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Critical rating calculations and farming jewels

Jun 26, 2020
Im not a new player been playing 11 years now on nd off i have multiple accounts, this is the first time I actually reach level 50 nd actually have critical hits , was just wondering whats the best death gear between level 50 nd 55 because my gear sucks a bit and i also would love to know whats the best place to farm for jewels to affix pls nd thanks

Dec 09, 2008
jaygwuala09 on Nov 20, 2020 wrote:
Im not a new player been playing 11 years now on nd off i have multiple accounts, this is the first time I actually reach level 50 nd actually have critical hits , was just wondering whats the best death gear between level 50 nd 55 because my gear sucks a bit and i also would love to know whats the best place to farm for jewels to affix pls nd thanks
Congrats on reaching level 50!

Jan 05, 2014
Farming jewels is in my opinion pretty impractical, the drops are so random. Still, if you want to go that route hunt down the entry for the jewel(s) you want on the wiki, it will tell you what creatures can drop it.

There are two wikis for this game, one very old and nearly useless, I forget the site it's on. The good one is on the Wizard101 Central site, a tremendous resource for all things w101. You can google it or copy and paste this url into your browser:


I hesitate to mention this, as I don't really want more competition for the quite hard to find reagents, but what has worked better for me is crafting. There are crafting recipes for level appropriate school jewels. No recipes seem to exist for the "all schools" opals. These recipes are kind of hit or miss because they aren't specific, you make a school jewel and it comes out one of several different kinds; you usually have to make a bunch to get the one or two jewels you really want. School jewels that give bonuses to school damage and especially accuracy are very handy. School jewels that give a bonus to defense not so much, as they won't help you with damage from 6 out of 7 schools, but having a resist bonus to you own school can be handy for fighting those same-school bosses when you're struggling to get a prism out, particularly those tough spell quest battles you can't use teamup for. I think there are a couple of other kinds, again of limited usefulness, but I forget what they are.

Note I said "especially" accuracy. To me, the first, most crucial goal of jewel fixing is to get your primary school spells' accuracy to 100% so you never fizzle. The difference between even a quite small fizzle chance like 5% and a zero fizzle chance is like night and day. When considering gear changes my first priority is to always maintain that crucial 0% fizzle chance, or if that isn't possible (in the first arc it generally isn't) to at least get the fizzle chance down as low as I can.

Sep 07, 2011
General best options, at level 56 craft the wintertusk set from Carax Strongthred in Sudrilund. Upgrade to Waterworks set at level 60. You may still want the crafted hat for the extra blade. This stuff will get you to level 90-100 with minor accessory upgrades.

Jewels drop all over, and you can get them from jewel plants and event rewards. Check the Central Wiki for specific locations, but it's pretty random what drops where.