Its very simple. The trap/prism you used last will used first. For example: 1. cast fire prism 2. cast fire traps
In this case you will use up both --- Common mistake: 1. cast fire prism 2. cast fire traps 3. cast fire prism
In this case you will use only fire prism at your first attack. --- Advanced case: 1. cast fire prism 2. cast elemental trap 3. cast fire prism
In this case you can attack twice. First attack will used fire prism and ice trap from elemental trap. Second attack will use fire trap from elemental trap and fire prism.
If you throw a fire prism on the monster (like a trap), then hit the monster with a fire damage spell, it will convert the fire damage to ice damage instead. Unfortunately, fire monsters also throw up ice shields, so unless you are fortunate enough to be able to catch the monster with it's shields down, you would actually do more damage to the monster by not converting than by converting. The same goes for other schools, except death never shields for life. Balance doesn't get prisms so obviously this one is another exception to the rule. As you get higher in level, however, a monster's resistance also gets better, so I imagine at some point, prisms would be better irregardless of whether the monster has a shield on or not. I have yet to find out though.
Converts or Prisms are to convert your fire spell to ice after you cast it on the monster. Blades are what you put on yourself to boost spells you cast on the monster. Traps are what you put on the monster to boost your spells. I think you have to apply the trap after the convert to get it to boost your fire spell before it's converted to an ice one.
In the end I usually only use converts on bosses that are the same school as I am.. If I have the time/energy I apply 1 during mob fights but in general just keep firing away since even with resist some times it is less productive to wait for Converts in deck.
Side note which I did not know long - if you apply your convert to a monster and he later puts a shield up against the school you are converting to you convert will still work. The trick is to get the convert up before they shield.
Side note which I did not know long - if you apply your convert to a monster and he later puts a shield up against the school you are converting to you convert will still work. The trick is to get the convert up before they shield.
This is something I did not know. Thank you for this tidbit of information! :)
You can't really just throw a bunch of stuff onto poor Foulgaze and expect it to work. For a fire prism, use your ice traps, prism, and then your fire traps. If a boss/creature/player shields in this order, the shields will activate as well. You can't stack elemental traps, either. So saying you ice trap, elemental trap, prism, fire trap, elemtal trap. One of the two will not activate, unless the other is a Treasure Card, or a different type of Treasure (Bartleby edition, normal, Nightmare pack, etc.). Lenora Nightstone - Grandmaster Theurgist