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Darkmore Spells

Jun 24, 2013
I'm a mainly solo player so was wondering is there any plans to at least make those spells available via recipe or packs? Unfortunately, I can't get through Darkmore solo...tried several times, too many heavy boss cheats.

Ok, thanks, just wondering as I would really like the spell Call of Khrulhu.

Feb 28, 2014
You need a good team who knows the cheats. Some can solo some can not. A life wizard is highly recommended along with a storm and fire. Any combination will do. Good Luck!

Tarlac SwiftBlade 110
Arthur Battlethorn 110
Sloan Stormcatcher 110
Seth Stormstalker 110
Connor Deathslinger 110
Adrian Firecaster 110
Carlos Nightshade 80
Tanner Stormrider 53
Gorman Mythhaven 53

Sep 17, 2012
Team up. It only takes one successful run. I mostly solo as well so I know how you feel.

Feb 29, 2012
Not trying to hate, but if they made those spells obtainable any other way than doing the first two parts of darkmoor that would be defeating the purpose of darkmoor. And if you plan on soloing through the rest of khrysalis and Polaris you are going to need the malistaire gear unless if you plan on jading or using waterworks gear. So try teaming up the next time you can do darkmoor

Nov 22, 2010
wolfww1217 on Sep 19, 2016 wrote:
I'm a mainly solo player so was wondering is there any plans to at least make those spells available via recipe or packs? Unfortunately, I can't get through Darkmore solo...tried several times, too many heavy boss cheats.

Ok, thanks, just wondering as I would really like the spell Call of Khrulhu.
Darkmoor is designed specifically to be a team dungeon, not a solo dungeon. And the spells aren't any that you HAVE to have, they're just nice to have.

So your options are:

go through in a team


don't get the spells.

Jul 24, 2015
wolfww1217 on Sep 19, 2016 wrote:
I'm a mainly solo player so was wondering is there any plans to at least make those spells available via recipe or packs? Unfortunately, I can't get through Darkmore solo...tried several times, too many heavy boss cheats.

Ok, thanks, just wondering as I would really like the spell Call of Khrulhu.
Others have already spelled out your best options fairly well.

That said, I do see hits when I browse for Castle Darkmoor Solo. It will be a slog, but I'm thinking you can pull it off with a Death wizard. Prepare for some long, tedious battles.

There are three things you will need to do for each boss. The first is to read up on the guides to make sure you know the best way to win. The second is to completely tailor your wizard to resist the attacks from this boss. Waterworks or Jade gear, plus a double-Resist pet will make this very survivable. (Darkmoor bosses have substantial pierce, so you will also want to use Fortify aura, as well as Tower Shields when you can cast them.) The third thing you will need to do is to kill all minions.

Howling Cheney is your first opponent. His attacks are all Life, so you can pick gear specifically with a high Life resist rating. His minions are all balance, which boost Death. Chaney cheats when you heal, but drains should work very well in this fight. Blade up and Scarecrow to kill his minions while healing yourself. Feints work on Chaney. Once his minions are dead, spam him with Bad Juju while stacking Feints. Finish him off with Doctor Von's Monster.

Sir Blackwater has a far greater variety of attacks, so use your best universal Resist gear. He resists both Life and Death, but only 30%. His sacrifice will remove your traps, and he cheats to remove your blades. For the first several rounds, go defensive with shields. Stack traps on one of his minions and Von it to death while healing. When he casts Age of Reckoning and Call of Khrulhu, go to town on him. Part of his cheat is to cast Age of Reckoning, which will give you great pierce against him. Stack feints for a few rounds and kill him with Von. After that, mop up his minions.

Jul 24, 2015
(continuing from previous post)

Upper Halls will have a couple of four v one fights. You should be able to manage these with decent Storm resist gear. Stack a couple blades, Scarecrow, and repeat until victory.

The first boss, Akhtang WormCrawl, is a blade thief. You won't be able to blade up against him very well, but Spirit Blade and Sharpened Spirit Blade will work well enough. Good Storm and Fire resist gear (lots of gear grants both) will make this a lot easier. Kill his minions first using Scarecrow and a feint or two if you can slip those in. Once all minions are gone, stack feints and traps on Akhtang and kill with Von.

Spirit of Darkmoor is a pain. She punishes you for both blades, traps, and for killing minions. She also has a cheat cycle giving her extra periodic attacks. Use Myth Resist gear against her. Reduce her minions to under a thousand health using Scarecrows, then finish them with Deer Knight. Minions killed by DoTs will not trigger her cheat. Once they are gone, shield up against Myth and stack feints on her, then finish with Von.

Jul 24, 2015
(continued again)

Last enemy is Shane, who has 40% pierce and likes to cheat with Death spells. Feints will not work with him, but blades work fine. Get your Death resist as high as you can for him. Shane will cheat cast a 1000 health Vampire or Monster Mash on you every round you don't hit him. If you have Death Resist capped out, you can still overcome this by draining his minions away. Using Poison for ongoing damage will keep Shane from doing this very often.

Once Shane's minions are gone, just hammer Shane with drains until he goes down. Blades work fine in this fight, so hitting him with Poison, blading up, then hitting him with Von should work well. He has 30% Death Resist, but you can get past that well enough with Shrike.

Graveyard has more bosses, but you only need Upper Halls to get your spell.

Good luck!