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BriskBreeze Tower and Spiral Geo Warehouse

Jul 05, 2014
Hi! I have to do both of these quests. But first I have a couple of questions:

Do you HAVE to do it? Or is it optional?

Is it worth doing it?

Are there going to be more dungeons like those?

Also most importantly...
Can someone / some people here help me? I keep trying to do them but I keep losing. Plus none of my friends are on usually.

Feb 07, 2011
FunWizzygirl100 on Nov 2, 2014 wrote:
Hi! I have to do both of these quests. But first I have a couple of questions:

Do you HAVE to do it? Or is it optional?

Is it worth doing it?

Are there going to be more dungeons like those?

Also most importantly...
Can someone / some people here help me? I keep trying to do them but I keep losing. Plus none of my friends are on usually.
1) yes, they are optional
2) not worth it, imho
3) there are already tons of them; just wait until you get to azteca.

4) i wish i could help, but november is a busy month for me. i recommend that you check out w101 central; it's free to create an account, and there's a whole board dedicated to difficult instance help.

good luck!


Jul 05, 2014
Thanks! It's fine I understand that your busy. I am also taking a bit of a break from wizard101 cause of school but on weekends I do it sometimes.

Sep 17, 2012
FunWizzygirl100 on Nov 2, 2014 wrote:
Hi! I have to do both of these quests. But first I have a couple of questions:

Do you HAVE to do it? Or is it optional?

Is it worth doing it?

Are there going to be more dungeons like those?

Also most importantly...
Can someone / some people here help me? I keep trying to do them but I keep losing. Plus none of my friends are on usually.
I did them on my first wizard. I skipped them on all others because they just aren't worth the trouble. The rewards just aren't worth the time and trouble.

Dec 26, 2013
I know neither of these are required... I just want to eventually do them with all of my wizards just to get them the heck out of my quest log!
(And there's also the satisfaction of knowing you've completed them even though they are annoyingly difficult with less than spectacular rewards)