You must go to a store and purchase the card. You then scratch off an area on the back of the card to reveal a code. Then you log in to the website and click the words 'Redeem Card or Code' and follow the instructions to redeem the card.
If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
As of right now, GameStop has not received any of the epic cards yet and they don't show it on any of their order lists. I had the check the upcoming weeks orders and they still did not show any coming in. Were these supposed to be over-nighted to the stores or shipped differently?
As of right now, GameStop has not received any of the epic cards yet and they don't show it on any of their order lists. I had the check the upcoming weeks orders and they still did not show any coming in. Were these supposed to be over-nighted to the stores or shipped differently?
Thanks for any info you can provide us.
Same thing happened to me. My guess is that someone at KI isn't watching this and pushing this as hard as they can. I mean, if we have to wait too long, many will just give up on it, and KI will lose a purchase per person who gave up.
Hey Zeke, how about a word from the head office on when these will really appear!
i'm not sure if you click the card they was suppose to been out on 1st november, but thats in the USA, so i dont think i could be able get them as i'm from the UK.
Well, I feel a bit bummed right now. Why can't those of us who apply a credit card or other such online payment options get fancy rare stuff as well? :x
I called six of the nine stores in my city and none of them have it. Most of them don't even know about it or when they will get it. One guy just told me they were supposed to arrive yesterday. Right now I have the money for it. In a couple of days who knows, maybe I'll spend the money on another game.
I never knew about the epic cards until Celestia came out when my friend at school told me about this new gift card that gives you a huge house with a dueling arena. then on halloween, I ported to this HUGE house called the massive fantasy home and it had a duel arena in it. But I have a question, I know you get a house and a mount, but what else comes with the epic game card?
Today I called gamestop again. I know those guys there must be getting tired of me calling. I wish gamestop would list the card on their website , they list WoW and other game cards online , why not wizard 101. Think maybe KI needs to start dealing with another store , to make it easier on everyone.
BTW , closest card in stores to me , was today in GA, yesterday in AZ, and the day before AK.
Wish I could just pay for that number the same way I pay for crowns .
My local Gamestops all say they're not supposed to get the card until mid to late November. I don't know if it's because they haven't gotten them yet, or if it's not ready for sale or something, but now I'm afraid that some one else is gonna get it before me the very day it comes in stock. I just hope that KI starts selling each of the items seperately in the Crown Shop, or at least the Castle and the Mount.
I feel like KI doesn't really care about custumers, who are not from USA, I cant even order the gift card online in Gamestops USA shops. so basicly KI are Dividing their customors in two groups, the ones living in USA, and the rest of us.
Our Gift Cards are distributed through a company called InComm that only offers distribution in the USA, New Zealand and Australia. At this time, we are unable to offer Gift Cards in other countries, but offer our players the alternative to purchase Gift Certificates on our website. For more information on Gift Certificates, please visit
We'd love to be able to offer these cards to everyone, however our distributor does not offer it.
If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Zeke , does this company also prevent gamestop from selling/listing these cards online ? I found that BestBuy will list the game cards online , and least let you know which stores have them in stock and what is on backorder. Its been a huge pain dealing with gamestop , and calling these stores every single day.
As far as the overseas account , anyway you can just add these items to the crown shop just for them in the meantime ? If KI is holding a type of contract with this company , and they can not fulfill their side by providing the service everywhere , think you could be able to sell them in the crown area.
I know how much I wanted that new house , and some of the pets the cards have to offer, I kinda feel bad for other wizards who don't have the ability to order them. What a pain it must be for KI to have customers willing to give them money , and they can't accept it , lol. They need a new company to deal with. soon
I was wondering that when you buy the epic bundle gift card and your current wiz gets every thing on it, when you make a new wiz can you give the fantasy castle to them ( they would be on the same account) And how do you use the game that comes with it :P
How about Kings Isle Selling the Game Card Codes online the same way you buy the cards at a store? you would simply buy the epic codes with a credit card. Seems simple and logical to me. it would solve this whole GameStop issue and be able to sell to other countries thus making KI a ton of money! Because the way KI is running things now and with all the game crashes I get I am seriously thinking of going to WOW or something and deleting my account.
I was unable to see if there was any answer to my question about if the castle that comes with the epic gift card can be passed down to other wizards on the same account I know the gear can so I was just hoping the castle could
I was unable to see if there was any answer to my question about if the castle that comes with the epic gift card can be passed down to other wizards on the same account I know the gear can so I was just hoping the castle could
No houses of any kind can be placed in the Shared Bank. You do not have to claim all the items on the same Wizard, you can choose the outfit for one, the pet for another and the house for yet another. Just make sure you place the house on the correct character.
If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.