A new series of contests are upon us, and it is time to gather your knowledge of Wizard101 to solve the riddles ahead!
Over the course of two weeks, I will be posting a few riddle each day. Each riddle is worth a certain amount of points, with challenging riddles being worth more. The first wizard to correctly answer each riddle earns points. I will confirm answers at the end of each day. You may only answer one riddle per day to let other wizards have a chance at answers. If you post more than one answer in one day, you will not earn points that day. By the end of two weeks, the three wizards with the most points will be the winners. (I just made these rules up on the spot so please give me feedback if any of the rules should be changed or anything should be added) Sorry if some of the riddles are meant for higher levels, I'll add some easy ones too.
This contest is open to wizards of all levels and experience.
It's time to get your thinking caps on and solve some riddles!
Riddle 1: Who Am I? 1 pt The only things I like are quiet and research. I often speak with sarcasm. You earn my respect as you become more experienced.
Riddle 2: Who Am I? 3pt I work for Morganthe although, I am unaware that you don't serve her. I give you a lot of side quests. I often comment on how you "smell".
Riddle 3: What Am I? 5pt I am a loyal companion from when you meet me to even when you're exalted. Wizards often wish that they could have more companions like me. Wizards often call me Fluffy.
Prizes: The 3 lucky winners get the same prizes! Yes, there are no rankings.
A shout-out at the end of the contest Friend request from me in the game, Help with questing for a day (well as long as I'm online) An ultra dungeon run (I only have exalted at the moment) And a special surprise when you meet me in the game
I will not post any riddles until at least one of them is answered from the previous day. The contest ends on August 17th. Winners announced the following day.
A new series of contests are upon us, and it is time to gather your knowledge of Wizard101 to solve the riddles ahead!
Over the course of two weeks, I will be posting a few riddle each day. Each riddle is worth a certain amount of points, with challenging riddles being worth more. The first wizard to correctly answer each riddle earns points. I will confirm answers at the end of each day. You may only answer one riddle per day to let other wizards have a chance at answers. If you post more than one answer in one day, you will not earn points that day. By the end of two weeks, the three wizards with the most points will be the winners. (I just made these rules up on the spot so please give me feedback if any of the rules should be changed or anything should be added) Sorry if some of the riddles are meant for higher levels, I'll add some easy ones too.
This contest is open to wizards of all levels and experience.
It's time to get your thinking caps on and solve some riddles!
Riddle 1: Who Am I? 1 pt The only things I like are quiet and research. I often speak with sarcasm. You earn my respect as you become more experienced.
Riddle 2: Who Am I? 3pt I work for Morganthe although, I am unaware that you don't serve her. I give you a lot of side quests. I often comment on how you "smell".
Riddle 3: What Am I? 5pt I am a loyal companion from when you meet me to even when you're exalted. Wizards often wish that they could have more companions like me. Wizards often call me Fluffy.
Good luck!
#1~ good ol' grumpy-guts himself, mr. cyrus drake.
#2~ i know who you're talking about, but i'm drawing a blank on his name...there were a few apostrophes in it, though i don't know exactly where~ that captain whatshisface dude in tyrian gorge (i think it's k'torr j'roll~ did i even spell that right?) or something like that?
#3~ i can think of only 3 things in the game i've ever called fluffy: my pet (because that's his name), the dragon titan, and forest lord.
most likely it's the last one, since there's a pet version of it as well. but i'm also thinking maybe dyvim whitehart (because you mentioned companions, though i have never heard anyone call him fluffy).
either way, this was fun. me thinking at this hour (9am here is bedtime, since i am on a night shift) and 24 hrs of no sleep is just messy for all involved.
Remember that you can only answer one riddle a day.
Answers: 1. Cyrus Drake 2. Captain K'Torr J'Roll 3. Forest Lord For the forest lord riddle, I mentioned the forest lord as a companion as to make spells appear as a thing. The name of spells, characters, and creatures will be options for each answer.
Okay so here are the points so far:
Dr.Von: 1pt You did answer all the riddles correctly, but I'll give you points for Cyrus Drake. (Sorry)
Intrepidatius: 4pt Thanks for following the rules! A bonus point for you! .
Also, I forgot to mention, if two people answer the same riddle, the one who posted first gets the points, and the other still can answer another riddle. Hmm.. I think the riddles are too easy. Time to make them harder. If some of these hints seem short, that means I'm trying not to give details which might give away the answer .
Riddle 1: Who Am I? 5pt
I am the main reason why Arc 1 started. My death was very ironic.
Riddle 2: Who Am I? 4pt I have cheats for almost every action you make. I am almost impossible to beat if you don't have a strategy. Storm wizards that come prepared can easily defeat me.
Riddle 3: Who Am I? 4pt I dislike Merle Ambrose. I brag a lot. I don't think that you are a worthy wizard. You do earn my respect as time passes. (Btw not Cyrus Drake again )
Riddle 4: What Am I? 3pt Everything near me seems to dislike me. I am a challenge for you. I don't like anything except my environment.
Also, I forgot to mention, if two people answer the same riddle, the one who posted first gets the points, and the other still can answer another riddle. Hmm.. I think the riddles are too easy. Time to make them harder. If some of these hints seem short, that means I'm trying not to give details which might give away the answer .
Riddle 1: Who Am I? 5pt
I am the main reason why Arc 1 started. My death was very ironic.
Riddle 2: Who Am I? 4pt I have cheats for almost every action you make. I am almost impossible to beat if you don't have a strategy. Storm wizards that come prepared can easily defeat me.
Riddle 3: Who Am I? 4pt I dislike Merle Ambrose. I brag a lot. I don't think that you are a worthy wizard. You do earn my respect as time passes. (Btw not Cyrus Drake again )
Riddle 4: What Am I? 3pt Everything near me seems to dislike me. I am a challenge for you. I don't like anything except my environment.
Dr.Von you may quickly answer a different riddle since riddle 1 was answered before you.
If only posts showed up instantly, this would make the contest so much easier. Maybe in future contests, I should allow multiple people to solve the same riddle. I'm not sure, someone can just copy another person's answer. What do you think I should do?
Hmm I've now decided, from now on if two people answer the same riddle, the second person will only just get half the points. (If the riddles is worth 1pt the second person also gets 1 pt. If the riddle is worth an odd number of points such as 7, the second person gets 3pt) If 3 people answer the same riddle, the third doesn't get any points. I decided to make a rule change because two people could answer the same riddle but have different answers. You may answer a riddle that someone else has if you think that their answer is wrong, or if you are the second person answering. I hope you like this new rule .
1: Sylvia Drake (Her death was ironic because she was the life professor, yet she died from a simple cold) 2: Shane Von Shane (Storm) (Most annoying boss in Darkmoor for me) 3:Belladonna Crisp (She keeps trying to brag about how great Pigswick is and thinks you know nothing about magic) 4: Stinkweed (I thought the hint about everything disliking it would give the answer away. I guess there just aren't many people interested in riddles)
Riddle 1: What Am I? 6pt I drop so many jewels. I am not a boss. Because of my low health, wizards often farm me for jewels.
Riddle 2: Who Am I? 7pt I am not a good teacher. I am bad at remembering. I am impatient and love to skip boring things. I am eager to help you move on.
Riddle 3: Who Am I? 5pt I stalk you in your adventures. I can get annoying each time you see me. I give great rewards.
#3 has got to be malistaire~ he's stalked me virtually everywhere since i entered the spiral, i've fought him more times than i have hairs on my head, and he *can* give awesome rewards (though he is hoarding my balance boots for himself)... plus, he is particularly annoying at level 100.
(but it backfired, and he's stuck with me now. lol.)
(second guess is our pets; my pet therizinosaurus, fluffy, has been with me for 10-20 levels now, follows me everywhere, and gives me awesome stat bonuses).
Riddle 1: Yellow Jacket Shredder (They do drop a lot of good jewels)
Riddle 2: Felicia Worthington (She is technically a teacher because she kind of teaches your some crafting but not really. As you talk to her, you notice that she skips all the basics of crafting, and just tells you to make stuff and then hands over the badge)
Riddle 3: Prospector Zeke (He shows up in every single world, and seems to know where you're going. I was surprised to see him in Khrysalis, a dangerous world. I find it annoying how he keeps losing things in every world and I have to find them for him. And he calls himself an "explorer". More like a stalker. It is worth it in the end, the great rewards are a training point, high gold and high exp (sometimes).
Nobody got them right but nice try, you gave good reasons why the answer should be what you think it is.
Hmm... I think I made the riddles a bit too hard. What do you think? Should I keep them these challenging? I'll give you a point for participation since only two people answered the riddles in time. All of a sudden the message boards are slow and posts appear like a day after they are posted.
Points so far:
Dr.Von: 6pts
Intrepidatius: 10pts
Blaze5364: 5pts
Emily SpiritEyes: 4pts
Since the posts aren't showing up fast, by the end of the contest (August 17th), I will have a bonus round (not a riddle) that the current participators will have a week to respond to. Just for a comeback if you are far behind. More details will be given at that time.
make them a bit easier I just read them through I knew the professor Zeke one but I thought Dr Von's answer was good as well maybe you could give him 2 or 3 pts for the clever answer by the way I am now participating.