See Bob! See Bob run! Bob is a daily rewards player. Bob runs to the next battle to get his daily rewards prize. Once there, Bob finds that the game area is packed with other people, waiting their turns to join the next available battle so they can collect their daily rewards prize. Bob does not want to wait. Bob is impatient. Bob is self-centred. So Bob runs into the nearest game without asking to join the players who are already there. By running in, Bob adds another foe to that game and extends the game for all the other players, who now have to be there way longer, because of Bob. Nobody wants to sit there and play another 3 rounds cuz self-centred Bob joined in, but they have to or they don't get their daily rewards points. Once he has joined the battle, Bob does not work. He passes his turn, round after round and lets the other players do all the work and make the kill. Everyone hates Bob. DON"T BE BOB.
See Bob! See Bob run! Bob is a daily rewards player. Bob runs to the next battle to get his daily rewards prize. Once there, Bob finds that the game area is packed with other people, waiting their turns to join the next available battle so they can collect their daily rewards prize. Bob does not want to wait. Bob is impatient. Bob is self-centred. So Bob runs into the nearest game without asking to join the players who are already there. By running in, Bob adds another foe to that game and extends the game for all the other players, who now have to be there way longer, because of Bob. Nobody wants to sit there and play another 3 rounds cuz self-centred Bob joined in, but they have to or they don't get their daily rewards points. Once he has joined the battle, Bob does not work. He passes his turn, round after round and lets the other players do all the work and make the kill. Everyone hates Bob. DON"T BE BOB.
This is exactly why so many people hate random joiners. I have had too many bad experiences to count so I only play in perfect realms. Its too bad players act like this. If all people worked together and were helpful then more people would welcome joiners. As it stands now, I scope out the area before I battle. If I see a person lurking I change realms. Ain't nobody got time for those free loaders and trolls.
See Bob! See Bob run! Bob is a daily rewards player. Bob runs to the next battle to get his daily rewards prize. Once there, Bob finds that the game area is packed with other people, waiting their turns to join the next available battle so they can collect their daily rewards prize. Bob does not want to wait. Bob is impatient. Bob is self-centred. So Bob runs into the nearest game without asking to join the players who are already there. By running in, Bob adds another foe to that game and extends the game for all the other players, who now have to be there way longer, because of Bob. Nobody wants to sit there and play another 3 rounds cuz self-centred Bob joined in, but they have to or they don't get their daily rewards points. Once he has joined the battle, Bob does not work. He passes his turn, round after round and lets the other players do all the work and make the kill. Everyone hates Bob. DON"T BE BOB.
It would seem that the impatience of certain wizards to add an extra three rounds in an MMO is being more self-centered than Bob.
It's pretty simple, change to a perfect realm if you have a problem with this. This is really only an issue at low levels for most schools. Odds are you are building up for an AOE hit anyways so adding another mob or two at the most adds one round and doesn't change your casting at all. Yes there are the odd occasions when someone joins just as you cast a kill shot. It's a couple minutes, nothing to cry over.
Switching to a perfect realm is better than nothing but it does not stop Bob. He is everywhere. Higher and lower levels. And while an extra few minutes might mean nothing to you, I don't have hours and hours to play this game. I wish I did. Some days, I only get a few minutes free to play this game. And just traveling to the daily rewards spot itself takes a good chunk of that. (Have you ever tried to find the Crystal Caves in Avalon when it has been a few years since you were there last?? lol) So yeah, I get ticked off when Bob costs me.
And like the rest of us, I would rather keep the time spent on daily rewards short so I can get on with the game itself. Oh -- and when more than one Bob joins in the same battle, in staggered fashion, you are there a lot longer than 3 rounds. I was once in a few battles that went on and on and ON. Was wondering if I would ever get outta there cuz people just kept joining and joining...I had to stay in cuz I needed a finished game to collect the rewards, but I was dying and nobody who joined the battle (unasked) threw me a shield or a heal. C'mon folks! If you are in such a rush to get your daily rewards, chances are that others are, too.
I'm sorry you're running into so many "Bobs" out there. Your original post made me chuckle with sympathy, though. Good use of humor there....
Anyway, as others said, the best prevention is to stick to the 'perfect' realms as much as you can. Before you leap into battle, if you see a lot of people loitering around switch realms again. Don't start until you find a quiet spot.
Also, if a "Bob" does come along to ruin your day, you could always flee and leave him there to fend for himself. It's mean, but it might get the point across since he joined you without asking and then didn't even bother to help. Yes, sometimes the cards don't come up as needed and sometimes they're menu chatters, but even then they can at least say hi and try to offer some kind of participation in the battle.
And yeah, I laughed when you mentioned the Crystal Caves of Avalon. It's been so long I had no idea how to find them anymore and had to go look it up on the wiki, LOL! Also, some of the mobs are weird, rare spawns that rarely show up in one particular area. Good luck trying to catch a Fire Elf Pathfinder when everybody wants one....
I'm sometimes an accidental "Bobbie", but when this happens I always apologize and give a shield or heal. What I don't like about a few "Bobs", though, are the high level Bobs who join a low level fight and just pass and pass while the poor low level is taking hit after hit. Come on guys!
Forgot to mention, that for those times when the battle is for a rare, hard to find enemy and I'm in battle when I see someone coming; I invite them to join. Don't be selfish, share the bad guys!
I'm sometimes an accidental "Bobbie", but when this happens I always apologize and give a shield or heal. What I don't like about a few "Bobs", though, are the high level Bobs who join a low level fight and just pass and pass while the poor low level is taking hit after hit. Come on guys!