i am in German and my teacher said a good way to learn fast is try to do normal everyday things in german. i was wondering how/if i could (re)download wizard101 with duetsch instead of english. thanks.
Wenn du ein deutscher Spieler bist, kannst du dich auch an unsere Partner von Gameforge wenden: http://www.wizard101.de . Sie unterhalten mehrere europäische Server mit verschiedenen Sprachversionen von Wizard101, unter anderem auch eine deutsche.
LOL~ our professors never cease to amaze us, Ronster. :P
I agree with the OP's teacher, that practice is the best way to retain what you learn... On that note, if I want to practice my French/Italian and download Wizard101 in both languages, would my account here would work there, too, or would I have to make an entirely-new account?