Well, new wizard, these are mutated cards. So far only elemental cards can be mutated Fire Elf Fire Cat Ice Beetle Evil Snowman these are the only ones that can be mutated into another school for wizards, so far. Sense wizards have advantages, so must the enemeis. To get a mutated card you must make it. Say you have the fire elf spell. buy the ice or storm mutate card, put it in side deck, draw it and layer it over fire elf, this is like tough and keen eye. However! The mutates will only work with the specified card, pip requirement to use mutated card in battle, or accuracy might be changed. Hope this Helps Alex, Nathan
you get the from mutate treasure cards. but the only ones i have seen that you can mutate are: evil snowman, fire elf, fire cat, and ice beetle. here are the mutates:
jolted snowman frost cat storm cat blaze beetle storm bettle storm elf ice elf and magama man i think you can only earn these cards from enemies or buy them but to use them you must have the spell card
they are treasure cards, you can also get transmute treasure cards for firecat, fire elf, evil snowman, and ice beetle allowing you to change them into the two other elemental schools