Why is my Archmage Necromancer's Sidhe Staff now a level 70 Dragonrider's Balance Blade??? It still has the same appearance from when I stitched my staff, so this item is obviously replacing the Sidhe Staff.... or what? I really don't understand. Howcome this isn't on the change list here? And why is the Sidhe Staff not in the Crowns Shop?
If this replacement goes live I'm going to be rather furious, personally. I paid for the staff because it was extremely useful to me. This blade, however, is garbage and I would never pay for it, nor would I pay to stitch it.
Please do not change items already purchased and owned. Thanks.
If kings is going to cointinue taking AWAY our power and Our resist I want gloves added to our armor, in any case sell some in the crowns shops and all over the spiral and drop them in battles. Other games your allowed TWO rings AND gloves for protection Where are these in this wonderful game? Come on players we deserve to have at least as much as other games right? Even if allowoing them to players above asy levels 12 or 15 would be awesome and encourage players to keep playing past WC :)
Why is my Archmage Necromancer's Sidhe Staff now a level 70 Dragonrider's Balance Blade??? It still has the same appearance from when I stitched my staff, so this item is obviously replacing the Sidhe Staff.... or what? I really don't understand. Howcome this isn't on the change list here? And why is the Sidhe Staff not in the Crowns Shop?
If this replacement goes live I'm going to be rather furious, personally. I paid for the staff because it was extremely useful to me. This blade, however, is garbage and I would never pay for it, nor would I pay to stitch it.
Please do not change items already purchased and owned. Thanks.
after reading the above post i went onto test and checked my wizard and i too now have a different wand to the one i paid for with real funds, unfortunately unlike the game my wallet doesn't evolve and prosper at the flick of a switch so i would like KI to realize that i have added to the list that myself and family are not to use crowns on as these additions may be taken away in future, i guess we will have to see what happens when the actual game is updated. all good things must come to an end i just hope that KI does not start taking away things that members are playing for with real money as then we would have to look around for another game.
i might add that i have been patient and supportive with KI to progress the game to keep folks interested in the game with recent developments but please understand its a game and real funds wasted are a luxury most folks cant afford or wont stand by and watch just disappear because someone decides its best for the game, that may be the case but its not best for my wallet. so until we see whats going to happen we wont be buying any more crowns even if there on the specials which normally come up more often than not.
fyi we have easily spent well over $300 in the past 12 months (on top of our memberships) alone multiply that by the other members who may decide the same options as my family and KI might review the idea, but by then i might say the horse would have already bolted along with us
The gear can be dyed, but where my Wizard's hair go?
Please fix that small issue, boys and girls have no hair while wearing that gear.
Please be specific about the names of the clothing you are wearing that is hiding your hair and please keep in mind, many outfits intentionally hide hair.
The gear can be dyed, but where my Wizard's hair go?
Please fix that small issue, boys and girls have no hair while wearing that gear.
Please be specific about the names of the clothing you are wearing that is hiding your hair and please keep in mind, many outfits intentionally hide hair.
The gear can be dyed, but where my Wizard's hair go?
Please fix that small issue, boys and girls have no hair while wearing that gear.
Please be specific about the names of the clothing you are wearing that is hiding your hair and please keep in mind, many outfits intentionally hide hair.
Splendid Attire and all the other Attire gear have the same problem.
The test realm is completely separate from the regular game.
that in itself should be enough. sigh.
When the test realm appears, the version of your account being used may not be the current version you play in the real game. You could be playing with your wizard from a month or two ago. As for the staff, perhaps they forgot to add it to the test realm server, or maybe the test realm is buggy about stitched items. For all we know the testrealm is hoasted on a different machine and has some corrupted files. That doesn't mean that the normal server will become corrupted when they add the new content to it.
Stop making threats and promises. Report what is wrong and trust them to fix it by the time it gets to the real server.
Regarding clothing obtained from bundles, such as the Sultan's gear...why can we not dye this clothing? I am just curious as to why we can dye our in game clothing, but not clothing we purchase with real money? What was the reason for this 'block'? I would so much love to be able to change the colors on some of this gear, to match my wizard's school colors.