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Cant decide on my school!!!

Dec 15, 2008
So i took the quiz QUICKLY and figured out i was a storm wizard. Then later took test again and it siad i am death wizard (somewhat hurried this test). Then i sat down for about 10-15 minutes look at each individual Q&A and i was an ice wizard. I think Ice is my true school, but i am not quite sure (pretty positive it is though) Does this happen to anyone else??? Sorry all the people i told i was a death wizard My mistake

Apr 26, 2009
There is a bit of all of us in every type of wizard :) just remember, whatever you pick, you'll have fun! I had no idea what wanted and took the quiz and jumped in. Ended up Myth--which I never would have picked if I read about it much first...but it is the BEST school :)

don't worry, if you don't like your choice, you have six slots.

Tara Wildflower
Grandmaster Myth

Oct 14, 2008
If you are looking to decide a school :) i would like to let you know through experience that no matter what school you choose, you will be able to master most of the other shcool in the game. Meaning you will be able to get all of the other spells from the other school When you level up you get training points and that is what you can choose to use to either lvl up your class or pick a different school to lvl up in.I believe that no matter what when you level up you get your school's spells anyways for free.

There for choose the school you think describes you best :D The only other difference i see in choosing a school is the type of clothes you are alloud to wear and the type of class it says you are,but other than that there really is no other difference 8) Have fun playing wizard 101 i know i have .

Jun 09, 2009
That quiz tries to choose the school you prefer (NO GUARANTEES)!
But each school has its strengths and weaknesses

Ice for example; has lots of health and lots and strong defensive cards, but it's attacks are weak.