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best class to solo the game with

Mar 09, 2009
wariolink wrote:
Ok let's review.
Most of it's spells have 80% accuracy(ok). Ice has the highest health(good). Ice has the weakest attacks,though.(bad)

Accuracy: I think it is 70% or 75%. Worst accuracy. (not so good).
Attacks: Pretty strong. Second strongest(good)
Health: Kind of middle(ok)

Accuracy: 75%. Bad
Attacks: Strongest of the game. Awesome
Health:Worst (bad)

Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Kind of in the middle. Ok
Health: Middle.
Bonus: The good part is with spells like Ghoul and Wraith, you can attack AND gain health.

Accuracy: 90% (best of the game)
Attacks: Second to weakest. (not so great)
Health: Middle.
Bonus: Life members can heal. Some of their healing spells are incredible. Like, Satyr and Rebirth

Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Middle.
Health: not so sure.
Message: Myth is the only wizard I haven't made, so I have no experience, so this could be wrong.


Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Third to best
Health: I think second to most
Message: If you have been down in the balance school in Krokotopia, you will be astounded with the spells.

Let's caclulate the results:
Worst school to choose: Fire or Myth
Best to choose: Balance (by far)

I don't think Life health is in middle. I'm level 32 and my health is 1,880. Unless that's bad.

Jul 24, 2009
RipperMcGee wrote:
I'm a little newer to the game, but I've had lots of fun with Myth/Storm, especially now that I have Myth prism and convert Myth damage to Storm damage for when I'm fighting Myth mobs.

Can I solo the entire game? Don't know - haven't tried - solo mostly, but also group with my son who's Storm/Life.
i think she is right but another class is suitable death / storm (iam that)i have vampire now so i do alot better i cant solo the though when i had to beat the harvest lord i had to group

May 15, 2009
wariolink wrote:
Ok let's review.
Most of it's spells have 80% accuracy(ok). Ice has the highest health(good). Ice has the weakest attacks,though.(bad)

Accuracy: I think it is 70% or 75%. Worst accuracy. (not so good).
Attacks: Pretty strong. Second strongest(good)
Health: Kind of middle(ok)

Accuracy: 75%. Bad
Attacks: Strongest of the game. Awesome
Health:Worst (bad)

Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Kind of in the middle. Ok
Health: Middle.
Bonus: The good part is with spells like Ghoul and Wraith, you can attack AND gain health.

Accuracy: 90% (best of the game)
Attacks: Second to weakest. (not so great)
Health: Middle.
Bonus: Life members can heal. Some of their healing spells are incredible. Like, Satyr and Rebirth

Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Middle.
Health: not so sure.
Message: Myth is the only wizard I haven't made, so I have no experience, so this could be wrong.


Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Third to best
Health: I think second to most
Message: If you have been down in the balance school in Krokotopia, you will be astounded with the spells.

Let's caclulate the results:
Worst school to choose: Fire or Myth
Best to choose: Balance (by far)

one thing you forgot is blades and traps. Death has six you mix in a life secondary put on a convert that is seven. now lets do the math.
Wraith + Curse +death blade + feint + death trap + spirit blade + spirit trap + life trap = 3915 and that with a normal wraith and not against a death mob

now storm might hit harder in a shorter period of time but if you willing to wait a few rounds to stack traps and blades DEATH is the way to go

Jun 19, 2009
wariolink wrote:
Ok let's review.
Most of it's spells have 80% accuracy(ok). Ice has the highest health(good). Ice has the weakest attacks,though.(bad)

Accuracy: I think it is 70% or 75%. Worst accuracy. (not so good).
Attacks: Pretty strong. Second strongest(good)
Health: Kind of middle(ok)

Accuracy: 75%. Bad
Attacks: Strongest of the game. Awesome
Health:Worst (bad)

Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Kind of in the middle. Ok
Health: Middle.
Bonus: The good part is with spells like Ghoul and Wraith, you can attack AND gain health.

Accuracy: 90% (best of the game)
Attacks: Second to weakest. (not so great)
Health: Middle.
Bonus: Life members can heal. Some of their healing spells are incredible. Like, Satyr and Rebirth

Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Middle.
Health: not so sure.
Message: Myth is the only wizard I haven't made, so I have no experience, so this could be wrong.


Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Third to best
Health: I think second to most
Message: If you have been down in the balance school in Krokotopia, you will be astounded with the spells.

Let's caclulate the results:
Worst school to choose: Fire or Myth
Best to choose: Balance (by far)

You are definitely wrong, wariolink, because actually, fire is the at least second best school to be. Before you post something learn your facts. Fire is a perfectly balanced school. It is wedged right between storm and ice. Fire has a medium health, medium damage, and unlike what you said, medium accuracy, it is better than storm's. Some people also think that fire is good to solo with. WRONG ! (i am fire) In pvp i have done ranked battles and at the start i just did one on ones. I got down to lower than a four hundred rank. But now i team pvp with two or three people, and i have been regaining my ranking back up. Oh, and btw, i know this post is for "best class to SOLO the game with, but here is the best three person group to do the game with. Ice and Storm, (to balance each other out) and Life. (every good team needs a healer).

Jul 01, 2009
its storm cuz its spells are strong and have a better chance not to fizzel and its spells are devestating

also,if ur battling the harvestor lord with a storm hes a storm too,so u need to use a storm blade and storm trap

the kraken and stormzilla are strong

Jul 08, 2009
Trying a different perspective here, I think many people have posted interesting pieces of information regarding the best class to solo with. Several people make good arguments for different schools. As an example, If I was a noob, After reading this I would think certain schools would do well soloing the game.

I think one important element is overlooked. Many times, people find this forum or read something like this thread when they are either frustrated, or have a question. Generally they are pretty far into the game and starting over is not something they want to do. Having played through the game a few times and reading these forums, I think many people fail to take advantage of the schools they are already a part of. I'm the other classes look great if your frustrated, but I wonder how much of that frustration could be cured if people better understood how to get the most out of their school. As an example, I played as a fire main and a storm main character and yes fizzling tended to happen alot. I learned when making choices regarding equipment, I had to factor in targeting boosts to help lower fizzle rates. How many people know this or even understand the process when going through the game until much later into the game? There are a million examples where information like this could be cited. I have had several conversations in game and I am astounded at how many people don't know really useful and sometimes critical knowledge about their class and school.

I know I got off topic a bit but my point is that each school has its strengths and weaknesses and while certain classes may serve the needs of some, I can find useful ways to solo the game with almost every class.

Sep 20, 2008
death, no question.

Amazing combos, Dealing damage and draining health, amazing.

Life as primary and death as secondary would be best because death as secondary still gives you all the health draining spells except for scarecrow.

You can heal with life, attack and heal with death. I find it amazing. AND they are opposites of each other, so you will never have trouble fighting a boss that is your school.

Apr 25, 2009
orbit27 wrote:
its storm cuz its spells are strong and have a better chance not to fizzel and its spells are devestating

also,if ur battling the harvestor lord with a storm hes a storm too,so u need to use a storm blade and storm trap

the kraken and stormzilla are strong

Your so wrong when you say they have a better chance not to fizzle. Storm fizzles THE MOST in the entire game so make sure you dont tell the wrong info.

Dec 24, 2008

hi all
i'm a death/storm mage lvl 34 and i have almost never soloed.i think that if you choose to solo more power to you but this game isn't truley designed for it plus i help other people more than i do my own quests so i almost always group bosses and hard instance lvl's. i also leave home a lot so i cant really use the mark button. so just for my situatin and in my opinion i would say if you're going to attempt to solo go a death/life combo because as a death i only fizzle one/mabey 15 times and i also heal pretty well as a death
not only that but have you seen the bartleby spell?
(i dont know if it is life specicfic but i would love to have that spell lol i would die for it!) but death does large damage so you move through stuff more quickly and life lets you heal if your in a tight spot just fwi.

Jun 10, 2009
As fire student, i rarely ask for help in mooshu, i think that as long as you can manage your deck well and use your spells in the correct order and well you can solo most of the game


Jun 25, 2009
i am storm and i always need help doing anything unless it is myth because i have the addvantage. i am trying death and so far i can do it solo almost but they made the game to team up so you may think you got something but there will be some spots that will be hard.

Mar 22, 2009
chrisbot94 wrote:
i think Balance is the best shure i get friends every once in awhile but i have mostly gone solo GO BALANCE!

i think alot of people think alot different here are some things i know:
Death: for people that use attack and heal together.
Life: for people that like healing.
Ice: more of like every thing i think.
Fire: same as ice.
Storm: if you like to have big attacks, here you go.
Myth: same as ice and fire.
Balance: for like more % on your attack.

there you go guys make your chose when you play i take all friend requests
Bye! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :) :) :)

Michael TitanStalker: lv. 26 adept ice student

Jan 21, 2009
Okay Storm with Life as a secondary is the way to go. It combines power with healing. If you don't want a secondary school then you need to go with death. It heals and has a decent attack. Like someone said earlier if you look you can find good and bad things about all schools. They all can solo if you do the right thing.

Justin, Ice, 25

Jul 24, 2009
Hawk wrote:
Clearly some parts of the world are too hard to solo, but death school is the most obvious answer to your question.
i agree

Jul 08, 2009
Most of the arguments seem to come from death versus balance. I decided to make both those characters and solo the game. I expect death to be easier in the beginning.

Characters are:

Death with storm as a secondary
Balance with Life as a secondary

My impressions with both going through wizard city is that both are very good. Death is a bit easier due to its healing and better power initially but balance has many good defensive skills which may make a battle longer. I have yet to die with either one although I came close twice with both. This is still very early but the advantage goes to death early on, but I don't think anyone is surprised as this is expected. I will say balance requires you to arrange your deck differently and comboed with life, makes me a great person in a battle as I can enhance and protect everyone. I get many more friend requests with the balance character. Will post more impressions in about a week or so.

Jun 08, 2009
So far my first Wizard Life/Death at level 32 can solo everything except Kensington park. I did Tomb of the Beguiler before I started Marleybone and Sunken City in the early 20s. The fights are slow but with all the heals I have and with the Spirit traps (From the Balance tree) and feint (secondary school) I have quite a bit of power also.

My Death/Life Wizard is only 15 and so far its pretty easy to solo also and battles go faster than with my Life/Death Wizard at this level.

My Balance/Death Wizard just hit 26. Before that it was good but not special but in the last 2 levels I got the blades spells from Niles the Balance tree, Feint from my secondary school, and Spectral Blast. Also I just got Helping Hand (healing spell) soon after for finishing the Krokosphinx. I don't know how well this new power will scale but for now its very powerful. Before this I couldn't do Sunken City solo but I think I'll give it another try now.

May 17, 2009
The best class to PvP is Balance they use judgement a lot so it makes it easier for them to win.

May 17, 2009
You cant solo the game with any class #1 In The Great Spyre you cant activate all the crystals at once #2 Kengisinton Park 1 battle you can lose #3 all of the bosses that are stronger then you

May 17, 2009
underdog86 wrote:
I have tried every school so far and the best one in my opion is definately balance. I have soloed all the way to marleybone and still kicking butts and taking names. There are those monsters that are somewhat harder to kill but that happens in every class, but there is a very handy spell called Judgement that takes care of that has 85% chance to hit and does 100 damage for every pip that you have. All you have to do is get the right deck put a couple power boosters in there a couple healing spells and max copies of judgement along with some other damage spells for back-up and your pretty much set just sit back and let your pips build up and there you go.
When you get to the gurtoks in The Great Spyre Judgement wouldn't do a thing

Jul 31, 2009
you know what i looked up. if you choose ice at lvl 16 you get a shield it does -50% next strength spell and death attack and heal spell. you get tons of shields to help you. then ur second school should be storm because of hard hits and even though it fizzles u can use your shields to protect u if u fizzled. hope this helped!!!!! :) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Jul 16, 2009
I beileve balance is the best balance has no sheild card for it so thats a thumbs up but if you fight a balance monster or wizard thats a thumbs down

Feb 26, 2009
DPVSaint wrote:
wariolink wrote:
Ok let's review.
Most of it's spells have 80% accuracy(ok). Ice has the highest health(good). Ice has the weakest attacks,though.(bad)

Accuracy: I think it is 70% or 75%. Worst accuracy. (not so good).
Attacks: Pretty strong. Second strongest(good)
Health: Kind of middle(ok)

Accuracy: 75%. Bad
Attacks: Strongest of the game. Awesome
Health:Worst (bad)

Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Kind of in the middle. Ok
Health: Middle.
Bonus: The good part is with spells like Ghoul and Wraith, you can attack AND gain health.

Accuracy: 90% (best of the game)
Attacks: Second to weakest. (not so great)
Health: Middle.
Bonus: Life members can heal. Some of their healing spells are incredible. Like, Satyr and Rebirth

Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Middle.
Health: not so sure.
Message: Myth is the only wizard I haven't made, so I have no experience, so this could be wrong.


Accuracy: 85% (pretty good)
Attacks: Third to best
Health: I think second to most
Message: If you have been down in the balance school in Krokotopia, you will be astounded with the spells.

Let's caclulate the results:
Worst school to choose: Fire or Myth
Best to choose: Balance (by far)

I don't think Life health is in middle. I'm level 32 and my health is 1,880. Unless that's bad.
I think ice is the best because i'm a level 40 and i have 2,867 and i can get strong attacks from the storm school.

Jul 08, 2009
silverdragonn wrote:
Most of the arguments seem to come from death versus balance. I decided to make both those characters and solo the game. I expect death to be easier in the beginning.

Characters are:

Death with storm as a secondary
Balance with Life as a secondary

My impressions with both going through wizard city is that both are very good. Death is a bit easier due to its healing and better power initially but balance has many good defensive skills which may make a battle longer. I have yet to die with either one although I came close twice with both. This is still very early but the advantage goes to death early on, but I don't think anyone is surprised as this is expected. I will say balance requires you to arrange your deck differently and comboed with life, makes me a great person in a battle as I can enhance and protect everyone. I get many more friend requests with the balance character. Will post more impressions in about a week or so.

I had some extra time this week which was nice. I went through Krokotopia with both the death and balance wizard and here are my observations in a summary form.

Death- As I progressed through with death, I found myself using very few storm spells and almost all death spells to make my way through the various places. Once I received the feint spell, almost every storm card went out of my deck. I started using storm less and less, my deck had to be set up differently to maximize all my feint, traps, the elemental and spirit shields from Niles, the balance tree, and of course, vampire. This quickly became my bread and butter with a few other cards mixed in for just in case. This character became a powerhouse and breezed through the rest of Krokotopia, hitting and healing all the way through. I am beginning to think with the exception of Niles’s Spells, the elemental and spirit shields, a secondary school is a waste of time for death at this point. The only consideration I am thinking about now is the ice school due to the defense shields. In spite of this, I did die once, but it was due to my own error and a few untimely fizzles.

Balance – This character had some attack issues since I used life as my secondary school. The battles lasted longer, but monsters were hitting for much less against me. I was using this character in a defensive way while setting up my attacks. This character requires much more strategy in how to set up my deck. The attacks at this point are some what weak and require careful planning. I compensated by casting spells to negate the power of incoming spells. One big advantage for the balance character was the ability to get a minion fairly early in Krokotopia. The minion is a very useful part of this character and helps compensate for the lower attacks. As I used my balance character, people seemed to jump in more to battles. This helped make battles easier. At this point, my balance character is nowhere nears as strong as my death character, but as this character gets more powerful, I can see how the balance character will be a complete one. In Krokotopia, I never died with my balance character as the healing ability kept me alive at all times.

Conclusion at this point: Going through both Wizard City and Krokotopia, the death character is clearly an easier character to use and is much stronger at this point of the game. The balance character requires some thought and careful planning. It must be said that the balance character could have much stronger attacks with a different secondary school other than life. This would definitely change the balance characters strengths and weaknesses. I peeked ahead at the spells coming up for both classes. I can see that both have good spells, but its clear that the upcoming balance spells can be incredibly powerful and I suspect the gap will close and possibly change the further I get into the game with each character.

I feel the need to mention that a new person playing the game might struggle at various points of the game with the balance character if they don’t understand how to properly use them. Balance certainly requires more strategy, but with balance, I get the feeling you are building up towards something great.

Next, on to Grizzleheim, the first part.

Dec 11, 2008
chrisbot94 wrote:
i think Balance is the best shure i get friends every once in awhile but i have mostly gone solo 8) GO BALANCE! :D

FIANNALLY someone thinks balance is good for soloing i like balance with a cross of life

May 22, 2009
I would either say Life or Death. You can have Life as your first school and Storm as your secondary, it's a great combination.