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Five B.O.X.E.S. Are Back. Should We Care?

Jun 15, 2013
I see that the B.O.X.E.S. event is back. I used to look forward to it because it's a chance to get sonic springs. Now I'm like, do I even want to waste my time trying? I've gotten so bored and frustrated with spending so much time on the missions and getting nothing for them. Anybody else just fed up?

Nov 28, 2010
I don't play them anymore because I've completed the entire series, and that's all I did it for.

But there are those who still want to farm some of the drops. There are those who weren't high enough level to complete it the last time it came out. There are those who are new that have never had a chance to play it before.

So while it's not something I'm likely to participate in personally this time around, it provides other players who want to play these instances another opportunity to do so.

That's what I care about.