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Fun Riddles #2

Aug 31, 2012
It's finally time for the second contest of riddles!

I haven't thought of a deadline, since in the previous contest, posts showed up late and we didn't get through as much as I thought.

Refresher for Rules:

I'll be posting a few riddles each day (I'll try my best).
The first wizard to answer a riddle correctly gets points.
If a second wizard happens to answer the same riddle, they will get half the points.
You may only answer one riddle per set. Answering multiple riddles in a set results in not gaining any points that day.
3 winners will be announced at the end of the contest.
If the riddles are too challenging, I will give hints but that results in the riddle being worth less points.
This contest is for fun and there won't be any prizes. Last contest, there were difficulties in arranging times to meet the winners. (I could possibly arrange a meeting with winners if possible)

Good luck! Hopefully we get more participants to make this contest intense.

Riddle 1: What am I? 2pts
Essential spell that all Pvp'ers of this school uses.
I cost 4 pips to cast.
I do decent damage, but the effect I have on the target makes me a popular spell for Pvp.

Riddle 2: What Am I? 5pts
I am popular among storm wizards.
I'm difficult to get alone.
There are variations of me for all schools.

Riddle 3: Who Am I? 3pts
I'm mysterious, yet you never question me.
I'm a good guide.
I irritate/annoy you by ruining the moment .

Riddle 4: Who Am I? 5pts
When you first meet me, it will be a while until you see me again.
You have to wait until a certain point in your adventures until you can meet me.
Doing what I tell you to will give you access to great rewards.

Sep 15, 2015
Is the last one malastaire?

-Sierra Pearl
Grandmaster sorcerer