We all love the Earn Crowns button. It is great for getting the 45 crowns needed to unlock sockets in your jewel-compatable items, as well as stitching items. But as we all know, The Earn Crowns button associates with advertisements that are loaded into the game from a server different then the one used by the game, so there are going to be a few errors. Not to mention this function is still somewhat new, so KingsIsle still has a few bugs to iron out with it. But here's a few things I noticed with the Earn Crowns button you may want to keep in mind.
Avoid Areas Of High Activity!
I can't stress this enough. The Earn Crowns videos need memory and bandwidth to play, and if there is a lot of activity going on around you while your watching the video ( other players or enemies moving around or even a battle, for example ), that's going to slow the video down. What you should do is move away from areas of high activity before watching videos. Your Ravenwood dorm room is probably the best place to go, as it is small and there is little to no activity there. I watched videos there and they ran smooth as silk with almost no lag, if any at all. Also, having a fast internet connection will help in this regard as well.
Be Patient!
Don't get angry and start screaming at KingsIsle if a video is taking to long to load. More then likely, your in an area of high activity that it causing the video to load slowly. Try moving to an area of low activity, then try again. If the video doesn't load at all, close it and try another video.
Know When To Stop!
While people have made it clear there is a limit of 100 crowns you can earn per day using the Earn Crowns button, I myself have gotten well over 100 before per day, so you may be tempted to get as many crowns as you can. Fight this urge. Keep your crowns intake to 100 or less per day. If you start bagging over 100 crowns per day, you'll throw the videos the button loads for you next out of whack! I learned that lesson the hard way, when I was forced to wait almost a week before I could start getting crowns again.
Beware Of Certain Video Formats!
Some video formats either contain videos that do not load whatsoever, contain videos that do not give crowns when the video is over, or loop the same video over and over every time you click on the close button and load up the next one. Don't worry, I have been told by KingsIsle directly that they are working on solving this issue. In the meantime, if you run into any of the above issues, just close the Earn Crowns window and wait until tomorrow to keep earning. And of course, if all else fails, do not hesitate to contact KingsIsle with all the information you can provide.
Crowns Take Time!
Though it says crowns arrive within a few minutes, sometimes it can take until tomorrow for crowns to show up. So if you don't see your crowns 5 minutes after a video ends, be patient. Do not contact KingsIsle until at least 3 days have passed and you still do not have your crowns.