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Can Not beat the last rasptun{rat} in Polaris

Oct 20, 2011
People Team up but most time they leave before beaten the Rat,In my opinion the fight is to long and hard. I don't know about spamming and if eveyone flees you can't win the battle.I don't Know if they are trying to farm or what but if you have to beat the rat to get to mirage alot of people maybe out of luck. This used be fun Now it very hard and no one willing to stay and fight .I tried many times same thing happen everyone quits in middle of fight and leave you high and dry. so sad I love the game but can't beat the Rat, the last battle in polaris.

Sep 17, 2012
People flee Rat in the middle because something went wrong and it's faster to just start over. There's a pretty set strategy to fighting him. You need a spammer with at LEAST 20%+ pierce. The Spammer needs to keep the minions clear so they never mature. Everyone else blades and traps for the Hitter. If any minion matures, it's just quicker to start over. The battle normally takes less than 10 rounds if the team works together.

Oct 20, 2011
yes !!!! so happy finally found the right team to beat the Rat. thank for the help and advice.

Aug 18, 2011
People also flee sometimes in the beginning of the fight if they are trying for a specific battle order, such as designated hammer last. There are some other tricks, like casting low pip heals right away to get "easy" life minions instead of the harder cheats. I don't think we're allowed to post video links here, but you can find the KI Live episode from January 2016 to see us use some of those tactics.