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Favorite world?

Apr 21, 2012
What is your favorite world you've been to? Me, although I haven't finished it yet, I really like Dragonspyre and the design of the world itself and for some reason I really like those Draconians.

Feb 07, 2011
wraithcaster on Oct 20, 2013 wrote:
What is your favorite world you've been to? Me, although I haven't finished it yet, I really like Dragonspyre and the design of the world itself and for some reason I really like those Draconians.
I love Dragonspyre, too! Von just has a soft spot for dragons, graveyards, crumbly old buildings, red and purple, Russian accents, undead stuff, and Malistaire!

Mally/Sylvia was my favourite plot. Dragonspyre Past was it's own kind of beautiful, too.

Other favourites:


I'm a history buff and adore the Arthurian mythos; again with the dragons, lol. I absolutely love Dun Dara and the Wyrd, too... Just the right amount of creepy!


Yes, I often hate on Azteca. But, tedious though questing there may be, I absolutely love the design: dinosaurs, all of the vibrant colours... and Malistaire (again).

(fun fact: when Von was a baby wizard, she wanted to be a paleontologist~ someone who studies dinosaurs).


Apr 17, 2009
I like Avalon, I love mid-evil times and anything related, and the final badge that you get as a Knight, I just love the ring of it, "Knight of the Silver Rose" Ah yes.
Level 90Miguel
Level 90Miguel
Level 40MIguel

Feb 25, 2013
Tied for Grizzleheim, Azteca, and Krokotopia. I haven't quested in Azteca yet, but I have been there (and battled there) and the scenery is boss! Krokotopia, I felt somehow right at home there, especially in the Pyramid and Krokosphinx. Though the downside is the clothing, not too many stylish options for a thaumaturge. Tomb of Storms was just too creepy. And Grizzleheim? Most likely my favorite if I had to choose one. The storyline(s) are amazing, the difficulty is just right, and most of all, the scenery is beautiful! (But of course, this is coming from an ice/storm wizard who is truthfully just an ice at heart...)

Destiny Icesong, level 17

Destiny Windgem, level 56

Oct 29, 2012
wraithcaster on Oct 20, 2013 wrote:
What is your favorite world you've been to? Me, although I haven't finished it yet, I really like Dragonspyre and the design of the world itself and for some reason I really like those Draconians.
I'm I big fan of Azteca, I love the graphics and forest areas are so beautiful!

Jul 04, 2010
dragonspyer at the end when you defeat malistaire is just amazing.

Oct 29, 2011
Definitely Dragonspyre is the best of all. I have done all the worlds and non is even comparable to Dragonspyre. Let's hope the final Morganthe storyline world be like Dragonspyre.

Jul 03, 2010
I still like Mooshu the best. Maybe it's because I am finally out of Marleybone.

It's bittersweet to quest there because that is where most of my original friends started leaving the game.

Mary StarGem

Jul 14, 2013
Celestia is probably my favorite out of all of them (think Jabberjaw). Dragonspyre was decent enough, but I got bored of it near the end and I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

Aug 26, 2012
Jul 28, 2012
I personally like MooShu. I like the music the look and the side walk is big.

Andrew WaterCrafter- level 48

Jul 28, 2012
Northlite on Oct 21, 2013 wrote:
I still like Mooshu the best. Maybe it's because I am finally out of Marleybone.

It's bittersweet to quest there because that is where most of my original friends started leaving the game.

Mary StarGem
this is true that it feels so good to leave Marlybone.

AndrewWaterCrafter- Level 48

Feb 26, 2012
I have to say I like almost all of the worlds in the spiral, except Azteca. And even Azteca is visually pretty cool -- it is just the tedious nature of the battles and dungeons I dislike there.

But my favorite world is Grizzleheim/Wintertusk, especially Wintertusk.

Mooshu is a close second.

Avalon probably is third.

After that, Krok, Wizard City, ZF, CL.

then DS.MB.

AZ last.

Dec 15, 2012
nathan owlhaven on Oct 20, 2013 wrote:
dragonspyer at the end when you defeat malistaire is just amazing.
I wonder what happens when you defeat malistaire. does he do something amazing, jaw dropping, or spone tinggling

From J.SpriteSpear lvl.31

Sep 14, 2010
visually, it would have to be avalon. celestia and zafaria have the best music imo. grizzleheim/wintertusk is absolutely perfect in terms of difficulty. if i had to pick one, it would be zafaria.

Mar 16, 2011
Personally, I like Dragonsphyre (Like everyone else) because it has powerful enemies, great treasure, and cool designs.

Thomas Thunderbreeze - LvL 47 Wizard

Sep 28, 2013
I really like Celestia I haven't exactly got there but i've been there so much from helping friends. I love the music and the whole underwater and sea theme.

Steven Storm Staff

Jul 13, 2011
My favorite world would have to be Wysteria.....because it brings the scenery of life and the outdoors while battling. Who wouldnt want that?! Also, they make you feel like your actually being enrolled into a school :) wizard school of course! The quests and the scenery are exciting and beautiful! I had such a fun time questing in Wysteria :)

Scarlet Moonheart 78
Catherine 14 (Warlord)

Sep 30, 2009
Jun 06, 2009
To me, it has to be Marleybone. Definitely NOT because of the story-line, just because I like the theme/setting are soothing and how the clothing looks.

Charles Nightsword, Level 36 See you in the Spiral! (or not)

Aug 14, 2013
wraithcaster on Oct 20, 2013 wrote:
What is your favorite world you've been to? Me, although I haven't finished it yet, I really like Dragonspyre and the design of the world itself and for some reason I really like those Draconians.
Dragonspyre is like my least favorite world [mostly because i'm fire]

Jul 06, 2012
Zafaria defenatly. Don't know why, i just liked it.
Victoria Legend FlameLv. 84

Apr 26, 2009
storm 8906 on Dec 28, 2013 wrote:
Zafaria defenatly. Don't know why, i just liked it.
Victoria Legend FlameLv. 84
Me too I am lvl 95 and I loved it n my fire guy, loved the Africa kind of theme the story was cool but not super serious just loved saving the students there and how each student had something you needed to do to get them. And now I have a lvl 65 so I get to do it all over again

Next favorite is probably Avalon, has a cool story new awesome looking enemies like the dragons, and deer knight looking things, handsome famories or whatever those giant troll things are called.

Next favorite is probably mooshu. It is the longest world and on my balance I did not enjoy it as much but on my I met sooooooooo many new friends that I am still friends with and I do really like the story and I always like the ONI things.

Next is khrysalis I have only done part one as that is the only part that is out, but I have really enjoyed it. I like the little mouse companions we get at the beginning to enhance your stats. The story is very good. It is going to be the end of the second arc and we know morganthe will fall and the story is really intense, I also have the pleasure of doing it all with my brother since we have 2 computers now.

Marleybone was ok really small quick world not to hard a few cool dungeons. Not too shabby .

Dragonspyre is fun challenging at times good story and now that I think of it I would put it above marleybone but I don't feel like retyping this up there but anyways good world and you beet malistaire.

Wizard city is next it is a very good first world and it really makes you want to keep going. Plus I like Ambrose and he is in wizard city so yeah.

Kroktopia next not a great story I did like the whole dessert thing I guess, but I guess it not to bad

Azteca has to be one of my least favorite world very tedious loved the Dino idea but it got boring fast. Not a fan

Celestia is my least favorite mostly because the grotto that one quest against those ice things was so hard, it was not too bad on my balance guy but on my fire I was way under lvl and on I already had the waterworks

I forgot about grizlehermin I don't know why I call it that instead of the real name but I really did not enjoy it but anyone in it that does not like it do it anyways wintertusk is epic fun and so much experience I loved it on both wizards.

Did I miss any worlds? I don't think I did, well anyways even though some worlds where not as good thanks to all the people who mad them anyways

Blaze wildhorn lvl 95
Reed lotuscloud lvl 65

Oh wait forgot wisteria fun good low lvl side world ok now I'm done... Wow I wrote allot!

Mar 05, 2013
Favorite is Avalon by far. Regarding DS, I hated it incredibly the first time I did it, until I finished it. Upon entering Celestia I discovered a new, deeper, more pervasive hatred. That would be Celestia. Man I hated that world. I've now done DS on four Wizards and each time find new things to love. And regarding Celestia, I keep finding new things to hate. The only thing I really like about Celestia is Queen Calypso. The Crustacean Empire is amusing as well. I pretty much like all the other worlds...I'd say I hated Azteca but that would just be frustration and anger talking. It was cool, and the finish was epic.

Mar 30, 2010
Zafaria, hands down. I loved this world, mobs could have been a little harder sure, but it wasn't all that underpowered for the time you get there. I loved the African theme and the world layout for the most part. I think there could have been less black tusk elephants and less life gorilla silverbacks to fight, and a few different creatures, but overall the best world I think. Well done KI on this world. Could we have a rainforest theme next? Perhaps outer space? I think another reason I don't like Khrysalis whatsoever is because it's all insects and mice and I hate both of those types of animals. Lol. I'd give Zafaria a 9/10 as a world overall and Khrysalis a 2/10 or 3/10 at best.