1. Rain of fire (Treasure card) 2. Leviathan (Treasure Card) 3. Fire Dragon 4. Helephant 5. Satyr 6. Phoenix 7. Stormzilla 8. Heck Hound
Most Annoying spells:
5. Ice Armor 4. Spirit Armor 3. Fire Shield (lol I am fire) 2. Tower Shield 1. WEAKNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or PLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the Life's schools library of spells. All of them. Just so ... green, friendly, supportive, while at the same time powerful, angry, destructive. I just like the 'nature' theme in general.
Spells that annoy me the most:
Weakness. Definitely one of the top of my list. Medusa. It definitely stuns me, but it won't stun the majority of elites and bosses. Go figure. The damage does not bother me, because it is relatively weak anyway. (When compared to other rank 8 spells.) Power Nova.
Imp (before ki made it lame :() Myth imp (it's like the old imp.. I LOVE IT) Heck Hound (people complain bout judgement, this hits more and gets past shields) Wild Bolt (It is not a lot of pips and hits 1000 sometimes) Insane bolt(1000 no matter what) Infallile(better than amplify because it gives pierce and accuracy) Fire Cat( it was my first spell) hated:
Basilisk( Lost commander because a level 32 used one on me and I died when I had 993 tickets and was gonna get robe) Poison( when enchanted and bladed 410 first round.. OUCH) Beguile!!!!!!!!!!!( your about to storm lord in rank pvp and kill all your friends :()
My four most favorite: 1. Rain of Fire 2. Wooly Mammoth 3. Heckhound 4. Firecat (too cute!) Least favorite: Plague.... *shiver* I also hate Storm Lord (when it's used on me lol) I also find the pixie annoying, but hey, it's saved my life a couple times XD Sydney Mistcatcher Level 58 Fire
1. Centaur (so awesome looking, and it does pretty good damage too) 2. Helephant (it's an elephant that wears clothes, who wouldn't love it?) 3. Orthrus! :D (ha ha, it's a joke between me and my friend, awesome spell too) 4. Evil Snowman (it's an evil snowman. 'nuff said.) 5. Nature's Fury (it's a living tree that chucks rocks at people! Just try to tell me that isn't awesome!)
The spells that I don't like:
1. Storm shark (they always hit me with one when I am at six hundred health and thinking, "Eh, I don't need to heal quite yet.") 2. WEAKNESS 3. Tower shield 4. Storm spells in general. (when someone on my team casts them, they fizzle; when someone else casts them, I'm dead)