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Can't decide on a school

Jan 22, 2016
So I just got back into wiz and I can't seem to find a good school that I am interested in,
? I don't know what to choose can someone please help me out?

Dec 15, 2009
A person657 on Feb 3, 2016 wrote:
So I just got back into wiz and I can't seem to find a good school that I am interested in,
? I don't know what to choose can someone please help me out?
Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the schools.


Strongest school in the game.
Gets tempest at level 28 (Attacks all enemies at 85 damage per pip)
Lowest base health in the game.
Low chance to cast (70%)


Lots of healing spells
Starts with decent base health
Semi-low attacks
Don't get first attack all spell until level 58


Great for soloing (Lots of minions)
Some attacks have two hits (etc Minotaur)
Not-so-great attack power


Second best damage
Over-time spells
Second-lowest chance to cast


Attacks and heals at the same time
Low damage/low healing


Highest base health in the game
Tower Shield
Lowest damage in the game


Mixes all the school combined
Low damage

Dec 30, 2014
Remember though, even if you don't like the disadvantages that a wizard has (ex: ice wizard has low damage), you can always get gear to boost these disadvantages. For example, my ice wizard has 54% extra damage, and he's only a low level. That's a considerably good amount for a level 30. This was from my pet and my gear.

Also, all schools are obviously able to solo the game, if that's what you're into. KingsIsle wouldn't make it impossible to beat by yourself, but it could get difficult, especially for final dungeons, but they are still beatable.

The disadvantages obviously unwanted, but their advantages certainly make up for it. Storm has an insane amount of damage but a high fizzle rate as stated above, but the damage they deal certainly makes up for their fizzling, and as I said before, there's always gear to help.

The school you pick really depends on what you like. My favorite is death , because I like undead/ghoulish related stuff, and I love healing myself! My strategy (although it may be a bad one, it works for me ) is very simple. I do what lots of people do. I blade myself and trap the enemies. My health can get pretty low, but that's not a problem for death wizards. I heal myself right up when I attack.

If you're into the living and magical fairy creatures like unicorns, then life is for you. If you like myths and stuff such as cyclops, myth is for you (obviously).

It's not all about the themes of the schools, but it doesn't necessarily have to be all about stats.

Well, that's it for me.
Have a nice day!

Dec 30, 2014
Oops. I forgot. I said earlier that my strategy is to blade myself and trap the enemies and then attack before I die, and it always works for me. I just figured some people would think, "What if you fizzle on your attack?"

Well, first of all, death has only a 15% fizzle chance. That might convince people not to worry about it, but trust me, as a death wizard, you will still fizzle. Even life wizards fizzle. Life wizards have a 10% chance of fizzling, which is not 0%. They can still fizzle.
HOWEVER, I have gear that allows me to not fizzle, which is what I talked about before. My pet and gear give me 16% additional accuracy, which gives my attacking spells a total of 101% chance of working. Obviously, accuracy decreasing spells such as weakness can make me fizzle, but I increased my chances of not fizzling with my gear and my pet.

Ok I'm done

Dec 31, 2014
It all depends on how you want to play the game, all schools have advantages and disadvantages.

  • Most effective healer in the game.
  • Good damage and could last long at high levels.
  • Critical heals restore lots of health and cannot be blocked.
  • Highest accuracy at lower levels.


  • Second lowest damage at start of game.
  • Not a lot of attack cards and no AoE or DoT until high levels.

  • One of the best schools at soloing.
  • Has drains that can restore health.
  • Restores lots of health if drains deal high damage.
  • Doesn't need heals to survive.
  • Lots of blades and traps to use.


  • Not the highest damage in the game.
  • Some spells require a lot of strategy.
  • Damage enchants are halved when placed on drains.

  • One of the highest damage in the game.
  • Powerful damage boosting traps.
  • Highest damage dealing school starting in Polaris.


  • DoT's don't make effective use of traps.
  • Second lowest accuracy at the beginning of the game.
  • One of the lowest health and defense in the game.

  • Spells that can remove shields and bypass almost all sorts of defenses.
  • One of the highest damage in the game.
  • Minions can be helpful in the first few worlds.

  • Minions aren't useful and misbehave after mid-game.
  • Not very good at soloing.
  • Second lowest health in the game.
  • Double attack spells like Minotaur and Orthrus don't make effective use of traps.

  • Many utilities to use (heals, blades, etc.).
  • Very helpful in teams.
  • Good at debuffing enemies.


  • Not very good by itself.
  • Not as many utilities to boost itself as much as other schools.
  • Not very high damage.

  • Highest damage dealing school prior to Polaris.

  • Lowest accuracy and defense at start of game.
  • Lowest health out of all the schools.
  • Not very good at soloing.

  • Highest defense and health in the game.
  • Has many utilities for defense.

  • Low damage dealing spells.
  • Defense could be pierced.

Apr 06, 2013
Jan 22, 2016
Dec 30, 2014
A person657 on Feb 4, 2016 wrote:
I have reduced my choices down to
I'd say to go for death because that's my school, but it's your choice!
Death is, as stated above, great for soloing. So, if you don't really have any friends, death is for you XD (not that you can't make friends, but you don't have to)

Balance is great for teamwork, because you can blade your friends with spirit and/or element blades, and trap the enemies.
Death can heal when they attack, but balance can't (unless their secondary school is death, but even if it is death, they can't get the school specific death spells).

There are no shields protecting against balance except for tower shield, but for death, its obviously death shield and tower shield.

Those are some pros and cons, but that's pretty much it with all the information above. Pick the school that best fits you! Or you can try taking a ton of wizard101 "What school are you?" quizzes and see which school you got the most. Have fun with the school you pick!