I don't see many topics like this, and I am here to add one I guess???
I used to be new to w101, and people were SO cruel. I personally think the word noob should be banned, as it is WAAAAY overused. About a month or 2 ago I was getting my new armor dyed and two people began telling me how ugly I looked, and how I was "looking bad". I felt nothing at the moment, but i'm sure others have felt this pain. Its horrible how cruel people are. I ran a test and made a new character, and I went to greet people and I was called "Ugly, Ew, 'throw a ball at it'" And one girl even said "The noobs come out at night" Since it was nearly midnight when I ran the test. Its horrible. I even have a few trust issues due to this. People dont understand how cruel their words truly are, and how deep they hit. They think because they are safe behind a screen that the victim can't do anything. They can. They can kill themselves or begin cutting. Even if you cant feel their pain you should be smart enough to know what pain is.
Anyway, I was saying, how do we stop this barbaric behavior?! Its in all realms and mostly IN THE COMMONS!!!
First, the word "noob", although used as an insult, is not one. It is just another term for a new, inexperienced player. It should not be banned.
Second, there is no way to stop this "barbaric behavior" unfortunately. As in real life, you cannot control another person's behavior. And KingsIsle ignores reporting against "rude behavior" as there really is no solution to it. If you really don't like what the person has to say, you can either lecture them, "falsely" report them, or walk away. Ask yourself: Is this person really worth talking to?
This is a game on a computer. When someone says, "Hey! You're ugly!" you shouldn't be insulted one bit. You know why? Because all they can see is a fake character with fake clothes in a fake world with a bunch of other fake people.
I know it seems like the game is full of some pretty terrible people, which it can be, but there are so many great players out there who overpower the bad, who don't judge you in any way, shape or form.
A quote that I live by goes something like: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
I hope this opened up some eyes as to better cope with situations like this one. This post is not meant to offend anyone, only help.
One other great thing to add onto Austin MoonHunter's suggestions is the Ignore button. This wonderful button will instantly block out everything said by the ignored individual. Much more efficient way of avoiding rude people and their comments.
I agree with how rude people can be. When I started out and went to talk to higher level wizards in the commons, most of them would ignore me, talk to their friends about how "rude" I was, and sometimes just pull the "o.o" face, and run away. It honestly was SOOO annoying! I believe that the main reason people do this, is because, well, they just don't like how the new players look. Maybe they have mismatching outfit colours/pieces or something related. Maybe they think that the "new player" is secretly a hacker. Honestly, I have had that suspicion sometimes.
People suddenly stopped being rude to me when I started wearing more powerful gear and levelled up past level 18. I got the spellbinders hood from the bazaar, and BOOM! I was respected, and when I would inturrupt ( sorry ) some conversations, I was included right off the back! This just proves my theory that beginner wizards are judged on their appearances and level! Hope this was fun to read!
I agree with how rude people can be. When I started out and went to talk to higher level wizards in the commons, most of them would ignore me, talk to their friends about how "rude" I was, and sometimes just pull the "o.o" face, and run away. It honestly was SOOO annoying! I believe that the main reason people do this, is because, well, they just don't like how the new players look. Maybe they have mismatching outfit colours/pieces or something related. Maybe they think that the "new player" is secretly a hacker. Honestly, I have had that suspicion sometimes.
People suddenly stopped being rude to me when I started wearing more powerful gear and levelled up past level 18. I got the spellbinders hood from the bazaar, and BOOM! I was respected, and when I would inturrupt ( sorry ) some conversations, I was included right off the back! This just proves my theory that beginner wizards are judged on their appearances and level! Hope this was fun to read!
-Kayla Level 33
Kayla, I agree how rude people really can be. But like Austin Moonhunter said, it is in a fake world. All this is a game that was invented by people. You should not feel like someone is right in front of you saying these things. And like so many people say: Ignore them, or literally press the ignore button!
The ignore button is great to use because people can make fun of you, or other mean things, and you can just not listen! To those that do not know where it is, click on the person and scroll over the red buttons to the right of the character profile. It should tell you what it is for.
Now to Leiylan, the word "noob" is meant to tell someone else that your new to the game, and have only a bit of background experience of the game. It should definitely not be banned, because yes, people can misuse the word. But you should also know that when they use it to hurt your feelings, they don't know what the word means! Also when you say it happens mostly in The Commons, it is only like that because, well, it is the commons! That is the main spot to go. If there were more people in a different area, it would happen the same. (hopefully I got that right)
It is not that ALL beginner wizards are judged on looks and level, because many get invited into groups when they first start out, or are included even though they don't have the "top notch clothes". I hope this has helped some people!
i have been bullyed twice in w101, yes twice. once i was at a party then this one guy started being rude to me cause i hissed at him. he called me a cat, i yelled at him saying he was rude and mean then a couple minutes later he went x hits in ribs x then x hits eye x i was like your so rude, then i called on to of my bestest friends then said: take him down. then he logged off. another couple minutes later i ported to a friend who was hanging out with some of her friends which some of which were my friends as well. the friend i ported to said: do you have a wings mount? and i said no then couple sec later i seen my gift box pop upped, and i seen mechanical wings seven day, i was like thank you so much! then i told them what happened.
first time i was singing at a w101 party with my friends in game then this guy ported and pushed me off stage! then he went x throws tomato x i was like stop! then one of my friends had a little contest, and the dude who pushed me off the stage before that kept throwing tomato's! i was like dude! then i offered him a cookie or too and he said no. then i went x eats all the cookies x then kept bullying me then said i was blind. then i was like enough! i ported away then i got a message from him saying i'm sorry Miranda. can we be friends? i said sure, then i said if you never throw tomato's at me again. he said ok.
It is sad when some wizards are cruel or insulting towards others.
The worst thing you can do is get into a 'fight' with someone. Don't stoop to their level.
If they are really harassing you (following you and continuing to be insulting after you've asked them to stop) or using demeaning language that makes you fee threatened, you could try reporting them. If you do report, make sure that it's a serious or on-going issue and not just a brief spat between wizards. Be aware that KI will review all the chat logs surrounding the event and will punish YOU for false reporting if you're just trying to get back at someone.
If it's just some stranger in the Commons who is tossing rude insults, then your best option is to walk away or better yet, change realms. You don't have to talk to them or 'hear' what they say. They don't know the real you and what they're insulting is, basically, a cartoon character.
You are way more unique and awesome than the standardized wizard character you're piloting around on screen.
I totally agree to much name calling in here,, I was in pvp and being called garb and zero hero,, that is so wrong,, I think that maybe they should just mute chat all together so people cant cut others down
I totally agree to much name calling in here,, I was in pvp and being called garb and zero hero,, that is so wrong,, I think that maybe they should just mute chat all together so people cant cut others down
You can mute the chat in PvP by turning on PvP Team Chat Only in your Privacy options menu.
In my opinion you should play along once me and my friends were in the commons and some open chats were calling us filthy text chats so i played along and said "filthy? x sniffs self and dies x" it gave all of my friends a laugh and we continued to play along like this until they left.
The people who do this are very annoying immature little kids who think they have all the power because no one can touch them over the internet. Ignoring them doesn't even solve the issue because these people are still out there. People shouldn't be able to get away with this and I really think there should be kingsisle workers sitting in each realm in every popular area moderating what these kids are saying. If kingsisle really wants their game kid friendly, they have to try harder and put more of an effort into it. If people are getting insulted by the words like "noob" then this word should be filtered out. Getting rid of that word won't hurt anyone. If someone really wants to call someone a noob then use the word "newbie" which in my opinion seems a little less hateful.
The people who do this are very annoying immature little kids who think they have all the power because no one can touch them over the internet. Ignoring them doesn't even solve the issue because these people are still out there. People shouldn't be able to get away with this and I really think there should be kingsisle workers sitting in each realm in every popular area moderating what these kids are saying. If kingsisle really wants their game kid friendly, they have to try harder and put more of an effort into it. If people are getting insulted by the words like "noob" then this word should be filtered out. Getting rid of that word won't hurt anyone. If someone really wants to call someone a noob then use the word "newbie" which in my opinion seems a little less hateful.
Please report anyone acting like a jerk to you. They'll get restricted to Menu Chat and either learn their lesson or quit W101. in either case, everyone else's game experience will improve.
I see soo many people confusing words "noob" and "newbie".
From my gaming experience "noob" is used for a nobody (as in not known in the game and hasn't achived anything in the game even tho is max level/high level) or a really annoying person who constantly asks for free stuff etc.
Meanwhile a "newbie" is a new player to the game or a person with maybe only basic knowlage of the game or low level of understanding the game.
Imo none of them should be banned or cut out since they are part of the gaming slang and if you won't learn it here you will learn it in another game.
I don't think "newbie" is an insult, but "noob", for the most part, is definitely used as an insult, or so I've seen on Wizard101.
It's extremely rude to just be playing and having fun and then get people coming from all different sides with mean insults and things to say.
Your best chance is to report them if they are breaking the rules or saying any foul language, as well as bullying you.
If not, just ignore them and do your thing!
Not everyone is a veteran player, and that's okay! We all started at different times and levels. I think it's important to know that everyone plays Wizard101 differently, and that's what makes all Wizards unique. I personally don't like the word "noob" either. There hasn't been one occurrence where I haven't seen it used in a good way. It's always against or about somebody in a mean way.
Then again, "noob" doesn't really make sense anymore. I guess players can be "newbies" but assuming a new level 1 character is a "noob" isn't exactly accurate. It doesn't mean that player doesn't have a max level!
First, the word "noob", although used as an insult, is not one. It is just another term for a new, inexperienced player. It should not be banned.
Second, there is no way to stop this "barbaric behavior" unfortunately. As in real life, you cannot control another person's behavior. And KingsIsle ignores reporting against "rude behavior" as there really is no solution to it. If you really don't like what the person has to say, you can either lecture them, "falsely" report them, or walk away. Ask yourself: Is this person really worth talking to?
This is a game on a computer. When someone says, "Hey! You're ugly!" you shouldn't be insulted one bit. You know why? Because all they can see is a fake character with fake clothes in a fake world with a bunch of other fake people.
I know it seems like the game is full of some pretty terrible people, which it can be, but there are so many great players out there who overpower the bad, who don't judge you in any way, shape or form.
A quote that I live by goes something like: "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
I hope this opened up some eyes as to better cope with situations like this one. This post is not meant to offend anyone, only help.
~ Michael IceBreeze
>First, the word "noob", although used as an insult, is not one.
wrong. it's an insult and has been since it was created on a different game long, long ago. Go look it up in the Urban Dictionary, not the normal dictionary. Newb is an inexperienced player. Noob is a person that no one likes, refuses to learn the rules, and the word, is, yes, an insult.
It hurts. A lot. It makes people feel angry, unhappy, and even crushed, to be called noobs. It should have been banned a long time ago.
In addition, it doesn't much matter what word is being used, if it's being used as an insult, then it's in insult. And insults have no place in an multiplayer game.
>First, the word "noob", although used as an insult, is not one.
wrong. it's an insult and has been since it was created on a different game long, long ago. Go look it up in the Urban Dictionary, not the normal dictionary. Newb is an inexperienced player. Noob is a person that no one likes, refuses to learn the rules, and the word, is, yes, an insult.
It hurts. A lot. It makes people feel angry, unhappy, and even crushed, to be called noobs. It should have been banned a long time ago.
In addition, it doesn't much matter what word is being used, if it's being used as an insult, then it's in insult. And insults have no place in an multiplayer game.
They are used interchangably, though in some venues n00b connotes complete cluelessness. It has nothing to do with any of your definitions and the term was around long before computer games existed. It's been used since early usenet days in the early 80's and came down from military slang from the Vietnam era. The spelling really doesn't change the meaning. If someone was speaking to you and said "Stop being such a newb" or Stop being such a noob" it's gonna sound exactly the same. As insults go, it's not exactly much of one.
Noob is being used as an insult, therefore it is an insult. Try to argue with me being wrong because what I am saying is true and you can put down the definition of it here and say it isn't an insult but really its just a derogatory term. Derogatory terms are mean! Honestly, its an insult and if people don't like the word being used on text chat then it might as well be filtered out.
Noob is being used as an insult, therefore it is an insult. Try to argue with me being wrong because what I am saying is true and you can put down the definition of it here and say it isn't an insult but really its just a derogatory term. Derogatory terms are mean! Honestly, its an insult and if people don't like the word being used on text chat then it might as well be filtered out.
The words child and baby can be used in derogatory ways too. Banning words because they CAN be used as an insult isn't the solution. You can already report people who are bullying you. Removing a word won't change anything except the word they use. Some people will always find ways around filters to insult others. Report & Ignore them and move on.
I find being called "ugly" a bit funny, when you think about it. When we create a character, we're given choices as to face, skin & hair ( the last two have color choices ) there isn't a great deal of choice in these selections. So there is a very good chance that the person calling you "ugly" looks similar to you! In that case, they've just insulted themselves! And 3 little words you can shoot back at them are "just like you". "You're ugly! You dumb noob!" "Just like you."
The words child and baby can be used in derogatory ways too. Banning words because they CAN be used as an insult isn't the solution. You can already report people who are bullying you. Removing a word won't change anything except the word they use. Some people will always find ways around filters to insult others. Report & Ignore them and move on.
Noob is way more of an insult though and its just annoying to see it around, many people complain about it being used rudely and if people are complaining about this a lot then KingsIsle should ban the word.