Hello everyone, i've been playing the game for about 5-6 years now 2009-2010 on and off, i've had my favorite and least favorite classes and i'd like to share a chart i feel the need to make for some odd reason. I'll be sharing what makes certain schools best for what you need to do in the game, more of a situation school chart if you will. Starting with storm (One of the most damage intensive schools in the game, they can hit high damages without the need to over blade/trap, They also have much lower accuracy and health then all other schools) People say it should be nerfed because it has such high damage, of course i do not agree due to it's downfalls. Pros - High damage (level 88 spell Storm Owl, base damage no enchants 1525-1625) - A stuns (Storm lord) - At level 100 with full darkmoor gear it can get around it's much lower than other school's accuracy (70-75%) (31-36 accuracy) - Storms have cleanse which helps with fires as well as balance, this is good for a PvP character and other classes that decide to learn weakness. - At level 100 we have Bugs which removed all blades on the opposing target, good for both PvP and PvE making it balanced, although the base damage is high it's still balanced. - Storms also have Disarm which removed 1 blade at a time from the opposing target, it can be useful in PvP but no longer holds a useful spot in PvE.
Cons - Low health - No over time spells learned naturally through the school progression - In pvp people set mainly for storm and ice, this makes it difficult for a storm to get around due to set traps and or tower shields with low pierce, although there are ways around it ice has the upper hand due to Snow Angel and "The Finger" (Forgot the spell) - Supercharge uses all pips for one massive blade, the only reason i put this in the cons area is because other classes should have something like this, fire has a stronger one but it is a trap which can be taken off much easier than a blade, but can be used by any teammate while supercharge is "Self-Only"
Conclusion If you're not the one to tank hits, heal, but you want to put out mass damage without an overtime this is the school for you. With high damages hitting far above any other school it's great for farming and taking out bosses, but the low health renders it useless for bosses that cheat using main cheats such as enfeeble and disarm, even another storm mob and render most attacks useless such as in Polaris when they use Sirens, all in all it's a great class that has it's downfalls as does every class. It doesn't need a nerf, it just needs people to recognize that not every class can be the best of both worlds. People sometimes forget that Storm has 3 times less health than every other school, or that their accuracy is much lower then the rest.
Re: Class basics | The highs and lows of The Storm
Storm doesn't have 3 times less health, they're usually around the mid-4ks while other schools are in the 5-6ks, and their accuracy is only a problem during lower levels. I have never seen a max storm who wasn't mantled fizzle. Proper gear (especially Darkmoor) will bring your accuracy up to 100%, which is actually a major boon when casting a 100% accuracy spell while mantled.
Re: Class basics | The highs and lows of The Storm
I never got a Storm Wizard pass Krokotopia since I couldn't handle the school and it was the opposite of my play style, but based on what I have seen, most of the cons you listed could be fixed at higher levels.
Storm can get increased health using the gear that they have, at Prodigious, they can get about 5,000 HP, which is not very low compared to the average exalted wizard.
Storm doesn't need DoT's if they have their pierce, DoT's could be a negative thing since they don't use traps efficiently and you could easily bypass shields with the high pierce that storm can get.
Don't PvP then, PvP is absolutely worthless and it doesn't benefit your character in any way. If you want to get items for arena tickets, there are always other ways you can get them, whether that is farming, fishing, gardening, or something else.
Storm wizards can use Supercharge after buffing for an attack, and then continue buffing their attack as their pips go up again. Other schools shouldn't have this since they aren't damage dealing schools, the closest blade or trap to Supercharge and Backdraft is Feint, which supports the purpose of the Death School. Also, there are disadvantages to Backdraft since other players can use it without asking and waste your traps.
These are all disadvantages compared to other schools, but what I'm saying is that these disadvantages don't cause much trouble at higher levels as opposed to lower levels.
Storm Wizards are team players, their purpose is to be a hammer of a team, if you want to play as a solo hitter, then I recommend trying fire or death, they might deal lower damage, but they have higher health and resistances, so they could last longer.
Re: Class basics | The highs and lows of The Storm
By the way, your conclusion is flawed. Low health does not mean that Storm is useless against bosses, it is actually the best class for dealing damage to bosses due to its high damage. Storm doesn't need as many blades to deal high damage against a boss. They can also do high damage against other Storm enemies, prisms and pierce exist. Useless is a terrible way to describe any school, even Storm Wizards could be the best hitter against Storm Enemies if they know how to play properly. Why didn't you take in consideration prisms and pierce in this guide?
Re: Class basics | The highs and lows of The Storm
George Washington on Dec 29, 2015 wrote:
By the way, your conclusion is flawed. Low health does not mean that Storm is useless against bosses, it is actually the best class for dealing damage to bosses due to its high damage. Storm doesn't need as many blades to deal high damage against a boss. They can also do high damage against other Storm enemies, prisms and pierce exist. Useless is a terrible way to describe any school, even Storm Wizards could be the best hitter against Storm Enemies if they know how to play properly. Why didn't you take in consideration prisms and pierce in this guide?
If you read it correctly you'd know i meant useless for bosses with cheats and or bosses with enfeeble/disarm, i have a 110 storm and have been using storm for 5 years i know the ins and outs of the class. Cheats dealt like spam dot damage and or bosses that use mass hits if not attacked trying to solo you can't do it without being able to spam the boss down (I.E Beloq in Azteca when he spams RA) Storm can solo pretty much every world and boss at any level unless they cheat enough to the point a storm cannot blade, trap, attack every round ect..
Re: Class basics | The highs and lows of The Storm
Robobot1747 on Dec 29, 2015 wrote:
Storm doesn't have 3 times less health, they're usually around the mid-4ks while other schools are in the 5-6ks, and their accuracy is only a problem during lower levels. I have never seen a max storm who wasn't mantled fizzle. Proper gear (especially Darkmoor) will bring your accuracy up to 100%, which is actually a major boon when casting a 100% accuracy spell while mantled.
This is school basics, it's if you're thinking of going into the school and or at a lower level for storm. It wasn't based on being max level, you wouldn't be reading the pros and cons of storm at max level because you've already got most of what you need to do to improve on storm at 100-110.
Re: Class basics | The highs and lows of The Storm
just1232 on Dec 31, 2015 wrote:
If you read it correctly you'd know i meant useless for bosses with cheats and or bosses with enfeeble/disarm, i have a 110 storm and have been using storm for 5 years i know the ins and outs of the class. Cheats dealt like spam dot damage and or bosses that use mass hits if not attacked trying to solo you can't do it without being able to spam the boss down (I.E Beloq in Azteca when he spams RA) Storm can solo pretty much every world and boss at any level unless they cheat enough to the point a storm cannot blade, trap, attack every round ect..
A storm wizard doesn't need to blade or trap every round. They can already deal high damage without any of those. Also, most bosses who cheat like that could be dispelled to prevent cheating. Storm wizards can get storm dispels for free and dispels of every other school for one training point. They could also get dispel treasure cards.