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Centaur card not working

Apr 23, 2012
I'm lvl 56 and I used my training point for the Centaur card and it won't work in my deck am I doing something wrong? Yes I have more then 6 pips.
The card is there in the deck but won't highlight.

Feb 07, 2011
sandyincove wrote:
I'm lvl 56 and I used my training point for the Centaur card and it won't work in my deck am I doing something wrong? Yes I have more then 6 pips.
The card is there in the deck but won't highlight.

Hey there, Sandy! If you trained Centaur, but are NOT a Life wizard, you cannot use power pips (the yellow ones) to cast it.

Power pips count double for your school of focus only~ this means that, if you have 3 yellow pips, you can:

1) Cast a rank 6 spell from YOUR school of focus, or
2) cast a rank 3 spell from any other school.

The only way to use power pips for another school's spells is to buy a mastery amulet from the Crowns shop~ PvE players generally don't need them, though they are useful if you plan to do PvP in the Arena. That said, they run about $20 apiece, so choose wisely.

As for your training points, I don't know why you're wasting them (as well as pips and time) on other schools' spells at level 56. Buy your points back /now/ and save them for the Celestial spells. You and your wallet will thank me later.

Good luck!

El Veeb
the Archmage of Awesomeness