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Concerned Parent

May 30, 2009
I have to bring this up because it just seems like something is not right. I know there are plenty of threads concerning reporting and each and every one of them have been given the same basic "all reports are sent to so-and-so along with a copy of the chat log and is reviewed carefully where the moderator assesses the violation and rules accordingly".

Here is where I have a problem. Seems like almost daily I stroll through the commons and see SOMEONE either cursing around the filter, being abusive, or just out and out cursing. That's when I get on what I call a reporting binge.

Here lately though, I have had many, many of them tell me "go ahead and report me, they don't do anything anyway" "this isn't my first time being reported, nothing will happen" or (and this is the worst) "we all do it, no one cares, this is how teens talk and you should mind your own business. KI doesn't care what we do and if we get banned we can just make a new email account and a new wizards account".

I have to know that when I report someone for some of the terrible things I see in that area that something is ACTUALLY being done about it. If someone tells me they have been reported multiple times and nothing has been done, I'm inclined to believe them over what I read here. And if it were as simple as creating a new email address and then a new wizards account, what's the point exactly? Isn't there a way to block a person's IP address from creating a new account? Wouldn't that be the easiest way to deal with that scenario?

I don't need for someone to post that all I need to do is click the "Ignore" button and I won't have to see it. This certainly isn't about seeing it, it's about knowing that even though we are told repeatedly to use the report feature, it actually works the way it's supposed to. Besides, ignoring a problem won't make it go away.

If I were to catch either of my kids speaking to someone like this I believe it would be the end of computers for them. And, yes, I know that not all children are monitored on here by their parents. I just can't help but feel a little disheartened thinking that even though I'm holding up my end of the bargain by monitoring certain areas when I visit, someone else isn't holding up theirs.

Also, please do not post the blanket response of "we check each report and take these things seriously" because I have read that on more than one occasion and can almost recite it word for word. I KNOW you get the reports, and I also know you receive a copy of the chat log 2 hours before and 2 hours after and I even know that you dole out punishment depending on the severity of the action (supposedly). What I want is something just a little more. Something maybe in my email saying "we have reviewed said report and are investigating the matter" or even "thank you for taking the time to submit your report, the matter will be handled promptly".

I don't know, it just seems like it gets worse and worse and the number of very rude, very disrespectful, very tacky players never seem to diminish.

Suggestion, how about in-game monitors? Someone who may be notified that a report has been issued and then given the place and realm that this person is in? Heck, I would certainly volunteer for this just to know that further action will be taken because from what I'm seeing, it ain't getting any better.

One other thing I'm a bit curious about. How many times exactly does a person need to be reported to get someones attention? Once? Twice? Ten times?

Seriously, there HAS to be something more that can be said about this situation. I don't want to have to change realms to get away from it. I don't want to have to shield my kids from a "family friendly" game because of the system in place isn't working properly. And I certainly don't want to give up my leisure time because of a few "bad apples".

Aug 21, 2009
In the early teen years most all kids go through what appears to be a cursing phase to which most grow out of and stop being so childish. To ban these people for simply being kids is a bit harsh, light warnings and light punishments are the best way to go (like disabling their chat for a day), sure if they lose their account they can just create another, but that is a whole lot of work and a lot of stuff to replace and a lot of them don't even like to do the quests one time through and try to port to the higher level areas through their friends.

I only have one friend who tends to curse a lot and says he is angry a lot. The thing about him though is that he is from a broken home that is very much a place where a child should be at and this game and his friends in this game gives him a safe place to be and feel at ease. It is wrong to ban people like this that aren't bad people and do no harm to anyone but do have it kind of bad at home and their language reflects only what they are being subjected to.

Sep 20, 2008
I tend to hang around with friends who can get a little on angry and curisng end, but we are friends and I know I get him, when he says stuff. If you barge into someone elses conversation with cursing. Don't expect not to be cursed at. I think the best way to deal with these people is after 1 report = 1 day no text chat, 2 = 2, ect. Once you recieve 5 reports in one month. You loose text chat for one month. If you sign up for another account on the same IP/Browser, your account will still have no text chat.

Dec 27, 2008
Being a mother of six who all play this game, I agree with you. I have seen way too many children try to curse by capitalizing the letters in their conversation. And it's precisely why my children don't have text chat. I can't count on KI doing anything about it. That protects my children from overexposure to others behavior, but what about everyone else?

As to the person who had something to say about all kids do it? When I used to tell my parents that I'd hear, "And if they were jumping off bridges would you do it too?" Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should.

Feb 15, 2009
Hi, asutton75! I certainly agree with you people curse way to often on this game and I would like to know they have been stopped. As far as them saying "Go ahead and report me I have been reported before and they havent done anything and they won't this time." I think they are just saying that to discourage you from reporting them, thats just kids now days. Allot of them lie about their age for open chat which makes it 10 times worse, they use open chat to: Share personal info (A Very strict violation of the rules) cursing which I am pretty sure is also against the rules, and harrass people which is again against the rules. I to would like a notification that the people whom I have reported have been caught at least one notification so I know they are getting my reports. It's just ashamed people have to do this stuff nowdays and they little cursers need stopped before they stop us from playing a very popular game everyone enjoys and no one can resist. That is without the proper equipment. hee hee

P.S: I would also like for it to stop notifying people that they have been reported because they get mad and they're all like "Who reported me!?" and "I'll just report you back. (Reports you.)" and such

Aug 07, 2010
I really don't don't see the point of IP address banning for cursing around the censor. The reason for this is because to use or see the text chat you must be over 13 or have a parent's permission. If they are under 13 and you allow text chat that is up to you. If they are over 13 I know for a fact they have heard worse if not from friends or other people then definitely on TV. I do agree with you that the reporting system fails but no need for IP bans unless there is a hacker or patch I believe. I mean come on you parents are so worried about what your kids read the word BED is filtered. I know everyone who plays this game has a bed. I know it can be used in a bad way but don't filter the whole word filter certain combinations. I also think the fact that the person gets an alert they were reported is a complete fail in logic. That feature allows people to do what I call "Revenge Reporting." If you report someone they are going to report you right back. I have been reported two times both false and if I get banned over them I will be so mad and will demand my money back.

Jun 21, 2010
Orca wrote:
I tend to hang around with friends who can get a little on angry and curisng end, but we are friends and I know I get him, when he says stuff. If you barge into someone elses conversation with cursing. Don't expect not to be cursed at. I think the best way to deal with these people is after 1 report = 1 day no text chat, 2 = 2, ect. Once you recieve 5 reports in one month. You loose text chat for one month. If you sign up for another account on the same IP/Browser, your account will still have no text chat.

That may or may not work. As you take our IP address for example. You ban the entire IP address, you would be punishing an entire family and then some. As our whole family has paid accounts plus my oldest son, whom is a teen has several friends who bring their laptops over and their are at times as many as 10 of us under one roof on at the same time. Wireless networks are wonderful, yet when you have so many people with accounts all going back to same IP, that would require some serious checking into. The problem with this is, it is the internet, you can not see who is on the other side, therefore it will never be perfect. You do not like a person's language, you report them and block them. The block button is there for that sole intent. I do have to agree with some other the other posts. I would rather angry teens use a few bad words, even if it is breaking rules, than get so angry they go into a school with a gun or swallow a bottle of pills or hang themselves. Seriously, we don't need to be so self centered here. Don't get me wrong, I go to church, matter of fact will be going to start school soon to be a minister, these kids need to have an outlet, this is a great place for it. Here is a safe zone keeping them off of drugs, off of the streets, out from in front of bullets, and yes the language is a faze most go through, especially when so many suffer from such horrible childhoods as they do these days. Parents are not able to stay home with children like they were 50 and 60 years ago and it takes a toll on the children and marriages. Thank You KI for giving our society's children a safe secure place and being tolerant and understanding of their needs. It is nice to know someone has their backs! Kudos for you!

Jun 13, 2010
Orca wrote:
I tend to hang around with friends who can get a little on angry and curisng end, but we are friends and I know I get him, when he says stuff. If you barge into someone elses conversation with cursing. Don't expect not to be cursed at. I think the best way to deal with these people is after 1 report = 1 day no text chat, 2 = 2, ect. Once you recieve 5 reports in one month. You loose text chat for one month. If you sign up for another account on the same IP/Browser, your account will still have no text chat.

Hello i am not a parent or adult but i still have some thing to say adout this subject. i got banned because i was a free to play player but i had to make another account because i beat a paying player in pvp. i think that is completly unfair!!!!!!!!! its not right that people that pay will be able to do anything they want! and another note i do hate that people are constantly swearing around the filter but i just turn off the chat the turn it on when i am with my friends that some thing you can do. just a tip.

Apr 05, 2010
Do you know, the other day, I was accidentally pulled into an ongoing battle in MB. Hey it happens, you roll your eyes but NP, right?

Wrong. By inadvertently joining this battle I was cursed at by the player engaged, "what the >>insert word<< did you join for?!"

Are you serious? I am exposed to language like this is what is supposed to be a children's game? I don't care if you are a teen and "that's how teens talk". Guess what? I am an adult and I am no angel, however I don't use that sort of language around not just my child, but any child. It's wrong, and everyone knows its wrong. So because someone has a hard situation--and believe me I'm not belittling anyone who has to endure some of the horrible things children are exposed to--but because they have a hard situation, MY son who also plays this game, should be exposed to profanity? I don't pay for that, and I pay plenty to play Wiz.

Does this game have devs in there playing? How can they not see it, if so, when I am pretty much guaranteed to see it no matter when I log in or what world I play in? And what kind of an answer is it to get, for me to turn off MY chat, inconvenience MYself, when I am the one following the rules?

Oct 26, 2009
bookmark11 wrote:
Hello i am not a parent or adult but i still have some thing to say adout this subject. i got banned because i was a free to play player but i had to make another account because i beat a paying player in pvp. i think that is completly unfair!!!!!!!!! its not right that people that pay will be able to do anything they want! and another note i do hate that people are constantly swearing around the filter but i just turn off the chat the turn it on when i am with my friends that some thing you can do. just a tip.

Um, bookmark11 Free to Play players cannot do PvP that actually counts (i.e not practice PvP) without paying crowns and KI checks the chat log so you don't get banned unless you are harassing other players.

Another hole in your story is that if you were Free to Play or bought crowns you would not be able to post in the message boards. Paying players cannot do whatever they want. There are many people in the age group of 10-13 who are going through that phase and curse a lot as well as report people for minor things such as not letting then deliver the final blow to a boss (They believe it gives them a better chance of getting something they want, but the computer doesn't know what they want so it doesn't make any sense.) or defeating them in PvP.

This is very out of hand but don't worry. The farther you progress in the game the less cursing there will be. Sure someone in Dragonspyre might curse if a noob drags another enemy in and just lets the timer run down (though that's another rant), or they lose or are about to lose, but no one is randomly cursing. Once you get out of Wizard City it is less of a problem.

Banning is not something KI takes lightly. They will only ban someone, in my experience if they are harassing with bad words. I do not know what those people were saying, asutton75, but they probably would get banned if they were harassing. This is what I mean by harassing:

Some Level 7: Ben, your a noob.
Me (on my level 23): O K
Some Level 7: On my other account I have all Grandmasters!
Me: Great. (walk away because I was heading for the pet pavilion)
Some Level 7: Oh, the scaredy cat Ben runs away! Are you scared?
Me: Nope. I just have better things to do than bother other players. Like someone I know. X hint hint X
Some Level 7: (Some Random curses)
I click the report button.

This would have never happened on one of my Grandmasters, so I think your level plays a part.

That will probably get him banned. I have met people who have gotten banned and I ask what happened and they say they did basically the scenario above.

Another thing KI might do is take away text chat. Many of those people in higher levels who don't have text chat have had it taken away.

One last note: I am a teenager and this is just my look at it. Please don't start bringing me down and yelling at me because of these.

Need I remind you that you OPTED IN to the 18+ Open Chat feature, which is minimally restricted. If you do not wish to see this fully Open Chat, you can easily OPT OUT of Open Chat in the My Accounts section.

Open Chat
18+ Open Chat allows players a more open communication environment with other 18+ players.

This chat will be filtered for profanity. In this channel, when players type their text they will see 3 colors in the chat window: white means 13+ can see it, yellow means only 18+ can see it, and red is completely filtered.

This chat feature is in response to our community's requests. To ensure the highest level of safety, we have chosen to provide this for our active Subscriber community only.

Please note that this option is off by default, and you must actively select this option under Account Management.

Our terms for in-game communication with other players will remain the same. Violent and abusive behavior, as well as the exchange of personal information is still not acceptable.

Accounts must be verified as 18+ through a valid credit card on file with Wizard101.

mesmith144 wrote:
Do you know, the other day, I was accidentally pulled into an ongoing battle in MB. Hey it happens, you roll your eyes but NP, right?

Wrong. By inadvertently joining this battle I was cursed at by the player engaged, &quot;what the >>insert word<< did you join for?!&quot;

Are you serious? I am exposed to language like this is what is supposed to be a children's game? I don't care if you are a teen and &quot;that's how teens talk&quot;. Guess what? I am an adult and I am no angel, however I don't use that sort of language around not just my child, but any child. It's wrong, and everyone knows its wrong. So because someone has a hard situation--and believe me I'm not belittling anyone who has to endure some of the horrible things children are exposed to--but because they have a hard situation, MY son who also plays this game, should be exposed to profanity? I don't pay for that, and I pay plenty to play Wiz.

Does this game have devs in there playing? How can they not see it, if so, when I am pretty much guaranteed to see it no matter when I log in or what world I play in? And what kind of an answer is it to get, for me to turn off MY chat, inconvenience MYself, when I am the one following the rules?

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
May 30, 2009
Prospector Zeke wrote:
Need I remind you that you OPTED IN to the 18+ Open Chat feature, which is minimally restricted. If you do not wish to see this fully Open Chat, you can easily OPT OUT of Open Chat in the My Accounts section.

Open Chat
18+ Open Chat allows players a more open communication environment with other 18+ players.

This chat will be filtered for profanity. In this channel, when players type their text they will see 3 colors in the chat window: white means 13+ can see it, yellow means only 18+ can see it, and red is completely filtered.

This chat feature is in response to our community's requests. To ensure the highest level of safety, we have chosen to provide this for our active Subscriber community only.

Please note that this option is off by default, and you must actively select this option under Account Management.

Our terms for in-game communication with other players will remain the same. Violent and abusive behavior, as well as the exchange of personal information is still not acceptable.

Accounts must be verified as 18+ through a valid credit card on file with Wizard101.

mesmith144 wrote:
Do you know, the other day, I was accidentally pulled into an ongoing battle in MB. Hey it happens, you roll your eyes but NP, right?

Wrong. By inadvertently joining this battle I was cursed at by the player engaged, &quot;what the >>insert word<< did you join for?!&quot;

Are you serious? I am exposed to language like this is what is supposed to be a children's game? I don't care if you are a teen and &quot;that's how teens talk&quot;. Guess what? I am an adult and I am no angel, however I don't use that sort of language around not just my child, but any child. It's wrong, and everyone knows its wrong. So because someone has a hard situation--and believe me I'm not belittling anyone who has to endure some of the horrible things children are exposed to--but because they have a hard situation, MY son who also plays this game, should be exposed to profanity? I don't pay for that, and I pay plenty to play Wiz.

Does this game have devs in there playing? How can they not see it, if so, when I am pretty much guaranteed to see it no matter when I log in or what world I play in? And what kind of an answer is it to get, for me to turn off MY chat, inconvenience MYself, when I am the one following the rules?

Wouldn't this be the same answer as "turn off chat and you won't see it" or "when you see someone like this, just hit the ignore button"? I'm sure she did opt in to the 18+ chat just as I did, but this certainly doesn't fix it all if you were to opt out. You still have those who go around it and either way, turning a blind eye doesn't fix the problem.

Mar 13, 2010
I tend to just chuckle at the immaturity of those "flexing their wings" with the attempts to curse and get around the filter. I am sure they feel so grown up. :-)

The only time I have made a report is when something really cruel is flung at myself or another person. I feel this should be handled. Part of teaching our children should be teaching them respect for another person and that doesn't include calling a person a derogatory name.

Apr 05, 2010
I'm sorry, but I don't understand the hostility? Players don't use the word itself, they use a word in place of the profanity, be it by capitalizing certain letters or replacing the words. The word that was used to me was able to skirt all filters. So I had thought about opting out, as you say, but it really wouldn't do any good unless I opt to completely disable chat. But I am asking why I must be the one to do this, when I am the one following the rules?

I apologize if I had caused any offense, but being a parent this is something that does concern me.

Prospector Zeke wrote:
Need I remind you that you OPTED IN to the 18+ Open Chat feature, which is minimally restricted. If you do not wish to see this fully Open Chat, you can easily OPT OUT of Open Chat in the My Accounts section.

Open Chat
18+ Open Chat allows players a more open communication environment with other 18+ players.

This chat will be filtered for profanity. In this channel, when players type their text they will see 3 colors in the chat window: white means 13+ can see it, yellow means only 18+ can see it, and red is completely filtered.

This chat feature is in response to our community's requests. To ensure the highest level of safety, we have chosen to provide this for our active Subscriber community only.

Please note that this option is off by default, and you must actively select this option under Account Management.

Our terms for in-game communication with other players will remain the same. Violent and abusive behavior, as well as the exchange of personal information is still not acceptable.

Accounts must be verified as 18+ through a valid credit card on file with Wizard101.

mesmith144 wrote:
Do you know, the other day, I was accidentally pulled into an ongoing battle in MB. Hey it happens, you roll your eyes but NP, right?

Wrong. By inadvertently joining this battle I was cursed at by the player engaged, &quot;what the >>insert word<< did you join for?!&quot;

Are you serious? I am exposed to language like this is what is supposed to be a children's game? I don't care if you are a teen and &quot;that's how teens talk&quot;. Guess what? I am an adult and I am no angel, however I don't use that sort of language around not just my child, but any child. It's wrong, and everyone knows its wrong. So because someone has a hard situation--and believe me I'm not belittling anyone who has to endure some of the horrible things children are exposed to--but because they have a hard situation, MY son who also plays this game, should be exposed to profanity? I don't pay for that, and I pay plenty to play Wiz.

Does this game have devs in there playing? How can they not see it, if so, when I am pretty much guaranteed to see it no matter when I log in or what world I play in? And what kind of an answer is it to get, for me to turn off MY chat, inconvenience MYself, when I am the one following the rules?

Jan 27, 2009
seasnake wrote:
In the early teen years most all kids go through what appears to be a cursing phase to which most grow out of and stop being so childish. To ban these people for simply being kids is a bit harsh, light warnings and light punishments are the best way to go (like disabling their chat for a day), sure if they lose their account they can just create another, but that is a whole lot of work and a lot of stuff to replace and a lot of them don't even like to do the quests one time through and try to port to the higher level areas through their friends.

I only have one friend who tends to curse a lot and says he is angry a lot. The thing about him though is that he is from a broken home that is very much a place where a child should be at and this game and his friends in this game gives him a safe place to be and feel at ease. It is wrong to ban people like this that aren't bad people and do no harm to anyone but do have it kind of bad at home and their language reflects only what they are being subjected to.

Sorry, but that kind of thinking just makes things worse. Many of us came from "broken homes", that is no excuse for bad behavior. Society has rules that must be obeyed and W101 is no different. Either you follow the rules or you get banned, plain and simple.

Feb 23, 2010
agnusdei wrote:
Being a mother of six who all play this game, I agree with you. I have seen way too many children try to curse by capitalizing the letters in their conversation. And it's precisely why my children don't have text chat. I can't count on KI doing anything about it. That protects my children from overexposure to others behavior, but what about everyone else?

As to the person who had something to say about all kids do it? When I used to tell my parents that I'd hear, "And if they were jumping off bridges would you do it too?" Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you should.

I don't think it's a matter of KI not caring about it. They certainly do more to limit things like that than I've ever seen any other game do. There's only so much they can do, however. They block out a lot of words, and given some of the things going on these days sadly, numbers as well. In order to properly communicate what you're doing or what you need, you have to talk around those blocks at times. Once the first player figured that out, it was only a matter of time before other players starting talking around filters for less appropriate reasons. As for expecting them to ban someone every time a complaint is made, that would only lead to chaos. What's to stop some jerk from filing a false complaint just to mess with someone? They shouldn't ban or even suspend a player in less they can demonstrate that something inappropriate has happened. The best way to deal with this would probably be to make sure that all conversations are saved somehow, and if a complaint was made, then they could review the dialogue to see if the player violated the rules, and if so to what degree.

Feb 23, 2010
mesmith144 wrote:
I'm sorry, but I don't understand the hostility? Players don't use the word itself, they use a word in place of the profanity, be it by capitalizing certain letters or replacing the words. The word that was used to me was able to skirt all filters. So I had thought about opting out, as you say, but it really wouldn't do any good unless I opt to completely disable chat. But I am asking why I must be the one to do this, when I am the one following the rules?

I apologize if I had caused any offense, but being a parent this is something that does concern me.

Prospector Zeke wrote:
Need I remind you that you OPTED IN to the 18+ Open Chat feature, which is minimally restricted. If you do not wish to see this fully Open Chat, you can easily OPT OUT of Open Chat in the My Accounts section.

Open Chat
18+ Open Chat allows players a more open communication environment with other 18+ players.

This chat will be filtered for profanity. In this channel, when players type their text they will see 3 colors in the chat window: white means 13+ can see it, yellow means only 18+ can see it, and red is completely filtered.

This chat feature is in response to our community's requests. To ensure the highest level of safety, we have chosen to provide this for our active Subscriber community only.

Please note that this option is off by default, and you must actively select this option under Account Management.

Our terms for in-game communication with other players will remain the same. Violent and abusive behavior, as well as the exchange of personal information is still not acceptable.

Accounts must be verified as 18+ through a valid credit card on file with Wizard101.

mesmith144 wrote:
Do you know, the other day, I was accidentally pulled into an ongoing battle in MB. Hey it happens, you roll your eyes but NP, right?

Wrong. By inadvertently joining this battle I was cursed at by the player engaged, &quot;what the >>insert word<< did you join for?!&quot;

Are you serious? I am exposed to language like this is what is supposed to be a children's game? I don't care if you are a teen and &quot;that's how teens talk&quot;. Guess what? I am an adult and I am no angel, however I don't use that sort of language around not just my child, but any child. It's wrong, and everyone knows its wrong. So because someone has a hard situation--and believe me I'm not belittling anyone who has to endure some of the horrible things children are exposed to--but because they have a hard situation, MY son who also plays this game, should be exposed to profanity? I don't pay for that, and I pay plenty to play Wiz.

Does this game have devs in there playing? How can they not see it, if so, when I am pretty much guaranteed to see it no matter when I log in or what world I play in? And what kind of an answer is it to get, for me to turn off MY chat, inconvenience MYself, when I am the one following the rules?

I think the point is that KI can only do so much. The only way to completely get rid of any and all inappropriate comments is to completely do away with everything but menu chat. That would make questing and fighting with teammates extremely complicated. The biggest concern has to be worrying about inappropriate comments to minors. KI's tiered chat system protects minors as much as possible, unless the parents allow their kids to activate the open chat feature. If the parents do that, then they need to know they are taking a risk. The same risk their kids face most other places on the internet or at school. If you're an adult, and your focus is what people say to you, then I would think that by now you'd know that some people in life are just jerks, and should be ignored. I don't mean to be dismissive or diminish your concerns, but the simple fact is that if people can communicate then some people are likely to be rude. There's no way around that.

Jul 04, 2010
I know this will make me less than popular, but sadly I feel it must be said. I think KI is doing a fine job. Seriously, I am 34, my husband and I play this game because we like it. Do I have kids? No, but I do take care of them fairly frequently, and I know their friends.

I think people are being a little to oversensitive on this issue. I can promise with 99.9% certainty your adorable lil midgets have heard and used swear words when you are not looking. Whether it be at school, at a friends, online. These are just words and even an 8 year old has probably already said most of them and know what they mean. Don't get me wrong I am all for the filters, but adding to them or complaining about them isn't going to protect your kid from anything they haven't already heard and probably said themselves at some point. I mean think back to when you were a kid, had you really NEVER even heard a swear word once?

As for reporting, that is all well and good, if someone is getting out of hand and angrily using said word exploits they should be reported. However reporting the second you see it, without knowing the context is a bit much considering it's nothing new to any kid at this point. If you are that worried just turn off their chat all together or only let them use the most edited chat function. You pretty much would have to get rid of chat all together to get rid of every way you could say a swear word or get the same word across in another very easily understandable way.

I myself have never reported anyone, I have had "friends" pop in and leave me with extra mobs and pop out, been sworn at in PVP the whole bit. I just either put them on ignore, or figure kids will be kids. (especially in PVP when people get riled up, it actually gets kind of funny, and no I don't join them in it, I just find it silly/amusing that they get so worked up over a game.) and in retrospect maybe they get it from parents who are themselves getting worked up over a simple game. People, you children have heard all these words before, they have used them, whether you know it or not. This isn't the 1950's. Lets just play, enjoy, and if needed ignore or report depending on the offense and not rail on KI who already has the strongest filters of any game I have played.

Apr 18, 2010
I've been reported falsely and its says you've been reported and the will review there files to see if you really were reported for good reason. maybe its a computer or some software checking and the can make mistakes.

Jan 09, 2010
asutton75 wrote:
Here lately though, I have had many, many of them tell me "go ahead and report me, they don't do anything anyway" "this isn't my first time being reported, nothing will happen" or (and this is the worst) "we all do it, no one cares, this is how teens talk and you should mind your own business. KI doesn't care what we do and if we get banned we can just make a new email account and a new wizards account".

I find it apalling that the person being reported can see exactly who reported them. Or am I reading this wrong? I can see the warning "you have been reported for bad language" being necessary in order to warn someone that stopping the behavior may be prudent, but can they seriously see who reported them in an in-game message?

Jan 27, 2009
I've never been reported, but I have reported some bad behavior. From the reactions I have seen, they do not know who reported them.

Jul 19, 2009
Orca wrote:
I tend to hang around with friends who can get a little on angry and curisng end, but we are friends and I know I get him, when he says stuff. If you barge into someone elses conversation with cursing. Don't expect not to be cursed at. I think the best way to deal with these people is after 1 report = 1 day no text chat, 2 = 2, ect. Once you recieve 5 reports in one month. You loose text chat for one month. If you sign up for another account on the same IP/Browser, your account will still have no text chat.

Not 100 % sure, but I think that IP's are not static unless you have a permanent online connection, like an always active dsl line. Anyone that signs on through a connection that is not permanent may not have the same IP address as last time, so this might not work as well as we would hope.

And the cursing issue isn't just with children. Adults are also abusive. And if a child comes from a broken home or other "negative" environment, while that may be the reason, it still isn't an excuse and society (W101 or civilization in general) doesn't have to understand and accept it just because the person "has had a rough time".

I would gladly volunteer for onsite reporting sleuth. I am fed up with obnoxious people who act like bullies in a school yard.

Jul 01, 2008
They can't see who reported them, they can only guess. As if it matters - they are the ones in the wrong anyway, no matter who caught them doing it.

The very first thing they always say is "Who reported me?" Then they all start accusing each other of reporting, turning on each other, and reporting each other back. Trust me, they don't know. I've caught some incredibly foul language at times, and it always turns out like that. Birds of a feather....

Feb 09, 2009
Orca wrote:
...and the cursing issue isn't just with children. Adults are also abusive. And if a child comes from a broken home or other "negative" environment, while that may be the reason, it still isn't an excuse and society (W101 or civilization in general) doesn't have to understand and accept it just because the person "has had a rough time".

I must saying in adults' defense that I have open chat (the chat with almost no restrictions) and I've seen less cursing. In fact, I've only seen one person curse by taking advantage of the open chat. It might be because the people using this chat are more mature, but I don't know, maybe KI should consider restricting open chat to 18+ players and/or making a separate series of realms for 18+ because seeing people curse is merely an annoyance to me.