I recently took and put on my storm wizard the strongest Critical clothing and equipment. His critical rate went to 330, yet in a fight out of five hits he critical only once. With the loss of accuracy, the loss of shields, the loss of Punch or damage, it is asking a lot to suggest a wizard go for critical clothing and equipment. I tried and found this part of game lacking. I will remove the critical equipment and go back to my level 60 gear as my level 90 wizard has found these to be the best in the game so far. Even looking at crown level 90 or 80 level clothing is no better. Level 60 clothing is about the best clothing a wizard can get. It use to be Malistaire robes were the most sought after robes in the game when top level was 50, then as game expanded the level 58 gear became the best to wear, now it is level 60, You either give up damage for shields, or you give up accuracy for pips, it just doesn't add up in the end so I stick with my level 60 gear. The protection on the level 60 robes are plain shields, not just on a particular hit. I no longer look for clothing that protect from fire or ice but just plain shields. It cover it all. I have crown gear that my wizards would not wear when I was leveling them because the level 60 gear was much better, and I have a lot of crown gear. Leveling pets, my advice is forget the school treats, and just go buy Shanta pudding as it normally will give you 10 points leveling while school snacks will not at all. I have gotten where any pet I level I use shanta pudding, the school snacks just don't compare unless they happen to love the school snack and I have had several pets that didn't love anything. I am hoping the new addition to the game has a better ending than the last world as seeing a world die is not good. It sort of made me feel like the ending to AZt world stunk.Should have had some kind of goodness at the end.
Like everything else in life, picking the best gear means compromise.
If you want high crit then expect to give up some accuracy, damage, resist, and block.
It's like the old saw about car repairs: pick any two. Cheap, soon, good.
Crit is overrated and not very reliable. Also, after High Road, even most street mobs block most player crits. Having super high crit is only valuable in pvp and in farming.
And I would seriously think twice before using an all-crit strategy in pvp these days.
There's decent crafted options in AV but you will have to switch between sets of gear for each and every fight.