Maybe it's just me, but Fire is an extremely hard school. Traps are practicaly worthless becuase there are so many spells with long animations that last 3 rounds. The minion only does fire elf, so it seems pretty worthless at many times too.
There are a lot of fire bosses in MooShu, Grizzleheim and expecially Dragonspyre.
I thought this game was impossible. But I later created a balance character and a death character. Their combination of spells seems to make the perfect game experience.
It might just be me, but fire seems like an impossible school.
Did you know fire is more balanced than balance itself?
It has damage over time, a great shield eater, The minion may break your traps but the fire elves he casts rip up your opponents shields.
Heckhound can do 10,00 per round if you set it up right.
We also have immolate which is probably our best card. Its almost as powerful as helephant, and we get it in the middle of krokotopia. 600 damage in the middle of krok!
Smoke screen is an enhanced version of black mantle, also very good!
Fire dragon kinda sucks but oh well! That's a price we gotta pay to have the most balanced school of all!