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Cards! I dont know what they do!!

Dec 13, 2010
OK, I'm fairly new here and I am so confused. Most of the cards I have, I completely understand, but a few of them have me scratching my head. I'm a death school student lvl 16 and I've received a card with a dove on it that has a 100% manipulation. Can someone please explain what this card is supposed to do? I cast it a couple times trying to figure it out but i'm just not getting it. Also received the death prism card. don't get it either.

Also, this is probably a silly question but why isn't there a page on the website here that lists each card, and what it does and how to use it? I'm new to wizard 101 and to mmo's or whatever these games are called. If there is a page for the cards and i've just missed it. can someone tell me where it is?

Thanks Morgan WillowHaven ****

Sep 23, 2008
Hey, bekahleigh08! I'm a fellow Death student and I want to help explain what those cards do. Okay, so let's begin:

The first card you stated had a dove on it? That most likely means that it calms the enemy down, causing it to attack you less. I don't recommend using it in PvP (Player versus Player) because I'm not sure if it affects the opponent all that much.

Okay, now onto the second card, Death Prism. This is an EXTREMELY helpful card, and has gotten me out of a lot of sticky situations! What it does is it changes the next Death spell you use on that enemy into a Life spell. So, instead of the spell doing Death damage, as it normally would, it does Life damage, the opposite of the Death school. Cards like these are called Prisms, but most people call them "Converts" because they convert the spell damage of that spell to it's opposite school. Let me give you an example:

Okay, so you are fighting Lord Nightshade in Wizard City, and he is of the Death school. If you've noticed while playing, when you do Death damage to a Life opponent, it says "Death Boost" over that opponent's head, and does extra damage. This is because you used the opposite School to do damage with. However, if you do Death damage to another Death enemy, it will say "Resist" over its head, because you used the same School damage. But, if you place a Convert, or Prism, on that opponent, it will convert the Death damage you cause into Life damage, doing EXTRA damage! Now, if you use the Death Prism on Lord Nightshade, the next Death spell you cast on him will do Life damage. This will make you spell inflict a larger amount of damage because you used Death's opposing School, Life! Here are a list of the different Schools and their opposites:

Balance/Death, Life, Myth

Alright, I will be checking back on this post. So, if you have any questions about this extremely long message, feel free to ask! :D

Kyle ShadowStaff
Master of the Death Arts

May 20, 2010
I don't use the manipulation cards on my Death wizard.

The Prism is important when fighting Death enemies, as it converts magic from Death, which most Death enemies are highly resistant to, into Life, which most Death enemies are weak against. Since Death enemies (but not other Death wizards) don't have a Life Shield, this means that they can't defend against Life attacks. Remember to put the Prism down FIRST on each enemy you want it to work on. Traps and prisms work in the reverse order they're put down, meaning that the first one put down is the last one to work. You want the Prism down first, so that your Death magic will hit your Death Trap(s) first, THEN be converted into Life Magic, and then hit the enemy. If it hits the Prism first, it's Life magic at that point and won't trigger any death traps.

Jun 22, 2009
Feb 09, 2009
The first question is one of most commonly asked questions and something I didn't realize until just recently. I'm guessing the card you're referring to is Pacify; this spell, as the card says, "reduces threat on target." When you cast Pacify on a monster, the monster won't attack you as often. This works especially well when fighting in a group, but not in PvP. Also, the "100%" is the accuracy (it will never fizzle unless affected by another spell); "Manipulation" is the type of spell it is. Another Manipulation card is Taunt. Thaumaturges (Ice wizards) get this card because of their vast amount of life; the card "generates threat on target." In laymen terms, it does the opposite of Pacify. Other types of Manipulation spells include Minion spells (summons a minion of a school that assists you in battle) and Prism spells, which brings us to your next question.

In this game fighting fire with fire doesn't work; casting a spell of the same school as the monster you're fighting will decrease the spell's damage. Prism spells convert the school of a spell's damage to its opposing school. In your case, Death Prism (the card you have) converts Death spell damage to Life spell damage. For example, if you casted this spell on a Rotting Fodder and then casted Banshee, not only would the spell's damage not be decreased, but the spell would receive a boost in damage.

Lastly, to answer your last question, the reason why there isn't a place on this website where all this information can be found is because there's an entire website dedicated to archiving this information for easy access: Wizard101 Wiki (I hope I can mention that).

Hopefully this helped.

May 03, 2010
I agree that there should be some optional tutorial / in-game help center where all the symbols and terms on spells and equipments are explained.

Some of the things that definitely need some explanation in-game, just for clarification:

Pacify, etc.
Mutate treasure cards

The extra pip / power pip symbols, and power pip chance
Accuracy symbol
Incoming / Outgoing heart
Critical hit / critical block (and what the numbers mean)

I'm sure this isn't the whole list.

Dec 16, 2009
Well, that spell you say, "a dove on it that has a 100% manipulation" is called, "Reduce Threat". Reduce Threat makes your oppenent attack you less ( Don't use this in PVP, its useless ).

Also, that "Prism" spell changes your school attack. Say this, If you were fighting a Death School creature, like Grubb, your Death Attack wouldn't do much because of "Resist". (Resist is when you use your own shcool attack on a creature that has your same shcool.) If you used the Prism spell, your attack will change to Life. (Because, Death and Life Attacks have boostes to each other.) So, thats it. ( Here are some boostes to each other ).

Balance/Myth, Death, and Life ( Poor Balance creatures XD )

John Thundercaster ~ Fire, Life, and Ice

"Fizzling is learning..."

Mar 05, 2009
The Taunt & Pacify type cards are only really useful in PvE (Players vs game-controlled Enemies) and only when you're dueling with a team of other player-wizards.

These cards affect wandering monsters (non-human-controlled enemies), making them more or less "angry" with you and thus more or less likely to target you instead of another wizard. If you're fighting solo there's no other wizards for them to target so they'll aim at you regardless. And since they only affect the computer's targeting decisions, they won't do anything at all against human opponents in the PvP arena (Player vs Player).