Now that the Evergreen Bundle is on sale today only, i wanted to get this for my niece, who has wanted it since it came out but they couldn't afford it.
I went to the Sale page but didn't see any way to gift this to someone else. I went to the Gift Certificates page, and saw the bundle there, but it was full price. :(
Since this ends tonight, I doubt I will have enough time to get her mom to buy this for her, but just wanted to say it was a letdown to discover that the "sale price" doesn't allow us to gift someone who is more than deserving of this lovely and incredibly useful bundle.
I do not believe it is possible to gift half-off bundles as you said, and I'm sorry you didn't get the bundle to your niece before the end of the sale. However, in the future, you could try what my family does: give the recipient cash with a note attached explaining what the money is for. I do this when I want to give digital gifts (like ebooks or downloaded games) to friends/family. That way they can purchase the item with the gift money on whatever account they want and I don't accidentally send it to the wrong email or something. Good luck!