As Starblood said, Omen is fine the way he is, and definitely does not need to be nerfed. I fought him with a full team of level 60-70, myself being Myth, with two Lifes and a Storm. With a good team, you can do almost anything!
I've fought him many time and usually win. Since there is a very high chance of him dropping a mount I don't think he needs to be nerfed at all. If you don't like him, just don't fight him. Skeleton key bosses aren't necessary.
And you can trap, just not feint. Get enough traps on the sentinel and you can one shot him, even with 99k health. And you can blade once the sentinel is dead.
I would like to see this guy drop gold keys i have done this place a bunch and haven't got a key as a drop and I don't think anyone else has either or maybe make a recipe for keys idk I no I need more keys and the endless farming gets frustrating sometimes
I would like to see this guy drop gold keys i have done this place a bunch and haven't got a key as a drop and I don't think anyone else has either or maybe make a recipe for keys idk I no I need more keys and the endless farming gets frustrating sometimes
I got a gold key from him the first time I did it. I guess it's just rare.
As Starblood said, Omen is fine the way he is, and definitely does not need to be nerfed. I fought him with a full team of level 60-70, myself being Myth, with two Lifes and a Storm. With a good team, you can do almost anything!
~Expect the worst, but Hope for the best~
Not going to be rude. but We want Battle Short and Quick. if you like battling the bosses for 10hr and get well some loot such as 1 mount gold. and other junk. thats perfectly fine for you.
Considering that this is a skeleton boss and not a main quest, Omen and his drops are perfectly fine. His cheats and high health are a challenge to those seeking one. You're almost guaranteed a mount and he drops gear that's good to stitch to.
I'm going to have to agree with most of the people who have commented so far. I would like to see some of the mandatory content be a little bit easier, but this optional content should remain challenging. This stuff is being added to the game to keep mandatory content from being made more difficult by giving people who want a greater challenge other options.
I haven't fought this boss yet as I don't have any Gold keys, so I can't honestly speak specifically to how challenging the duel is. But if others are happy with it, then that tells me KI is making more progress towards the balance many of us have been asking for when it comes to mandatory vs optional content.
Not going to be rude. but We want Battle Short and Quick. if you like battling the bosses for 10hr and get well some loot such as 1 mount gold. and other junk. thats perfectly fine for you.
I did not mention Quick and short battles.
Now there is an idea. Battle should be short and quick. While we are at it let's shorten darkmoor into a half hour dungeon that can also be solo'd because after all, we want battle short and quick.