Hello I am an Exalted ice and I can't get a good group together for Darkmoor. None of my friends will help me and ransoms always give up . What should I do?
Hello I am an Exalted ice and I can't get a good group together for Darkmoor. None of my friends will help me and ransoms always give up . What should I do?
Ask people when you are in that area. Just asking for full and a few people to a lot of people will be glad to have you join. That how I did it on my myth. What part are you on? I might be able to help you on my life or myth depending on if you find a hitter or not. If you are doing the first and second part, you have keep using team up as it is really hard to find random people just waiting around those areas. If you are at mailstair, just keeping asking people until they let join. Changing realms will be smart too since a lot of people hang out at different realms. Hopefully that helps. level 120 level 112