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Exalted so fast?!?!

Oct 01, 2013
Did you ever see those people that already have a few exalted wizards, make another one, and soon, they have another one? My pyromancer buddy freinded a level 1. A few days later, as he checked his friend's list, he was level 100. I had a similar experience, my online friend and I were both maguses, as I became a master, he was farming Darkmoor. Can people stand playing the game over and over again, looking at the screen for hours?

Dec 29, 2008
Yep. There were times in the past when I'd play for 15 hours a day. I'm not sure about someone becoming exalted in a few days though. Even when I'd play a lot it took about a week to do worlds like Azteca and Khrysalis. Kudos to them..

Sep 17, 2012
It takes about 5 weeks to complete the storyline in gametime. If you played 24/7 nonstop it would take 5 weeks. The fastest I've made it from start to Morganthe in Khrysalis is just over 2 months. It cannot be done in a matter of days.

Apr 25, 2011
Yeah, I have a friend that barely plays. It is crazy, because he got to level 100 in 2 weeks.