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Buying back Training points

Mar 19, 2011
I know that you get 1 free buy back points when you start yet that's not the point

It's not right how much it cost to buy back Training points
It charges me 12,250 crowns,that's equal to Two crown cards and Half another,
I don't have the money to buy back all my Training points I hope KI lower the price to one crown card
regardless of how many Training points you wasted
They still gain money, you get all your training points back to remove those useless polymorph's
and it's a Win-Win

Jeremy Darksmith

Level 87 Pyromancer REDDIT FTW!

Feb 07, 2011
JEFFandJANE on Jun 4, 2013 wrote:
I know that you get 1 free buy back points when you start yet that's not the point

It's not right how much it cost to buy back Training points
It charges me 12,250 crowns,that's equal to Two crown cards and Half another,
I don't have the money to buy back all my Training points I hope KI lower the price to one crown card
regardless of how many Training points you wasted
They still gain money, you get all your training points back to remove those useless polymorph's
and it's a Win-Win

Jeremy Darksmith

Level 87 Pyromancer REDDIT FTW!
the higher level you are, the more expensive it is to buy back your points.

my balance wizard bought hers back at level 80, and it cost about the same as you're looking at right now. i wish i had known how useless training a secondary school really is, because it's an expensive mistake that (fortunately) i won't ever repeat with my other wizards.

that all said, it's your responsibility to spend your points wisely, young wizard.

- dr. von awesomestein, esquire;
mrs. maly the undying, removes ice cream from all enemies.
promethean and
magus and

Oct 24, 2010
JEFFandJANE on Jun 4, 2013 wrote:
I know that you get 1 free buy back points when you start yet that's not the point

It's not right how much it cost to buy back Training points
It charges me 12,250 crowns,that's equal to Two crown cards and Half another,
I don't have the money to buy back all my Training points I hope KI lower the price to one crown card
regardless of how many Training points you wasted
They still gain money, you get all your training points back to remove those useless polymorph's
and it's a Win-Win

Jeremy Darksmith

Level 87 Pyromancer REDDIT FTW!
Don't count on this happening, sorry

Mar 12, 2013
I feel your pain.

That's about $12.25 real cash money.

The other option is delete and make a new pyro, and get friends to help him power level. I'm guessing it took you about 2 months to get to level 80, maybe more. (I'm going by how long it took me to get this far on a similar wizard with average stats and gear)

So if you have more time than money, i.e. you're a student, start it over. Keep all your gear, pets, tc and the rest and just delete or retire.

If you have more money than time, i.e. you're working, close w101 and go look at some of the many strategy resources out there about how to use your points to best effect for your school. Then go talk to other people in your school, level 90s who have done well in pvp, and ask them what they recommend or if they had any regrets. Ultimately it's going to be your decision - I've disregarded some very good advice here and there for personal reasons and do not regret it - but you often won't know if something is useful until you've tried it.

When you have a pretty good road map for your wizard, then buy back the points and start training the new, in the order most necessary to least.

It's a rough lesson, but it cured me of ever clicking Train without seriously thinking about whether I need to know that spell or not. I've bought back one wizard at level 20 and that was hard enough.