Is it me or are wizards in the spiral getting more rude? Example: I was watching a 2v2 match ( Two level 33 fires vs. level 60 storm and level one storm ) and when it ended, the two fires said they cheated. They kept their word. Not any good sportsmanship from them. Example #2: I was in a 4v4 match. Towards the end they said "gg not" and bunch of other stuff. I said watch for angels or seths. They replied " Sure. You're mad because you lost" . After we said "gg" they, again, replied " Sure. "
Wolf - lvl 60 death. ( Now 70, since the 3rd day of ZF... perhaps I've gotten better at PvP? )
The one with the 4v4 is just bad sportsmanship on their part. However I do take into account the fact that if a legendary and a level 1 2v2, it is very unfair to the other team, as the legend can critical while they can't block, and it just gives points to the level 1 without him/her doing any work, and the legend bullying points out of lower levels. But I would agree it gives people no right to be rude, but if they just said they felt cheated then they are just saying what they feel.
I totally agree. With my balance wizard, sometimes when I kill people they go all "YOU NOOB" Just because I killed them x: Mostly, if it's in pvp, they are usually calling people noob because they are just ticked off because they lost :3 Nuff said :3
The problem is I don't think the reporting system is working. I report people and they say something like "oh no, I'll be muted for a day" after they have called me every name in the book. Muted? they should be banned forever! I have even seen racist comments,,, and people just being mean, to be mean. Please tell me that using the report button is worth it.
The problem is I don't think the reporting system is working. I report people and they say something like "oh no, I'll be muted for a day" after they have called me every name in the book. Muted? they should be banned forever! I have even seen racist comments,,, and people just being mean, to be mean. Please tell me that using the report button is worth it.
When you report someone, or you are reported, a message is sent directly to Mr Lincoln that includes the chat logs of everything that was said before and after that report.
Mr Lincoln then reads the log and assesses the situation. He determines how bad the offense was, looks up prior offenses for the reported individual, and based on that assessment he issues sanctions (such as muting or banning) and sends an email to the offending account explaining the violation and the sanctions.
If the report was falsely made, that is determined as well, and the player who made the false report is investigated as to whether or not they have made previous false reports. False reports are just as egregious as valid ones, and similar sanctions can be levied against repeat offenders of false reporting.
Everything that a player enters into the chat window is logged. These larger chat logs are also routinely checked for those infractions that are not reported.
The problem is I don't think the reporting system is working. I report people and they say something like "oh no, I'll be muted for a day" after they have called me every name in the book. Muted? they should be banned forever! I have even seen racist comments,,, and people just being mean, to be mean. Please tell me that using the report button is worth it.
No, they do read the reports, the problem is if KI bans a paying member, they lose money. They will only ban someone if its scarring away their other customers, so comments that are just simply rude will not poses a big punishment. I think there are only 4 things you can rely report someone for, and that is:
a. Using foul language around the chat filter. b. Racist comments. c. Asking for personal information. d. Posing as a KI employee or pretending to be related to one.
Also in some cases they may just mute someone if they only break the first two.
I was 2v2ing today and i was being all nice and my "Friend" was being all nice and these 2 level 24 people start calling me a noob. My "friend" was level 30 life, and i am level 60 fire. eventually my "friend" starts to help them in an insulting contest for me and i told the one balance who was acting all cocky "Hey why dont ya add me and come to my massive palace so i can pwn ya in 1v1." He says its a deal and i pwned him around 4 times that day. It then happened 3 times after that. (Same event different people!)
People think they are so strong that they will get all cocky and eventually get their butt kicked. I kept him added and him and my so called "friend" reported me... we kept each other added and i never saw them again.
Is it me or are wizards in the spiral getting more rude? Example: I was watching a 2v2 match ( Two level 33 fires vs. level 60 storm and level one storm ) and when it ended, the two fires said they cheated. They kept their word. Not any good sportsmanship from them. Example #2: I was in a 4v4 match. Towards the end they said "gg not" and bunch of other stuff. I said watch for angels or seths. They replied " Sure. You're mad because you lost" . After we said "gg" they, again, replied " Sure. "
Wolf - lvl 60 death.
Well, the whole conflict started at the release of Celestia. Celestia brought out new gear, new schools, and new spells. Many players, newer ones especially, were mad at all the advanced things people could use in pvp which brought out unfairness. Polymorph is especially hated by a lot of pvp players. So, more players in pvp started to get rude and mad. It's just going to get worse as we progress into new worlds.
yea! i know ill tell you this really weird time when i was doing pratace pvp 1v1 with this level 60 storm guy in fact first time i looked at him i knew i was gonna die :( anyway we started off putting sheilds on and charms on. and then i cast my ice wyrvan spell on him and it did HEAPS of damage i was sooooooo thrilled :D ! and he almost was dead!!!!! and then..... (this is the weirdest part ) he said.... Im SOOO SCARED! and i was like :| and then he cast this storm lord on meh i was like don don don and.... it only did 350 damage on meh and i was like well i had storm sheilds on meh and plus i broke his charm! XD and then he healed himself and i was like noooooooo! and then i healed me and then he said NOOB and i was like then i said well... you healed yourself and then he said cause i have a better heal spell than me true tho he cast this flute guy healed him 850 i think and i did the fairy spell i think that healed me 400 (not alot) eh!
Yeah, wizards are totally acting like jerkfaces. D:< I mean if it's pvp, they're just mad they lost. Or if they won, they go all "HAHA YOU LOST!!!" If I win/lose a duel, I say nice job and good game :3 If it's over the spiral just like in a random place, maybe they just have something in their mind that ticks 'em off. But I mostly see bad sportsmanship in PvP.
PvP players, as a group, are much ruder than non PvP players are. This has been true on every MUD, mUSH, MMORPG, etc. that I've ever played on, and that adds up to dozens of such online games.
One reason for that is that it does no good to flame an NPC who just defeated you, because the NPC doesn't answer. Real people are vents for frustration.
Another reason is that a few (certainly not all) PvP players are so obsessed with winning that it becomes their entire universe, and they go postal and act like immature babies when they lose or become chest-thumping playground bullies when they win.
I don't PvP on Wizard101---PvP never interested me, and to do it well, one has to play a different game. However, I agreed to PvP one particularly annoying person who was the same level as I was. Needless to say, without the treasure cards and equipment, not to mention little experience, I was dispatched quickly.
The player stood there and berated, taunted, and flamed me for 45 minutes. My niece sat there next to me, laughing and counting the lines (There were 223). It went on and on, as he hurt both his wrists patting himself on the back, while letting everybody who cared (total, not counting him = 0) know how great he was and how bad I was. During this tirade, I made exactly two comments: "Now if you just had a life", which brought forth a long sermon of how his personal life was wonderful, how he was a black belt in some martial art, had four girlfriends, was captain of the football team, etc. (which makes one wonder where he found the time to be online hours a day or why he had the need to play an online game in the first place). The second comment was "Get over yourself", which let to another long lecture about how cool he was, how nobody could beat him at anything, etc.
Finally, a wizard (one of the few who didn't have this pest on ignore) got tired of listening to it and challenged him to a 1x1. The new player beat the mouthy rude player in a few rounds, helped by a Critical. This prompted the rude player into spouting off for ANOTHER 20 minutes, about how the winner cheated, how he had no life, etc., and it went on long after the new player had said "Owned" and left.
I agree that some people are getting really rude in pvp. I was in a 1v1, and after I had won the battle, he reported me for calling him bad names, when really he was doing that to me?! I try to ignore those types of people. Just because you lose a match, doesn't mean you have to call them name and falsley report them. :/
you know what greyrose they dont read they just mute all the time and the wrong person a while back i was dong some 4v4 pvp with my friends and we were nice and every thing and we ended up going against this team we were equaled matched and they even went first well it came down to me and to of there people i took a chance and dragoned and we ended up winning and we said gg all of my team and they just started ripping on use calling us noobs and other comments and i end up losing my chat after winning a far match and being polite the reporting system needs to be fixed cause it is not fair at all so yea it needs some fixing cause now i have been seeing that more and more of my pvp friends are getting muted for a day to a week witch is unfair and i know it is cause they are nice people who meet bad people who cant stand losing so plz fix the report system
I was waiting for a strange plant in Wysteria and this other wizard started calling me an evil witch just because I took one of the strange plants before her. It's all over the Spiral not just PVP.
Assuming what you said is true, that doesn't make sense. Why would KingsIsle mute somebody who didn't say anything in violation of the rules? Perhaps a moderator can look into this and report why the player was muted.
Zeon96 wrote:
you know what greyrose they dont read they just mute all the time and the wrong person a while back i was dong some 4v4 pvp with my friends and we were nice and every thing and we ended up going against this team we were equaled matched and they even went first well it came down to me and to of there people i took a chance and dragoned and we ended up winning and we said gg all of my team and they just started ripping on use calling us noobs and other comments and i end up losing my chat after winning a far match and being polite the reporting system needs to be fixed cause it is not fair at all so yea it needs some fixing cause now i have been seeing that more and more of my pvp friends are getting muted for a day to a week witch is unfair and i know it is cause they are nice people who meet bad people who cant stand losing so plz fix the report system
There was this one time where i was doing practice or ranked PvP and there was this 10 or 20 and there was a 48 claiming he is 49. and he said: "Alright my noob team, i'm the boss.". I was arguing with him and i don't feel that people should be boss of people. So lets to that and to no people who are bossy!
I always say good match after a PvP duel. I won't go easy on any body, but I try not to brag or use taunts during the match, except for maybe a Hasta la vista! on my big finish. Cyberbulling is not a good thing, and I try to be nice to others on the internet. To all those people who don't cyberbully, good job, keep up the good work, and maybe one day we can stop the Wild Wizards, as I call them.
Assuming what you said is true, that doesn't make sense. Why would KingsIsle mute somebody who didn't say anything in violation of the rules? Perhaps a moderator can look into this and report why the player was muted.
Zeon96 wrote:
you know what greyrose they dont read they just mute all the time and the wrong person a while back i was dong some 4v4 pvp with my friends and we were nice and every thing and we ended up going against this team we were equaled matched and they even went first well it came down to me and to of there people i took a chance and dragoned and we ended up winning and we said gg all of my team and they just started ripping on use calling us noobs and other comments and i end up losing my chat after winning a far match and being polite the reporting system needs to be fixed cause it is not fair at all so yea it needs some fixing cause now i have been seeing that more and more of my pvp friends are getting muted for a day to a week witch is unfair and i know it is cause they are nice people who meet bad people who cant stand losing so plz fix the report system
One thing that happens to me and some of my friends is we are just talking and laughing, and we all get reported all of a sudden! We are alone. And it really makes no sense. I think there is allot of false reporting going on.
this pvp rudeness has to end the people that own this game know whats going on but are doing nothing about it they should ban the word noob and other mean stuff gezz who agrees with meh????
If i were to play devil's advocate on this one, and I will, I would say that many of those people who call you noob when you beat them, arent talking about the fact that they lost in general. Its more of how they lost, or the 'tactics' you employed to beat them.
The game director has stated himself that the game was designed so that there would be easy fights, and hard fights. A lot is up to chance, as the ability to go first is a huge advantage in pvp, and can determine and easy or hard fight.
But for example, bringing 2 talos treasure cards with you in to every pvp battle just to guarantee yourself an easy fight is a cheap tactic that you clearly employ because you get tired of losing every time you rely on your skill, wit, and ability to guess how your opponent will react to something. This, for all objective purposes, is noob. Without a doubt.
The fact is with wizard101 pvp, no matter how good you are, how good your gear is, how much effort you've dumped in to your pet, you are going to lose. Losing is a part of wizard 101 pvp. Thats the bottom line. Players that know this will not call someone a noob simply because they lost, but rather they feel spiteful that somebody is allowed to employ less than smiled upon tactics to nearly ensure a victory every time.
Remember, noob does come from noobie, which at some point originated from New Player. What kinds of players would you generally assume to try the tactic they see everyone else using successfully, without thinking up one of their own? A new one.
Sure there is a negative stigma to the term. But really, how much better are you than them if you apply that stigma to it? Its not being directly suggested as bad by them (in most cases), but youre assuming thats what they are saying, and taking it personally. As if they really knew you. No need to be that naive. (end devil's advocate)