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May 26, 2011

Could you please explain what the incoming and outgoing is, the wand with the star symbol and the wand breaking on the shield are.

I'm not sure I am reading them right.

thank you


Jun 09, 2009
Hi Rainy015 (Rainemister)

The incoming is how the percentage of healing that you are receiving and the outgoing is the percentage of healing that you are giving to other players (I believe that the outgoing can also affect you). For example for the incoming. Lets say you have a 50% incoming heal and I casted a satyr (860 healing) without any outgoing. It would be like this... 860x0.5=430 430+860=1290. You would get 1290 health back instead of 860. An example for the outgoing. Lets say you have 50% incoming heal and I have 25% outgoing heal and I casted a fairy (420 healing). It would be like this (my math might be wrong for this one lolz). 420x0.25=105 420+105=525 525x0.5=262.5 525+262.5=787.5 rounding it up and you would get 788 health back.

The wand with the wand symbol is critical (chance). The critical doubles your attack spells. For example if I casted a spell that does 500 damage and I critical, then it would do 1000 damage. I don't really know the critical percentage.

Finally the wand breaking on the shield is probably critical block. For example if I critical on a 500 damage spell, it would do 1000 damage to you, but you critical block it, it would do 500 instead of 1000.

Hope this makes sense lolz

Hunter FireLeaf Lvl 110

May 20, 2016
Incoming is a boost to how much health you can receive from a heal.
Outgoing is a boost to how much health your heals give to someone else.

The wand with a star symbol is your critical rating. The higher it is, the higher a chance your attack has of getting a critical, aka dealing a lot more damage than it usually does. The wand breaking/bouncing off one is the block rating. The higher it is, the higher your chance is of blocking a critical and denying it.

At least that's how I remember it. I think the crit system was changed while I was gone.

Nov 19, 2009
Incoming means Incoming healing. This means the more Incoming you have the larger heals will be that are cast on you. Outgoing means heals you do and the percent of boost to the outgoing heal. As for the wand breaking on the shield I am confused what you mean there. I assumed you meant Piercing but It doesn't sound like that. What Item are you looking at?

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009

Yes! So the is a life boost for either healing spells you cast or healing spells you receive. So for example say you have a fairy that does 400 health. If your armor give you plus 10% outgoing heal then you will the spell will heal for 440 instead of the initial 400. The same thing applies for incoming health too.

The wand is the Critical symbol, it give a chance that your spell will critical doing 2X the normal amount of damage or health. If you hover over the number it gives the exact percent chance that you can critical. There is also Critical block which basically negates a Critical hit. So instead of doing double damage you get the regular damage amount.

There is also pierce which is like Anti-Resistance. It basically directly subtracts resistance equally be percent. So if there is someone with a Tower Shield that does -50% resist and you have 5% Pierce that person's shield will do -45% instead of the original 50%.

You can learn more about these features by looking in your spellbook in game, under the for additional help. Diego will also train you somewhat about these features when you reach the appropriate level.

Good luck!

Oct 24, 2012
Incoming means that when you heal yourself or when someone heals you it will boost the heal a little bit. Outgoing means that when you heal someone else it will boost it! I'm not sure what you mean by what the wand with the star symbol/shield breaking is? Care to elaborate and I'll get back to you asap

Nov 22, 2010
Rainey015 on May 21, 2016 wrote:

Could you please explain what the incoming and outgoing is, the wand with the star symbol and the wand breaking on the shield are.

I'm not sure I am reading them right.

thank you

the heart means health, the leaf means life. Incoming and outgoing are healing. So the number next to incoming is how much healing boost you'll get and the number next to outgoing is how much healing boost you'll do.

The wand with the star is critical. So the number next to that is the boost to critical for any spell - attack or otherwise - unless there is a school symbol too. For example, if you saw a small icon of a skull as well as the star wand, it would be critical for death spells only since the skull is the symbol of the death school.

A shield with a slash through it is the symbol for pierce.
A circle with a check mark/bent arrow is critical block
A fist is damage
a shield with nothing else is resistance
A shield with a star in it is stun resistance

I'm not sure what you mean by wand breaking on the shield. I'm guessing you're looking at the bent arrow on the circle and thinking that the arrow is a wand.

May 26, 2011
Thanks everybody

I think I have it straight now.

Everyone have fun
