Dark Sprite does 65 - 105 damage. Does anybody know what is used to determine how much damage within that range it does? I unequipped everything, had no additional damage of any kind listed and cast Dark Sprite. It did 65 damage I loaded all my gear back up, which gave me 49% additional damage (listed under the damage percentage from the stats menu). I cast the same Dark Sprite spell and it did 141 damage (non critical). Now, if I do the math right:
65 * 1.49 = 100.05 105*1.49 = 156.45
So where is the other 41 pts of damage coming from?
I believe it goes by equal increments based on the spell, in the case of dark sprite the difference is 40 points from min to max, so I would suspect that the increments are by 10, so 65, 75, 85, 95, and 105. and as for your 141, 95*1.49= 141.55. For a large spell it might be more like every 15 or 20 points instead of 10, or something like that. Hope this helps.
I believe it goes by equal increments based on the spell, in the case of dark sprite the difference is 40 points from min to max, so I would suspect that the increments are by 10, so 65, 75, 85, 95, and 105. and as for your 141, 95*1.49= 141.55. For a large spell it might be more like every 15 or 20 points instead of 10, or something like that. Hope this helps.
well, but my question is, does something other than random chance influence the other increments? Can we influence a spell to do more damage?
well, but my question is, does something other than random chance influence the other increments? Can we influence a spell to do more damage?
Unless you have more Damage stats, there is little we can do to influence a spell to do more damage. Spells with a damage range are usually random with the damage that they do. Some lower ranked spells had 2-3 different animations to tell if they did more damage with a 1 animation (or that's how I looked at it).
Boosts can also effect the amount of damage a spell with do if the school of the spell is the direct opposite/counter school to the mob. Different mobs will have different boosts. Most cases, the higher worlds' mobs will have higher boosts than the lower ones. If you perhaps battled a Life creature with Dark Sprite, it's possible the damage increase came from that boost. If not, than the spell did a random damage between 65-105 and was increased by your damage buff.
well, but my question is, does something other than random chance influence the other increments? Can we influence a spell to do more damage?
No. It will do random base damage within the range shown on the spell card. If you have buffs or damage boosting gear or pet, the random base amount from the spell with be increased by those boosts.
The range is random. Regardless of what your gear is etc... the base attack will be a random value in that range that then gets the boosts applied. So if you unequip everything, you will get 65-105 damage and if you equip everything and your boost it 49% then you will get between 100 and 156 damage. Simply luck or bad luck where in that range you end up.
well, but my question is, does something other than random chance influence the other increments? Can we influence a spell to do more damage?
Not really, it's 65-105, meaning there's a random picking of what number in that range it will be. So it's you're extra percentage, being added to that random number, making the total damage. Though, if it were a solid damage range ( Ex: Brimstone Revenant does 440 damage, always *if you don't have gear on*) it can be calculated.