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Best feelings in the world

Aug 05, 2013

1. When you want to showoff your epic skills when you crit in the loremasters dungeon and defeat all the fonts
2. Critting on a major attack
3. Critting on a judgement
4. Your pet learning a may cast move
5. Getting a pet that has an epic skill
6. Critting on tempest
7. When your friend finally is done with the dungeon he said that would take a minute
8. When someone helps you with a dungeon on team that no one wants to do
9. Getting a Loremaster spell that you wanted
10. When you finally get that spiral key to the next world
11. When you find out about something epic
12. When you get a cow pearl's amulet from that guy
13. When a storm wizard kills himself with insane bolt on a ranked match
14. When your wayward minstrel takes the shield of a storm wizard about to use insane bolt and the storm wizard kills himself
15. When you finally get your complete set of Poseidon gear
16. When you get 60,000 crowns
17. Getting the "fastest" mount in wizard101
18. When a kill stealer gets killed
19. When your pet is finally ready to be harvested
20. When your pet energy is finally filled up again
21. When a boss is about to kill you and he fizzles
22. When a troll uses Bad Juju on a 2v2-4v4 match and the wizard was saving up for a huge attack
23. Landing your first crit
24. When Merle Ambrose congratulates you on killing Malestaire
25. Finally getting done with Dragonspyre

What about you?

Aug 05, 2013
Mar 20, 2012
1) Finding a super rare reagent in the bazaar.
2) Getting a full line of power pips.
3) Showing off an awesome max-level hit spell to a new player and they're in awe. (I'm such a bad person. :c )
4) Beating a stranger to a wooden/silver chest.
5) Finally winning a long battle with less than ten health left.
7) Getting to level 110 for the first time. c':
8) Accidentally typing a message in public chat after meaning to send it to a friend, but no one is around to hear it. ;D
9) Graduating from Ravenwood (Right before going to Polaris).
10) Completing the last spell your Ravenwood teacher has to offer.
11) When someone with 4,000/5,000 (ex.) heals themselves when you only have 200 health left, but then attracts the attention of the heavy-hitter boss. (Why am I such a bad person? :c )
12) Getting a rare reagent from a normal, off-the-street harvest reagent.
13) Becoming a Grandmaster Artisan.

My list. xD

Aug 05, 2013
I have others that I've experienced

1. When a lightning bolt that bolt that deals 100 500 1000 DMG deals 100
2. Seeing Dragonspyres beautiful past
3. When you get good people to fight the lore master with you instead of lvl 30-40 newbies that just got into dfagonspyre
4. Getting the quest no pain no agravaine