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Finding Out the Perfect School For You!

Jul 25, 2015
We all know their cannot be a best school, but we can find out what school best fits you! Okay, first, Fire (). Fire wizards can use overtime attacks, meaning they do low damage at first, but than they get even more powerful and do more damage. They start with 425 health. Next is Ice (). At low level, Ice is weaker with damage, but start with the highest health with 500 health! They use stuns and shields to aid them in battle. Next is Storm (). Storm is really powerful, but they start with the lowest health, 400 health and low accuracy. Next is Life (). Life wizards can use amazing healing attacks. They start out with 460 health and have the highest accuracy. Next is Myth (). Myth wizards tend to solo battles, meaning they fight on their own. They can summon minions to help them in battle. They start with 425 health. Next, Death () Death wizards can take health from their enemies, healing themselves. They start with 450 health. Last is Balance (). Balance wizards I think are amazing. (I'm a balance wizard!) They use a lot of attack buffs that boost the damage you do to your enemies. They also have shields and can easily win PVP battles. They start with 480 health. Okay, those are all of the schools. Which one will you pick? Let me tell you what I think.

Soloing for and
PVP for and
Healing for and
And of course, attacking for every school!

Dec 12, 2015
chillax59REAL on Dec 29, 2015 wrote:
We all know their cannot be a best school, but we can find out what school best fits you! Okay, first, Fire (). Fire wizards can use overtime attacks, meaning they do low damage at first, but than they get even more powerful and do more damage. They start with 425 health. Next is Ice (). At low level, Ice is weaker with damage, but start with the highest health with 500 health! They use stuns and shields to aid them in battle. Next is Storm (). Storm is really powerful, but they start with the lowest health, 400 health and low accuracy. Next is Life (). Life wizards can use amazing healing attacks. They start out with 460 health and have the highest accuracy. Next is Myth (). Myth wizards tend to solo battles, meaning they fight on their own. They can summon minions to help them in battle. They start with 425 health. Next, Death () Death wizards can take health from their enemies, healing themselves. They start with 450 health. Last is Balance (). Balance wizards I think are amazing. (I'm a balance wizard!) They use a lot of attack buffs that boost the damage you do to your enemies. They also have shields and can easily win PVP battles. They start with 480 health. Okay, those are all of the schools. Which one will you pick? Let me tell you what I think.

Soloing for and
PVP for and
Healing for and
And of course, attacking for every school!
I feel like fire can still solo too since I've soloed wizard101 with my fire wizard up until Rasputin. It just depends on how you play the game, and of course the randomness of it all.