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Getting annoyed with the Fizzling

Dec 19, 2008
So, the fizzling usually seems a bit extreme, but usually manageable.
However, in boss fights, it always seems a bit worse.

Is accuracy percentages fixed at certain points in the game? Fixed as in meaning modified to make it more likely that you will fizzle? Also, if one person fizzles in a round, does everyone's chances go up to fizzle as well? Because I've noticed many times that if one person fizzles, more people tend to fizzle in a round than normal.

I just got done with a boss fight and I fizzled on Phoenix, Immolate, Sunbird and Meteor Strike. And in the same rounds, my wife fizzled on 3 Tempests and Lightning Bats. All in the same fight. Statistically, We shouldn't fizzle again for the rest of the day. All my fire spells are at 81% accuracy. Most of these fizzles were right in a row as well, not even really split up by other successful spells. The fight lasted much longer than it should have.
Last night, her Tempest's were doing pretty much the same thing. While I was fizzling slightly more than it seemed like I should have, mine were manageable, but almost every time she wanted to cast a Tempest, it would fizzle, but most of her other spells would work, even though Storm spells have the same accuracy across the board.

Also, it seems like her Tempest's fizzle all the time while something like the Kraken hits almost every time.

I am highly confused as to how this game calculates accuracy. It never statistically seems to make sense. I just want to know if accuracy numbers are modified at certain points in the game, because it certainly seems like it.

Jan 21, 2010
Firstly, this not fizzeling for the rest of the day thing, is total nonsense. Each storm spell has its own 70% accuracy rate. The game doesn't count fizzles from previous battles. The game doesn't even count a fizzle that happened four turns ago. KI did have mercy and did add a mechanic to prevent consecutive fizzles. You have to know how to use it though.

There is a mechanic to prevent back to back fizzles for individual wizards. This mechanic is resets each time your wizard successfully casts a spell. If you cast lightning bats and you fizzle, the next attack spell you cast is not likely to fizzle. If you fizzle the second time the next attack is even less likely to fizzle. After the third fizzle a fourth fizzle is nearly impossible, unless you have a negative accuracy charm floating around your head. This is only true if you are attempting to cast attack spells back to back to back.

If you fizzle twice and then cast a heal spell, or a trap, The game sees that you have successfully cast a spell without fizzeling and the anti fizzle mechanic resets.

The way I play; is to get my blades and traps set up, then I cast attack spells until one lands. When one hits, I know the anti fizzle mechanic has reset, so I heal or trap and blade, and then launch another string of attack spells.

No, the mechanic doesn't count other wizard's fizzles. Each wizard is tracked separately. If you are both in the middle of casting your attack salvos, you both have been casting attack spells, only attack spells for the past three turns, and had three fizzles, if you decide to heal your wife's storm wizard your fizzle chance is reset. Your next attack spell will have the base chance to hit ( is fire's chance 75%?) Meanwhile, your wife's storm wizard, if she decides to cast a fourth attack spell in a row, cannot miss. She had three fizzles in a row before, now she is guaranteed a hit. This is of course an extreme example.

tldr: cast all of your attacks in a row until one lands, do not cast any other type of spell in between attack spells. The game tracks fizzle chance for each individual wizard, several wizards or enemies fizzeling at the same time is coincidence.

Jul 28, 2010
zebulous wrote:
Firstly, this not fizzeling for the rest of the day thing, is total nonsense. Each storm spell has its own 70% accuracy rate. The game doesn't count fizzles from previous battles. The game doesn't even count a fizzle that happened four turns ago. KI did have mercy and did add a mechanic to prevent consecutive fizzles. You have to know how to use it though.

There is a mechanic to prevent back to back fizzles for individual wizards. This mechanic is resets each time your wizard successfully casts a spell. If you cast lightning bats and you fizzle, the next attack spell you cast is not likely to fizzle. If you fizzle the second time the next attack is even less likely to fizzle. After the third fizzle a fourth fizzle is nearly impossible, unless you have a negative accuracy charm floating around your head. This is only true if you are attempting to cast attack spells back to back to back.

If you fizzle twice and then cast a heal spell, or a trap, The game sees that you have successfully cast a spell without fizzeling and the anti fizzle mechanic resets.

The way I play; is to get my blades and traps set up, then I cast attack spells until one lands. When one hits, I know the anti fizzle mechanic has reset, so I heal or trap and blade, and then launch another string of attack spells.

No, the mechanic doesn't count other wizard's fizzles. Each wizard is tracked separately. If you are both in the middle of casting your attack salvos, you both have been casting attack spells, only attack spells for the past three turns, and had three fizzles, if you decide to heal your wife's storm wizard your fizzle chance is reset. Your next attack spell will have the base chance to hit ( is fire's chance 75%?) Meanwhile, your wife's storm wizard, if she decides to cast a fourth attack spell in a row, cannot miss. She had three fizzles in a row before, now she is guaranteed a hit. This is of course an extreme example.

tldr: cast all of your attacks in a row until one lands, do not cast any other type of spell in between attack spells. The game tracks fizzle chance for each individual wizard, several wizards or enemies fizzeling at the same time is coincidence.

You sure about this? I have had consecutive fizzles. Also what about smoke screen and black mantle?

Feb 07, 2011
Like Snowy, I've experienced consecutive fizzles... and I'm (mainly) a Balance wizard.

To the OP~ it depends on what level you are, and what gear you're wearing. Fire and Storm are the 2 hardest-hitting AND most fizzle-prone schools in-game, though that can be remedied with the right clothing as you level up. Your wife's fizzles would also not affect you, as Zeb stated, because her wizard and yours are tracked separately.

I think I read something in your post about 81% accuracy... 81 percent is not 100 percent, meaning that there's always a chance for you to fizzle.

Happy trails,

May 19, 2012
I tend to disagree with you about the fizzle mechanics, zebulous. My storm wizard has had many instances where she fizzled four and five times in a row trying to cast an attack spell. If these mechanics have been put into place, the ratio you stated is innacurate, because it is very possible for a storm wizard to fizzle that many times in a row. This is one of the reasons for my many complaints while I was leveling my storm wizard. She has been put on the back burner for now, though I'm not totally giving up on her. I still think as she gets higher level, her fizzle rate will go down, especially if I focus on gearing her up in high accuracy gear. I see a lot of potential in her, but only if I can bring that fizzle rate way down.

Dec 19, 2008
zebulous wrote:
Firstly, this not fizzeling for the rest of the day thing, is total nonsense.

Not really. I said "statistically". And statistically (disregarding the weird scenario you are describing that I would prefer some "backup" on), I was being a little facetious, but also a bit correct at the same time. If something has a 1 in 10 chance of failing, and it fails 4 times in a row (which statistically would be a big deal already) the next 40 times have increased chances of not failing in order to keep the balance of probability.
While each card may have it's own individual chance of failing, in the grand scheme of probability, the chances of something failing again, after the previous "item" with the same chance of failing has failed, should decrease.

zebulous wrote:
There is a mechanic to prevent back to back fizzles for individual wizards.

Well, it happened, to two people, in one fight, 3 times in a row. And all those "mechanics" in place you described didn't seem to happen. And I've never seen that to be true. I know this one game was a bit extreme, but still, this mechanic you describe isn't really good because my wife's Tempest fizzles way too often.

And, incidentally, if the game has to be modified to make it more fair, then maybe the accuracy numbers need to be changed, or done away with all together.

Feb 28, 2012
My thoughts: It is more similar to throwing two dice. Odds are doubles will statistically appear every sixth throw. But if you have ever played MONOPOLY, you know that you goto jail for throwing three doubles in a row, and it happens almost regularly. The dice don't care that you have thrown doubles the last two throws, doubles won't be any less likely to occur for the third throw.

My suggestion: mix it up a little. Throw in some zero-pip 100% spells, mainly blades and traps; converts if they are useful. Not only will they not fizzle (without an accuracy reducer), but they will enhance your next spell.

May 30, 2011
This has been discussed before in other posts about fizzling everybody thinks they fizzle because of the spells they use that is not the reason your fizzling as often as you are i will tell you what i told other people.

If your spells are fizzling its because your not wearing the right kind of gear you need to wear gear that increases your accuracy. the gear i am wearing gives and accuracy of 13 for all schools the hgiher the number is the less chance your spells will fizzle.

Jan 21, 2010
If there were no mechanic in place to prevent fizzles, we would be seeing twelve fizzles in a row.

What is more fair than real honest to goodness actual probability? It is not like chance is a conscious force that can be influenced to play favorites... We are actually being babied in that the fizzle rates are being manipulated in our favor... You are frustrated now? Try playing with an honest 70% accuracy rate! eight fizzles in a row, easy!

Like i said: arrange your battles so that you are able to cast several attack spells in a row. Do not cast any 100% accuracy spells in between attack attempts, this messes things up. Remember, anti-fizzle tracking stops as soon as you successfully cast a spell, and doesn't start until your first fizzle.

I once challenged someone to video tape a mock pvp match between their storm wizard and a friend's balance wizard (black mantel) or a fire wizard ( smoke screen) I asked them to cast only storm snakes and reshuffles(reshuffles to refill their storm snakes) and to make sure that an accuracy debuff was on their storm wizard each time they attempted to cast. I challenged them to show a series of six fizzles in a row with an accuracy debuff on while only casting storm spells. I did require the section showing the six fizzles to be continuous without any editing, and to have the life totals visible at all times.

Starting the video from the storm wizard's storm snake that successfully hit or from a reshuffle, is acceptable also, since any successful spell restarts the fizzle tracking. Simply post the video to youtube and start a thread stating that they had made such a video and giving us the title.

The, "let's play " section of you tube has all sorts of people using software to record their video game runs.

No one ever answered my challenge. A storm wizard with no equipment, casting only storm snake, while under a constant accuracy debuff. Six fizzles in a row, should be easy... unless there were something unseen that prevented it.....

Mar 18, 2009
You can fizzle consecutive times, but there is a limit to those times....

In regards to fizzling in a row, here is what the headmaster had to say:

sghoul wrote:
I do think there needs to be some kind of limit to this. If not a hard limit, perhaps after a fizzle you gain a +5% to the next spell of the same school?

Headmaster Ambrose wrote:
Want to know a secret? The game already does this. In fact, it's more significant than what you are suggesting.

That said, we can't push it too far, or it would throw off the balance of the game. Storm hits significantly harder than any other school, and the downside is that it fizzles more. If you make it fizzle less, the other schools would suffer in comparison.

J. Todd Coleman
Headmaster Ambrose
Director, Wizard101
KingsIsle Entertainment, Inc.


Jan 21, 2010
fireproof1111 wrote:
Ok the best way to explain this is to imagine having a 100 sided dice, Take that dice and roll it for each card played. If you have an 80% chance card that is played and then you rolled an 80 or less on the dice you cast it, But if you rolled a 81 -100 it fizzled. Now keep in mind your accuracy can never be greater than 99% or lower than 1%. It really is more simple than some make it. I will admit it does seem like you get the crap end of the stick sometimes with fizzles but it is just poor chances.

My necromancer has over 100% accuracy for death spells.... The sidhe staff and death shot talent on a pet... My death spells do not fizzle unless I have a smoke screen type effect over me. Soooo why can't my accuracy never be higher than 99%? I have had 99% accuracy in the past, and I did fizzle occasionally. When I passed 100% accuracy, natural fizzles stopped happening, period.

Feb 24, 2012
zebulous wrote:
My necromancer has over 100% accuracy for death spells.... The sidhe staff and death shot talent on a pet... My death spells do not fizzle unless I have a smoke screen type effect over me. Soooo why can't my accuracy never be higher than 99%? I have had 99% accuracy in the past, and I did fizzle occasionally. When I passed 100% accuracy, natural fizzles stopped happening, period.
On the screen it may say over 100% but game standards prevent completness.

For instance my fire has 30 accuracy so for my 75% meteor shower i would have 105% accuracy but i have fizzled it before. As i said nothings 100% complete. there is always that benign chance of a fizzle even if it is almost never.