endure. Tons of wards as well to protect, and their ice attacks can hit pretty high if given the chance.
Personally, i'd say Death or Storm. Storm mostly because of its power outage, it can easily kill your enemies and move on quicker. However, its accuracy becomes its fatal tribute. I'd say you have to be quite patient for storm if you were to do it, but after getting accuracy high enough i find it well suited. Though i usually follow the term 'Kill first, and no worry of being killed'. Death because it does have a high power as well, but it health is fair and heals as well damaging which is a great advantage. Though what i'd consider a fault would probably be the spamming of death wards, a lot of enemies like using it though i can't see why. ^^; but from my experience at least.
I think there all good there is no best. I can solo on all my wizards Fire , Life , Death and now working on Ice solo leveling. I seen many players not use shields kind of silly but if you don't use shields it wont matter what wizard you are just going to lose. I been solo farming bosses for years, Know what school the boss is and use TC shields and you will be fine no matter what school you are :)
The best I can think of for a solo cdchool would be a storm wizard with a life school for a secondary school, storm has many great and powerful attacks, but with the least life of the schools, a life secondary school would become a way to gain back that health constantly, yet still be able to quicky wipe out your enemies with powerful storm spells. This combination to me is Honestly best, even though I am balance-storm.
I am a level 34 Myth Wizard and I'm pretty much done with marleybone and I only had help on kraken so ! think myth is best and it also says that myth wizards often battle solo when you sign up for myth
Guys, guys. Everyone is saying Myth is a pretty good school because of the minions. Trust me, later on in Mooshu or Dragonspyre even, you wont have time to summon a minion to aid you. The enemy, in the time you summon a minion, will put up a weakness or a tower shield. Then the minion will take your traps and use them. So always use blades, no traps, and dont summon a minion. Just blade, humongofrog, blade, humongofrog. I still use this strategy and i'm a level 57 Myth in Celestia. If you use traps, it'll take up too much time, and the enemy will put up a weakness or tower shield, just like the minion. Hope i helped with this post. This wasn't supposed to be a rant.