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Color Bias

Jul 27, 2011
I know this has been brought up many times before, but I have a hard time letting it go. Male avatars can't dye clothes pink. Female avatars can't dye clothes brown. I know in the past KI responded saying they didn't think those genders would have interest in those colors, but all that does is assign gender to color. Color has no gender. What is KI so afraid of happening? If KI games are supposed to be diverse and accepting, what is the worst that can happen to allow males to use pink and females to use brown? Is KI worried that if male avatars use pink, there would be bullying? If so, it already happens for one, and that is what the report function and ignore list is for, to take care of that problem. Seriously, I would actually like to use brown on my female character sometimes, but eh, guess I can't. Because you know, that's a boy color apparently.

Mar 16, 2012
Mello Lily on Feb 21, 2017 wrote:
I know this has been brought up many times before, but I have a hard time letting it go. Male avatars can't dye clothes pink. Female avatars can't dye clothes brown. I know in the past KI responded saying they didn't think those genders would have interest in those colors, but all that does is assign gender to color. Color has no gender. What is KI so afraid of happening? If KI games are supposed to be diverse and accepting, what is the worst that can happen to allow males to use pink and females to use brown? Is KI worried that if male avatars use pink, there would be bullying? If so, it already happens for one, and that is what the report function and ignore list is for, to take care of that problem. Seriously, I would actually like to use brown on my female character sometimes, but eh, guess I can't. Because you know, that's a boy color apparently.
Second post on color today! How's that for coincidence?
In Pirate101, KI has made it possible for all genders to have access to any color on their menu - I've seen plenty of boy pirates in pink with pink flags and ships. ( Hey, even one of the bosses wears pink armor! )
And one of my girl pirates is stylin' a Brown and Green ensemble.
It would be about time that KI upgrades their color menu for Wizards.

Mar 25, 2011
Mello Lily on Feb 21, 2017 wrote:
I know this has been brought up many times before, but I have a hard time letting it go. Male avatars can't dye clothes pink. Female avatars can't dye clothes brown. I know in the past KI responded saying they didn't think those genders would have interest in those colors, but all that does is assign gender to color. Color has no gender. What is KI so afraid of happening? If KI games are supposed to be diverse and accepting, what is the worst that can happen to allow males to use pink and females to use brown? Is KI worried that if male avatars use pink, there would be bullying? If so, it already happens for one, and that is what the report function and ignore list is for, to take care of that problem. Seriously, I would actually like to use brown on my female character sometimes, but eh, guess I can't. Because you know, that's a boy color apparently.
I literally made a thread about the same thing not a day before you!
Totally agreed! Read the replies, they included some support and some closure on why things happened they way they did.

Hope to see you all in the Spiral!
Nathan GreenEyes 120 PvP Commander Main
Nathan GreenEyes 110 Couch Potato Hoarder
Ryan HexPyre 104 Always Dying
Nathan GreenEyes 75+ Hot in more ways than one (lol)