So, I have a level 51 pyromancer in the Crystal Grove, ever since I finished the Jade Oni, I thought that Dragonspyre bosses had wayy too much health. Does anyone else feel this struggle? Even as a level 51 pyromancer I barely beat bosses by the skin of my teeth. Am I just playing badly, or am I not alone? Mooshu's worst boss from what I remember had about 2500 health (not including jade oni) Yet the average boss I'm fighting has near 7k health! A bit too much of a jump? I think so.
If i'm basically the only one with this problem, I'd be more than happy to have someone tell me what I'm doing wrong.
I started Dragonspyre at around level 39 on my storm character, and the bosses weren't that much of a trouble.... Maybe try getting better gear, or a new strategy?
Number one tip is to stack buffs. Too many players fall into the habit of chipping away at bosses with small attacks. Fights will go a lot faster and more successfully if you can get multiple boosts, then attack. Besides your school blade and trap, you can add buffs from pets, amulet or gear, treasure cards, or the enchanted armament pet which lets you boost your own blade. Train elemental from Niles in KT if you haven't already. Train Strong if you haven't, and all the other Sun School damage boosts (Giant -> Colossal) as soon as you can.
Being able to do big damage quickly makes everything faster and more fun.
So, I have a level 51 pyromancer in the Crystal Grove, ever since I finished the Jade Oni, I thought that Dragonspyre bosses had wayy too much health. Does anyone else feel this struggle? Even as a level 51 pyromancer I barely beat bosses by the skin of my teeth. Am I just playing badly, or am I not alone? Mooshu's worst boss from what I remember had about 2500 health (not including jade oni) Yet the average boss I'm fighting has near 7k health! A bit too much of a jump? I think so.
If i'm basically the only one with this problem, I'd be more than happy to have someone tell me what I'm doing wrong.
hi there~ in order to better assist you, we will require some more information.
1) what gear/pet do you have equipped, and what are your stats like? 2) what cards do you carry in your deck? 3) do you have any other items (ie mastery amulets) that you use regularly? 4) is there a particular boss you are struggling with?
assuming this is your first wizard, your problem is likely deck setup; if that's the case, then you only need a few spells~ pack light, so that the spells you need will be there when you need them.
yes i believe you are one of the only people that have this problem. at mot the bosses have between 3,000 and 5,000 and only the special bosses have 7,000, but that's as high as it will ever go. If you can tell me why you are having this problem then maybe we can fix it.
hi there~ in order to better assist you, we will require some more information.
1) what gear/pet do you have equipped, and what are your stats like? 2) what cards do you carry in your deck? 3) do you have any other items (ie mastery amulets) that you use regularly? 4) is there a particular boss you are struggling with?
assuming this is your first wizard, your problem is likely deck setup; if that's the case, then you only need a few spells~ pack light, so that the spells you need will be there when you need them.