Hi guys how are you all doing, I am doing fine but I feel sad, I have been farming the dungeon for the tree past days 30 runs so far, and I have got nothing at all not even an athame I haven't go out with my friends because I really wanted the gear, my mom it's always upset to me for being all day in my room, I really thought I was going to get something from it, every run takes me tree hours this is how I feel, guys leave your thoughts in the drops and how you feel
So I have a total of 4 wizards, and I did the run on 3 of them. My fire wiz got the malistaire robe on the first run. My death on the 5th and 6th run got malistaire boots and robe. My life got the entire malistaire set after 6 runs. I still want the amulet and wand though.
Drop rate for malistaire gear needs increased. I've been through 20+ times and have only gotten a robe, and tons of repeat drops. They need to fix this. My kids already quit playing due to the difficulty, combined with the poor rate. If I don't get anything soon, I'll be joining them. Bad enough half the time people leave before it's over because of how long it takes.